- BMRB 1093 - PDB 1E8L - Sequential 1H NMR Assignments and Secondary Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme in Solution
- BMRB 4751 - PDB 1IVM - Assignment of 1H and 15N resonances of mouse lysozyme
- BMRB 4876 - PDB 1I56 - 1H,13C,15N assignment of Ca2+-bound state of Canine Milk Lysozyme at 30deg
- BMRB 4883 - PDB 1I56 - H,15N assignment of Ca2+-free state of Canine Milk Lysozyme at 20deg
- BMRB 5130 - PDB 1IY3 - Assignment of 1H, 13C and 15N resonances of Human Lysozyme at 35 C
- BMRB 5142 - PDB 1IY3 - Assignment of 1H, 13C and 15N resonances of Human Lysozyme at 4 C
- BMRB 6622 - PDB 1E8L - Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for HEWL-SMe
- 76 - Assignment of resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of human lysozyme
- 568 - Applications of Natural-Abundance Carbon-13 NMR to Studies of Proteins and Glycoproteins
- 569 - A Structural Study of the Hydrophobic Box Region of Lysozyme in Solution Using Nuclear Overhauser Effects
- 791 - Proton NMR Detection of Long-Range Heteronuclear Multiquantum Coherences in Proteins: The Complete Assignment of the Quaternary Aromatic 13C Shifts in Lysozyme
- 887 - pH-Induced Denaturation of Proteins: A Single Salt Bridge Contributes 3-5 kcal/mol to the Free Energy of Folding of T4 Lysozyme
- 888 - pH-Induced Denaturation of Proteins: A Single Salt Bridge Contributes 3-5 kcal/mol to the Free Energy of Folding of T4 Lysozyme
- 915 - Assignment of the Backbone 1H and 15N NMR Resonances of Bacteriophage T4 Lysozyme
- 1104 - Studies of Individual Carbon Sites of Proteins in Solution by Natural Abundance Carbon 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- 1105 - Studies of Individual Carbon Sites of Proteins in Solution by Natural Abundance Carbon 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- 1650 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1651 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1653 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1669 - A structural study of calcium-binding equine lysozome by two-dimensional 1H-NMR
- 1770 - 1H-NMR Study of the Intramolecular Interaction of a Substrate Analogue Covalently Attached to Aspartic Acid-101 in Lysozyme
- 1771 - 1H-NMR Study of the Intramolecular Interaction of a Substrate Analogue Covalently Attached to Aspartic Acid-101 in Lysozyme
- 1772 - 1H-NMR Study of the Intramolecular Interaction of a Substrate Analogue Covalently Attached to Aspartic Acid-101 in Lysozyme
- 1773 - 1H-NMR Study of the Intramolecular Interaction of a Substrate Analogue Covalently Attached to Aspartic Acid-101 in Lysozyme
- 1798 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1799 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1800 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1801 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1802 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1803 - Effect of inhibitors on conformational changes in hen lysozyme around thermal transition point in solution and solid state
- 1865 - Studies of Individual Carbon Sites of Hen Egg White Lysozyme by Natural Abundance Carbon 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- 1881 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1882 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1883 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1884 - Hydrophobic Clustering in Nonnative States of a Protein: Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Spectra of Denatured States of Lysozyme
- 1975 - N.m.r. study of conformational changes in lysozyme around the thermal transition point
- 1977 - N.m.r. study of conformational changes in lysozyme around the thermal transition point
- 2231 - Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101
- 2232 - Preparation of a Lysozyme Derivative in Which Two Domains Are Cross-Linked Intramolecularly between Trp62 and Asp101
- 2446 - Studies of beta-Sheet Structure in Lysozyme by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Assignments and Analysis of Spin-Spin Coupling Constants
- 2542 - 1H and 15N NMR Study of Human Lysozyme
- 2786 - Complete Assignment of Aromatic 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonances of the Tyrosine Residues of Hen Lysozyme
- 2858 - Comparisons of Ring-Current Shifts Calculated from the Crystal Structure of Egg White Lysozyme of Hen with the Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of Lysozyme in Solution
- 2917 - Study of Tryptophan Residues of Lysozyme Using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- 2957 - Complete Assignment of the 1H NMR Spectrum of the Aromatic Residues of Lysozyme
- 3441 - 1H-NMR analysis of turkey egg-white lysozyme and comparison with hen egg-white lysozyme
- 4562 - 1H and 13C chemical shift assignments of native hen egg white lysozyme
- 4831 - Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Lysozyme
- 4887 - 1H,15N assignment of Ca2+-bound state of Canine Milk Lysozyme at 20deg
- 4943 - 1H Chemical shift Assignments for Lysozymes marketed by Seikagaku and Sigma companies at pH 3.8, 308K
- 5068 - Recombinant hen lysozyme containing the extra N-terminal Met as the standard reference for the study of hen lysozyme variants
- 5069 - NMR Structural Study of Two-Disulfide Variant of hen Lysozyme: 2SS[6-127, 30-115]-A Disulfide Intermediate with a Partly Unfolded Structure
- 5123 - Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Amyloidogenic Variants of Human Lysozyme by NMR Spectroscopy
- 5124 - Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Amyloidogenic Variants of Human Lysozyme by NMR Spectroscopy
- 5125 - Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Amyloidogenic Variants of Human Lysozyme by NMR Spectroscopy
- 5803 - Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C64A/C80A
- 5804 - Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C76A/C94A
- 6415 - Three-disulfide variant of hen lysozyme: C30A/C115A
PDB Lysozyme NMR studies
- 1IVM - Solution structure of mouse lysozyme M
- 1IY3 - Solution structure of Human lysozyme at 4 degrees C
- 1IY4 - Solution structure of Human lysozyme at 35 degrees C