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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
26625 2015-09-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
PH domain of the Arf GAP ASAP1 Molecular Basis for Cooperative Binding of Anionic Phospholipids to the PH Domain of the Arf GAP ASAP1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew Byrd, Di Xia, James M Gruschus, Marielle E Yohe, Neeladri Sekhar Roy, Paul A Randazzo, Pei-Wen Chen, Peng Zhai, Ruibai Luo, Wai-Kwan Tang, Xiaoying Jian, Yifei Li
25668 2016-04-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the Q343R Mutant of TDP-43 Amyloidogenic Core Region Two mutations G335D and Q343R within the amyloidogenic core region of TDP-43 influence its aggregation and inclusion formation Download bibtex for citation iamge Hong-Yu Hu, Hui Yang, Jian Zhao, Lei-Lei Jiang, Mei-Xia Che, Wen-Tian He, Xiao-Fang Yin
25667 2016-04-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of the G335D Mutant of TDP-43 Amyloidogenic Core Region Two mutations G335D and Q343R within the amyloidogenic core region of TDP-43 influence its aggregation and inclusion formation Download bibtex for citation iamge Hong-Yu Hu, Hui Yang, Jian Zhao, Lei-Lei Jiang, Mei-Xia Che, Wen-Tian He, Xiao-Fang Yin
25659 2016-04-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of TDP-43 Amyloidogenic Core Region Two mutations G335D and Q343R within the amyloidogenic core region of TDP-43 influence its aggregation and inclusion formation Download bibtex for citation iamge Hong-Yu Hu, Hui Yang, Jian Zhao, Lei-Lei Jiang, Mei-Xia Che, Wen-Tian He, Xiao-Fang Yin
19689 2014-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Resonance assignments of a phytocystatin from Sesamum indicum L. Resonance assignments and secondary structure of calmodulin in complex with its target sequence in rat olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chia-Lin Chyan, Deli Irene, Fu-Hsing Sung, Jian-Wen Huang, Ta-Hsien Lin, Yi-Chen Chen
18933 2014-03-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
ASFV Pol X structure How a low-fidelity DNA polymerase chooses non-watson-crick from watson-crick incorporation. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chun-Wei Eric Wang, Frank HT Nelissen, Jian-Li Wu, Jurgen F Doreleijers, Liang-Hin Lim, Mei-I Su, Ming-Chuan Chad Chen, Ming-Daw Tsai, Sandeep Kumar, Sybren S Wijmenga, Wen-Jin Wu
18934 2014-03-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Binary complex of African Swine Fever Virus Pol X with MgdGTP How a low-fidelity DNA polymerase chooses non-watson-crick from watson-crick incorporation. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chun-Wei Eric Wang, Frank HT Nelissen, Jian-Li Wu, Jurgen F Doreleijers, Liang-Hin Lim, Mei-I Su, Ming-Chuan Chad Chen, Ming-Daw Tsai, Sandeep Kumar, Sybren S Wijmenga, Wen-Jin Wu
18935 2014-03-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
African Swine Fever Virus Pol X in the ternary complex with MgdGTP and DNA How a low-fidelity DNA polymerase chooses non-watson-crick from watson-crick incorporation. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chun-Wei Eric Wang, Frank HT Nelissen, Jian-Li Wu, Jurgen F Doreleijers, Liang-Hin Lim, Mei-I Su, Ming-Chuan Chad Chen, Ming-Daw Tsai, Sandeep Kumar, Sybren S Wijmenga, Wen-Jin Wu
18649 2012-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Transmembrane domain of Amyloid precursor protein WT Familial Alzheimer's mutations within APPTM increase A42 production by enhancing accessibility of -cleavage site. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunyu Wang, David J Rosenman, Eric Gamache, Jian Xie, Maria M Lopez, Wen Chen, Yue-Ming Li
18648 2012-09-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
APPTM V44M Familial Alzheimer's mutations within APPTM increase A42 production by enhancing accessibility of -cleavage site. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chunyu Wang, David J Rosenman, Eric Gamache, Jian Xie, Maria M Lopez, Wen Chen, Yue-Ming Li
17908 2012-07-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure Analysis of the ImKTx104 Structural and functional diversity of acidic scorpion potassium channel toxins Download bibtex for citation iamge Dan-Yun Y Zeng, Hong X Yi, Jiu-Ping W Ding, Ling Jiang, Mai-Li J Liu, Na Pan, Wen-Xin L Li, Ya-Wen He, Ying-Liang L Wu, You-Tian T Hu, Zhi-Jian P Cao, Zong-Yun Y Chen
17771 2012-09-20 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Resonance Assignments of Calmodulin Complexed with the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of Olfactory Nucleotide Gated Ion Channel Binding orientation and specificity of calmodulin to rat olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel. Download bibtex for citation iamge Chia-Lin Chyan, Deli Irene, Feng-Yin Li, Fu-Hsing Sung, Jason T-C Tzen, Jian-Wen Huang, Ta-Hsien Lin, Tse-Yu Chung, Yi-Chen Chen
16418 2010-03-08 Binding_constants: 1 set
Interaction between calcium-free calmodulin and IQ motif of neurogranin studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Interaction between calcium-free calmodulin and IQ motif of neurogranin studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge David Man, Donghai Lin, Guang Zhu, Jian Wen, Kong Hung Sze, Maili Liu, Yanfang Cui
6023 2004-12-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 15N, and 13C Resonance Assignments of Calmodulin Complexed with the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of Protein Phosphatase 2B Letter to the Editor: 1H, 15N, and 13C Resonance Assignments of Calmodulin Complexed with the Calmodulin-Binding Domain of calcineurin Download bibtex for citation iamge Chia-Lin Chyan, Chia-Yen Liu, Chi-jen Lo, Hsien-bin Huang, Jian-Wen Huang, Ta-Hsien Lin, Tzu Chun Tang, Yi-chen Chen