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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51950 2023-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts of human IL-1b (V47A) at pH 7.4 at 296 K and 309 K Discovery of a selective and biologically active low-molecular weight antagonist of human interleukin-1b Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Boettcher, Andreas Lingel, Anke Blechschmidt, Anna Vulpetti, Christian Kaiser, Christian Schleberger, Daniela Ostermeier, Elke Koch, Felix Freuler, Frederic Bornancin, Jacob Brady, Jean-Michel Rondeau, Joerg Eder, Jutta Blank, Konstanze Hurth, Lucca Mureddu, Michael Hediger, Paul Ramage, Philipp Lehr, Rina Yamamoto, Sandra Haenni-Holzinger, Sylvie Lehmann, Ulrich Hommel, Valentina Tundo-Dottorello
51938 2023-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts of human IL-1b at pH 7.4 and 296 K in the presence of antagonist S-2 Discovery of a selective and biologically active low-molecular weight antagonist of human interleukin-1b Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Boettcher, Andreas Lingel, Anke Blechschmidt, Anna Vulpetti, Christian Kaiser, Christian Schleberger, Daniela Ostermeier, Elke Koch, Felix Freuler, Frederic Bornancin, Jacob Brady, Jean-Michel Rondeau, Joerg Eder, Jutta Blank, Konstanze Hurth, Lucca Mureddu, Michael Hediger, Paul Ramage, Philipp Lehr, Rina Yamamoto, Sandra Haenni-Holzinger, Sylvie Lehmann, Ulrich Hommel, Valentina Tundo-Dottorello
51919 2023-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts of human IL-1b at pH 7.4 and 309 K Discovery of a selective and biologically active low-molecular weight antagonist of human interleukin-1b Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Boettcher, Andreas Lingel, Anke Blechschmidt, Anna Vulpetti, Christian Kaiser, Christian Schleberger, Daniela Ostermeier, Elke Koch, Felix Freuler, Frederic Bornancin, Jacob Brady, Jean-Michel Rondeau, Joerg Eder, Jutta Blank, Konstanze Hurth, Lucca Mureddu, Michael Hediger, Paul Ramage, Philipp Lehr, Rina Yamamoto, Sandra Haenni-Holzinger, Sylvie Lehmann, Ulrich Hommel, Valentina Tundo-Dottorello
51859 2023-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shifts of human IL-1b at pH 7.4 and 296 K Discovery of a selective and biologically active low-molecular weight antagonist of human interleukin-1b Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Boettcher, Andreas Lingel, Anke Blechschmidt, Anna Vulpetti, Christian Kaiser, Christian Schleberger, Daniela Ostermeier, Elke Koch, Felix Freuler, Frederic Bornancin, Jacob Brady, Jean-Michel Rondeau, Joerg Eder, Jutta Blank, Konstanze Hurth, Lucca Mureddu, Michael Hediger, Paul Ramage, Philipp Lehr, Rina Yamamoto, Sandra Haenni-Holzinger, Sylvie Lehmann, Ulrich Hommel, Valentina Tundo-Dottorello
50474 2020-12-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Methyl assignments of Hsp90 FL AIM LV pro-R labeled bound to AMP-PNP The co-chaperone p23 coordinates client binding and progression of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle via flexible regions Download bibtex for citation iamge Abraham Lopez, Alexandra Rehn, Birgit Blank, Jannis Lawatscheck, Johannes Buchner, Lee Freiburger, Maximilian M Biebl, Michael Sattler
50472 2020-12-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Methyl assignments of Hsp90 FL AIM LV pro-R labeled The co-chaperone p23 coordinates client binding and progression of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle via flexible regions Download bibtex for citation iamge Abraham Lopez, Alexandra Rehn, Birgit Blank, Jannis Lawatscheck, Johannes Buchner, Lee Freiburger, Maximilian M Biebl, Michael Sattler
26587 2016-10-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone chemical shifts of Roquin ROQ domain in complex with Ox40 stem-hexa-loop RNA Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3'-UTR of Ox40 Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas R Gruber, Andreas Schlundt, Dierk Niessing, Gitta A Heinz, Michael Blank, Michael Sattler, Mihaela Zavolan, Nina Wommelsdorf, Raymund Buhmann, Robert Janowski, Sven Brenner, Thorsten Buch, Vigo Heissmeyer
26588 2016-10-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone chemical shifts of Roquin ROQ domain in complex with a Selex-derived stem-hexa-loop RNA motif Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3'-UTR of Ox40 Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas R Gruber, Andreas Schlundt, Dierk Niessing, Gitta A Heinz, Michael Blank, Michael Sattler, Mihaela Zavolan, Nina Wommelsdorf, Raymund Buhmann, Robert Janowski, Sven Brenner, Thorsten Buch, Vigo Heissmeyer