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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52068 2024-04-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignment of the ClpL-N-terminal domain from Listeria monocytogenes The Listeria monocytogenes persistence factor ClpL is a potent stand-alone disaggregase Download bibtex for citation iamge Axel Mogk, Bernd Simon, Dirk Fleming, Irmgard Sinning, Janosch Hennig, Lena Meins, Nele M Hollmann, Panagiotis Katikaridis, Tobias Melzer, Valentin Bohl
51888 2023-05-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone chemical shift assignment of Drosophila Khc 855-975 Tropomyosin 1-I/C coordinates kinesin-1 and dynein motors during oskar mRNA transport Download bibtex for citation iamge Anne Ephrussi, Bernd Simon, Eve Mehtab, Janosch Hennig, Karine Lapouge, Mark A McClintock, Simone Heber, Simon L Bullock
51393 2023-07-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
drosophila pAbp RRM3 Upstream of N-Ras C-terminal cold shock domains mediate poly(A) specificity in a novel RNA recognition mode and bind poly(A) binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Brice Murciano, Janosch Hennig, Jochen Hub, Johanna-Barbara Linse, Marco Payr, Nele Merret M Hollmann, Philip Ullmann, Pravin KA Jagtap
51395 2023-07-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
drosophila pAbp PABC Upstream of N-Ras C-terminal cold shock domains mediate poly(A) specificity in a novel RNA recognition mode and bind poly(A) binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Brice Murciano, Janosch Hennig, Jochen Hub, Johanna-Barbara Linse, Marco Payr, Nele Merret M Hollmann, Philip Ullmann, Pravin KA Jagtap
51394 2023-07-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
drosophila pAbp RRM4 Upstream of N-Ras C-terminal cold shock domains mediate poly(A) specificity in a novel RNA recognition mode and bind poly(A) binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Brice Murciano, Janosch Hennig, Jochen Hub, Johanna-Barbara Linse, Marco Payr, Nele Merret M Hollmann, Philip Ullmann, Pravin KA Jagtap
51392 2023-07-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
drosophila pAbp RRM2 Upstream of N-Ras C-terminal cold shock domains mediate poly(A) specificity in a novel RNA recognition mode and bind poly(A) binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Brice Murciano, Janosch Hennig, Jochen Hub, Johanna-Barbara Linse, Marco Payr, Nele Merret M Hollmann, Philip Ullmann, Pravin KA Jagtap
34648 2022-07-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR solution structure of the C6 domain of von Willebrand Factor Structure and dynamics of the von Willebrand Factor C6 domain Download bibtex for citation iamge Angelika Mojzisch, Bernd Simon, Camilo Aponte-Santamaria, Cy Jeffries, Emma-Ruoqi R Xu, Fabian Kutzki, Frauke Grater, Janosch Hennig, Kai Horny, Maria A Brehm, Matthias Wilmanns, Po-Chia C Chen, Reinhard Schneppenheim
50914 2021-08-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone (NH, CA, CB) chemical shifts of free ERH-2 from C.elegans Structural basis of PETISCO complex assembly during piRNA biogenesis in C. elegans Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Cecilia Perez-Borrajero, Emil Karaulanov, Janosch Hennig, Jerome Basquin, Kay Holleis, Nadezda Podvalnaya, Raffael Lichtenberger, Rene F Ketting, Sebastian Falk
28087 2021-09-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
dUnr Cterminal Qrich Pseudo-RNA binding domains mediate RNA structure specificity in Upstream of N-Ras Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Dylan Mooijman, Fatima Gebauer, Frank Stein, Janosch Hennig, Jan Provaznik, Lara Jayne Sweetapple, Laura Villacorte, Mikhail Savitski, Nele Merret Hollmann, Pawel Masiewicz, Per Haberkant, Pravin Kumar Ankush Jagtap, Tanit Guitart, Valdimir Benes
28086 2020-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Unr CSD789 Pseudo-RNA binding domains mediate RNA structure specificity in Upstream of N-Ras Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Dylan Mooijman, Fatima Gebauer, Frank Stein, Janosch Hennig, Jan Provaznik, Kumar Ankush Jagtap, Lara Jayne Sweetapple, Laura Villacorte, Mikhail Savitski, Nele Merret Hollmann, Pawel Masiewicz, Per Haberkant, Tanit Guitart, Vladimir Benes
28088 2020-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
dUnr CSD456 Pseudo-RNA binding domains mediate RNA structure specificity in Upstream of N-Ras Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Dylan Mooijman, Fatima Gebauer, Frank Stein, Janosch Hennig, Jan Provaznik, Lara Jayne Sweetapple, Laura Villacorte, Mikhail Savitski, Nele Merret Hollmann, Pawel Masiewicz, Per Haberkant, Pravin Kumar Ankush Jagtap, Tanit Guitart, Valdimir Benes
28089 2021-09-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
dUnr CSD6 Pseudo-RNA binding domains mediate RNA structure specificity in Upstream of N-Ras Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Dylan Mooijman, Fatima Gebauer, Frank Stein, Janosch Hennig, Jan Provaznik, Lara Jayne Sweetapple, Laura Villacorte, Mikhail Savitski, Nele Merret Hollmann, Pawel Masiewicz, Per Haberkant, Pravin Kumar Ankush Jagtap, Tanit Guitart, Valdimir Benes
27894 2020-02-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone assignment of human FOXO1 Mechanistic insights into transcription factor cooperativity and its impact on protein-phenotype interactions Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Klaus, Britta Velten, Ignacio L Ibarra, Janosch Hennig, Judith B Zaugg, Nele Merret Hollmann, Sandra A Augsten
34336 2019-06-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural and functional insights into the condensin ATPase cycle Structural Basis of an Asymmetric Condensin ATPase Cycle. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bernd Simon, Christian H Haering, Fabian Merkel, Henry J Bailey, Indra A Shaltiel, Jakub Macosek, Janosch Hennig, Jutta Metz, Lena Tharichen, Marc Kschonsak, Markus Hassler, Sol Bravo
34144 2017-06-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
NMR structure of TIA-1 RRM1 domain Segmental, Domain-Selective Perdeuteration and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering for Structural Analysis of Multi-Domain Proteins Download bibtex for citation iamge Arie Geerlof, Bernd Simon, Frank Gabel, Janosch Hennig, Marie-Sousai S Appavou, Michael Sattler, Miriam Sonntag, Pravin Kumar Ankush Jagtap, Ralf Stehle
217 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
224 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
219 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
222 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
221 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
220 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
225 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
226 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
223 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
216 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert
218 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange 1H NMR Studies of Eukaryotic Cytochrome c Resonance Assignments and Iron-Hexacyanide-Mediated Electron Exchange Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew P Boswell, Bernd Hennig, Crispin GS Eley, Geoffrey R Moore, Glyn Williams, Martin N Robinson, Robert JP Williams, Walter J Neupert