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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50405 2020-07-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
WT1(-KTS) backbone and side chain 13C, 15N and 1H assignments Alternative splicing of Wilms' tumor suppressor protein modulates DNA binding activity through isoform-specific DNA-induced conformational changes. Download bibtex for citation iamge H J Dyson, J Chung, J H Laity, P E Wright
30004 2016-03-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of TAZ2-p53TAD Recognition of the disordered p53 transactivation domain by the transcriptional adapter zinc finger domains of CREB-binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Krois, H J Dyson, J C Ferreon, M A Martinez-Yamout, P E Wright
30002 2016-03-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of p53TAD-TAZ1 Recognition of the disordered p53 transactivation domain by the transcriptional adapter zinc finger domains of CREB-binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Krois, H J Dyson, J C Ferreon, M A Martinez-Yamout, P E Wright
30003 2016-03-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of TAZ2-p53AD2 Recognition of the disordered p53 transactivation domain by the transcriptional adapter zinc finger domains of CREB-binding protein Download bibtex for citation iamge A S Krois, H J Dyson, J C Ferreon, M A Martinez-Yamout, P E Wright
18650 2013-09-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of RelA-TAD/CBP-TAZ1 complex Analysis of the RelA:CBP/p300 interaction reveals its involvement in NF-B-driven transcription. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander Hoffmann, Gourisankar Ghosh, Harry A Birnbaum, Marcelo Behar, Peter E Wright, Sulakshana P Mukherjee
16943 2010-08-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structure of the leader sequence of the patellamide precursor peptide, PatE1-34 Solution structure of the leader sequence of the patellamide precursor peptide, PatE1-34. Download bibtex for citation iamge Arnout P Kalverda, Gary S Thompson, Marcel Jaspars, Sharon M Kelly, Stephen H Wright, Wael E Houssen
16182 2010-10-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The solution conformation of the leader sequence of the prepropeptide for the microcin-like patellamides Solution structure of the leader sequence of the patellamide precursor peptide, PatE1-34. Download bibtex for citation iamge Arnout P Kalverda, Gary S Thompson, Marcel Jaspars, Sharon M Kelly, Stephen H Wright, Wael E Houssen
6974 2007-02-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
human p23(1-160) Localization of sites of interaction between p23 and Hsp90 in solution Download bibtex for citation iamge Gerard Kroon, H Jane Dyson, Maria A Martinez-Yamout, Nicholas E Preece, Peter E Wright, Rani P Venkitakrishnan
6973 2007-02-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
human p23(1-119) Localization of sites of interaction between p23 and Hsp90 in solution Download bibtex for citation iamge Gerard Kroon, H Jane Dyson, Maria A Martinez-Yamout, Nicholas E Preece, Peter E Wright, Rani P Venkitakrishnan
6005 2005-11-14 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Structural Basis for Recognition of the mRNA Class II AU-Rich Element by the Tandem Zinc Finger Domain of TIS11d Recognition of the mRNA AU-Rich Element by the Zinc Finger Domain of TIS11d Download bibtex for citation iamge Brian P Hudson, H Jane Dyson, Maria A Martinez-Yamout, Peter E Wright
5740 2003-10-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N Chemical shift assignments for the ternary DHFR:FOLATE:NADP+ complex Diagnostic Chemical Shift Markers for Loop Conformation and Substrate and Cofactor Binding in Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge H Jane Dyson, Michael J Osborne, Peter E Wright, Rani P Venkitakrishnan
5741 2003-10-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1NH, 13C and 15N Chemical shift assignments for the ternary DHFR:FOLATE:DHNADPH complex Diagnostic Chemical Shift Markers for Loop Conformation and Substrate and Cofactor Binding in Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexes Download bibtex for citation iamge H Jane Dyson, Michael J Osborne, Peter E Wright, Rani P Venkitakrishnan
5044 2001-11-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical shift assignments for the third Immunoglobulin domain from the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM Solution Structure of the Third Immunoglobulin Domain of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule N-CAM: Can Solution Studies Define the Mechanism of Homophilic Binding? Download bibtex for citation iamge A R Atkins, B A Cunningham, E B Little, G M Edelman, H J Dyson, J Chung, P E Wright, S Deechongkit
4349 2007-07-13 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Backbone Resonance Assignments for the Fv Fragment of the Catalytic Antibody NPN43C9 with Bound p-nitrophenol Backbone Resonance Assignments for the Fv Fragment of the Catalytic Antibody NPN43C9 with Bound p-nitrophenol Download bibtex for citation iamge Gerard J A Kroon, H Jane Dyson, John Chung, Joseph F Krebs, Maria A Martinez-Yamout, Peter E Wright
4248 1999-11-23 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
LEF1 HMG Domain (From Mouse), Complexed with DNA (15bp), NMR, 12 Structures Structural basis for DNA bending by the architectural transcription factor LEF-1 Download bibtex for citation iamge D A Case, J J Love, K Giese, P E Wright, R Grosschedl, X Li
4153 2000-06-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High-Resolution Solution Structure of the Retinoid X Receptor DNA-Binding Domain High-Resolution Solution Structure of the Retinoid X Receptor DNA-Binding Domain Download bibtex for citation iamge D R Casimiro, D S Sem, H J Dyson, M P Foster, Peter E Wright, Signe MA Holmbeck
4019 1999-04-14 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H, 13C and 15N Resonance Assignments of Recombinant Poplar Plastocyanin 1H, 13C and 15N Resonance Assignments of Recombinant Poplar Plastocyanin Download bibtex for citation iamge Garry P Gippert, Martine Reymond, Peter E Wright, Shohei Koide
2528 1999-06-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Conformation and Dynamics of an Fab'-Bound Peptide by Isotope-Edited NMR Spectroscopy Conformation and Dynamics of an Fab'-Bound Peptide by Isotope-Edited NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge J M Ostresh, Mark Rance, Peter E Wright, P Tsang, R A Houghten, Richard A Lerner, T M Fieser
2529 1999-06-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Conformation and Dynamics of an Fab'-Bound Peptide by Isotope-Edited NMR Spectroscopy Conformation and Dynamics of an Fab'-Bound Peptide by Isotope-Edited NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge J M Ostresh, Mark Rance, Peter E Wright, P Tsang, R A Houghten, Richard A Lerner, T M Fieser
2063 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High-resolution Solution Structure of Reduced French Bean Plastocyanin and Comparison with the Crystal Structure of Poplar Plastocyanin High-resolution Solution Structure of Reduced French Bean Plastocyanin and Comparison with the Crystal Structure of Poplar Plastocyanin Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher A Lepre, David A Case, Garry P Gippert, Jonathan M Moore, Peter E Wright, Walter J Chazin