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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
30940 2022-01-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Hairpin near 3'-Splice Site of Influenza A Segment 7 Bound to 5-nt Oligonucleotide Nuclear Magnetic Resonance reveals a two hairpin equilibrium near the 3'-splice site of Influenza A segment 7 mRNA that can be shifted by oligonucleotides Download bibtex for citation iamge A D Kauffmann, D H Turner, E Kierzek, R Kierzek, S D Kennedy, W N Moss
30548 2019-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA Duplex containing the internal loop 5'-UUCG/3'-GCUU Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reveals That GU Base Pairs Flanking Internal Loops Can Adopt Diverse Structures Download bibtex for citation iamge D H Turner, K D Berger, S D Kennedy
30547 2019-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA Duplex containing the internal loop 5'-GCAU/3'-UACG Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reveals That GU Base Pairs Flanking Internal Loops Can Adopt Diverse Structures Download bibtex for citation iamge D H Turner, K D Berger, S D Kennedy
30546 2019-02-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA Duplex containing the internal loop 5'-GCUU/3'-UUCG Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reveals That GU Base Pairs Flanking Internal Loops Can Adopt Diverse Structures Download bibtex for citation iamge D H Turner, K D Berger, S D Kennedy
30268 2017-07-20 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Structure of a GA Rich 8x8 Nucleotide RNA Internal Loop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structure of an 8 x 8 Nucleotide RNA Internal Loop Flanked on Each Side by Three Watson-Crick Pairs and Comparison to Three-Dimensional Predictions Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew D Kauffmann, Douglas H Turner, Jianbo Zhao, Scott D Kennedy
25415 2015-05-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural features of a 3' splice site influenza A: 19-nt duplex Structural features of a 3' splice site in influenza A Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Jonathan L Chen, Scott D Kennedy
25414 2015-05-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural features of a 3' splice site influenza A: 11-nt hairpin Structural features of a 3' splice site in influenza A Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Jonathan L Chen, Scott D Kennedy
25416 2015-05-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural features of a 3' splice site in influenza A: 39-nt hairpin Structural features of a 3' splice site in influenza A Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Jonathan L Chen, Scott D Kennedy
18656 2011-05-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Major Conformation of the Internal Loop 5'GAGU/3'UGAG Novel conformation of an RNA structural switch. Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
17406 2011-08-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of a 4X4 Nucleotide RNA Internal Loop from an R2 Retrotransposon NMR structure of a 4 x 4 nucleotide RNA internal loop from an R2 retrotransposon: identification of a three purine-purine sheared pair motif and comparison to MC-SYM predictions. Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Francois Major, Marc Parisien, Neelaabh Shankar, Scott D Kennedy, Yelena V Lerman
16950 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'AAGU/3'UGAA RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16953 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGG/3'GGAU RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16952 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGA/3'AGAU RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
16951 2010-07-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'GAGC/3'CGAG RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA. Download bibtex for citation iamge Blanton S Tolbert, Douglas H Turner, Nicholas B Hammond, Ryszard Kierzek, Scott D Kennedy
7230 2006-10-19 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
The NMR Structure of an Internal Loop from 23S Ribosomal RNA Differs from its Structure in Crystals of the 50S Ribosomal Subunit The NMR Structure of an Internal Loop from 23S Ribosomal RNA Differs from Its Structure in Crystals of 50S Ribosomal Subunits Download bibtex for citation iamge D H Turner, G Chen, Neelaabh Shankar, S D Kennedy, T R Krugh
6979 2006-06-26 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
