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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
36342 2021-02-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The NMR structure of the BEN domain from human NAC1 Nucleus Accumbens-Associated Protein 1 Binds DNA Directly through the BEN Domain in a Sequence-Specific Manner Download bibtex for citation iamge E Obayashi, G Sakashita, H Kato, H Yoshida, K Nakayama, L C Murphy, N Kobayashi, N Nakayama, S Kyo, SY Park, T Nagata, T Urano, Y Nariai
30304 2017-09-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Molecular structure of FUS low sequence complexity domain protein fibrils Structure of FUS Protein Fibrils and Its Relevance to Self-Assembly and Phase Separation of Low-Complexity Domains Download bibtex for citation iamge D T Murray, I Hung, K Thurber, M Kato, R Tycko, S McKnight, Y Lin
11057 2012-07-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
MICROTUBULE BINDING DOMAIN OF DYNEIN-C Structure of the Microtubule-Binding Domain of Flagellar Dynein Download bibtex for citation iamge K Yura, M Tanokura, R Kamiya, S Burgess, S Harris, S Honda, S Ohki, T Yagi, Y Kato, Y Shimizu
6721 2006-04-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the first WW domain of FBP11 Solution structure and binding specificity of FBP11/HYPA WW domain as Group-II/III Download bibtex for citation iamge K Nagata, M Tanokura, Y Hino, Y Kato
6719 2007-01-29 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Complex structure of the first WW domain of FBP11/HYPA and a -Pro-Pro-Leu-Pro- ligand reveals mechanism of Pro-rich ligand recognition by Group-II/III WW domains Solution structure and binding specificity of FBP11/HYPA WW domain as Group-II/III Download bibtex for citation iamge K Nagata, M Tanokura, Y Hino, Y Kato