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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
4803 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H,13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferrous cytochrome b5 NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4804 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H,13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferrous cytochrome b5-N17D NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4805 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferric cytochrome b5 in complex with horse heart ferric cytochrome c NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4806 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferric cytochrome b5 NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4807 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferric cytochrome b5-N17D NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4808 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferrous cytochrome b5 in complex with horse heart ferrous cytochrome c NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4809 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferrous cytochrome b5-N17D in complex with horse heart ferrous cytochrome c NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
4810 2000-11-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts of bovine ferric cytochrome b5 in complex with horse heart ferric cytochrome c NMR Studies of the Association of Cytochrome b5 with Cytochrome c Download bibtex for citation iamge Elizabeth M Storch, Gary Wolfe, Hong Zhang, Kellie Hom, Lucy Waskell, Qi-Feng Ma, Valerie Daggett, Vladimir J Basus
8 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural Studies of alpha-Bungarotoxin. 1. Sequence-Specific 1H NMR Resonance Assignments Structural Studies of alpha-Bungarotoxin. 1. Sequence-Specific 1H NMR Resonance Assignments Download bibtex for citation iamge Irwin D Kuntz, Martin Billeter, Robert A Love, Robert M Stroud, Vladimir J Basus