An Alternating Sheared AA Pair and Elements of Stability for a Single Sheared Purine-Purine Pair Flanked by Sheared GA Pairs An Alternating Sheared AA Pair and Elements of Stability for a Single Sheared Purine-Purine Pair Flanked by Sheared GA Pairs in RNA Download bibtex for citation iamge Douglas H Turner, Gang Chen, Jing Qiao, Scott D Kennedy, Thomas R Krugh
6263 2005-03-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of a Loop Truncated Mutant from D. gigas Rubredoxin, NMR Structural Determinants of Protein Stabilization by Solutes: The Important of the Hair-pin Loop in Rubredoxins Download bibtex for citation iamge D L Turner, H Santos, J LeGall, P Lamosa, T M Pais, W dos Santos
5777 2003-06-09 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
PODN:RNA [5'-R(AAAGGAGGA)-3'/5'-D(XXXXXXX)-3'] NMR Studies of DNA Single Strands and DNA:RNA Hybrids With and Without 1-Propynylation at C5 of Oligopyrimidines Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, T R Krugh, T W Barnes
5776 2010-07-16 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
sPrODN1:RNA [5'-R(AAAGGAGGA)-3'/5'-D(CXXXXXX)-3'] NMR Studies of DNA Single Strands and DNA:RNA Hybrids With and Without 1-Propynylation at C5 of Oligopyrimidines Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, T R Krugh, T W Barnes
5775 2003-06-09 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
5'(dCCUCCUU)3':3'(rAGGAGGAAA)5' NMR Studies of DNA Single Strands and DNA:RNA Hybrids With and Without 1-Propynylation at C5 of Oligopyrimidines Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, T R Krugh, T W Barnes
5614 2002-12-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Sheared A(anti)-A(anti) Pairs in a Destabilizing 2x2 Internal Loop: The NMR Structure of 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Sheared A(anti)*A(anti) base Pairs in a Destabilizing 2 x 2 Internal Loop: The NMR Structure of 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)(2) Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, M E Burkard, S J Schroeder, T R Krugh
5588 2002-12-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, M E Burkard, T R Krugh
5586 2002-12-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, M E Burkard, T R Krugh
5587 2002-12-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Molecular Recognition in Purine-Rich Internal Loops: Thermodynamic, Structural, and Dynamic Consequences of Purine for Adenine Substitutions in 5'(rGGCAAGCCU)2 Download bibtex for citation iamge B M Znosko, D H Turner, M E Burkard, T R Krugh
5163 2002-02-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of desulfovibrio gigas zinc rubredoxin, NMR, 20 structures NMR Structure of Desulfovibrio gigas Rubredoxin: a Model for studying Protein Stabilization by Compatible Solutes Download bibtex for citation iamge D L Turner, H Santos, H Vis, L Brennan, P Lamosa
4837 2001-07-11 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution Structure of Methylophilus methylotrophus Cytochrome C'': Insights into the Structural Basis of Heme-ligand Detachment Solution Structure of Methylophilus methylotrophus Cytochrome C'': Insights into the Structural Basis of Heme-ligand Detachment Download bibtex for citation iamge D L Turner, H Santos, L Brennan, P Fareleira
4435 2000-12-07 Chemical Shifts: 5 sets
Structural Basis for the Network of Functional Cooperativities in Cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio gigas: Solution Structures of the Oxidised and Reduced states Structural Basis for the Network of Functional Cooperativities in Cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio gigas: Solution Structures of the Oxidised and Reduced states Download bibtex for citation iamge A C Messias, A V Xavier, D L Turner, H Santos, J Legall, L Brennan, M L Teodoro
4436 2000-12-07 Chemical Shifts: 5 sets
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Proton Assignment of the Ferrocytochrome C3 from Desulfovibrio gigas. Structural Basis for the Network of Functional Cooperativities in Cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio gigas: Solution Structures of the Oxidised and Reduced states Download bibtex for citation iamge A C Messias, A V Xavier, D L Turner, H Santos, J Legall, L Brennan, M L Teodoro
4291 1999-03-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Solution Structure of Desulfovibrio Vulgaris (Hildenborough) Ferrocytochrome C3: Structural Basis for Functional Cooperativity Solution Structure of Desulfovibrio Vulgaris (Hildenborough) Ferrocytochrome C3: Structural Basis for Functional Cooperativity Download bibtex for citation iamge A C Messias, A V Xavier, D HK Kastrau, D L Turner, H Santos, H S Costa, J Legall