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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
5882 2004-04-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone chemical shift assignments for the C-terminal globular domain of EMILIN-1 Letter to the Editor: Sequence-specific backbone NMR assignments for the C-terminal globular domain of EMILIN-1. Download bibtex for citation iamge Alessandra Corazza, Alfonso Colombatti, Gabriella Mungiguerra, Gennaro Esposito, Giuliana Verdone, Iain D Campbell, Jonathan Boyd, Paolo Viglino, Roberto Doliana, Simon A Colebrooke
5782 2004-02-12 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
1H chemical shift assignment for the truncated form of the human beta2-microglobulin lacking of the first 3 residues Properties of some variants of human beta2-microglobulin and amyloidogenesis Download bibtex for citation iamge Alessandra Corazza, Alessia Andreola, Fabio Pettirossi, Gennaro Esposito, Giuliana Verdone, Julian Garcia, Monica Stoppini, Palma Mangione, Paolo Viglino, Pascal Dumy, Sofia Giorgetti, Vittorio Bellotti
5783 2004-02-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H chemical shift assignments for a mutant of human beta2-microglobulin where ARG 3 is replaced by Ala Properties of some variants of human beta2-microglobulin and amyloidogenesis Download bibtex for citation iamge Alessandra Corazza, Alessia Andreola, Fabio Pettirossi, Gennaro Esposito, Giuliana Verdone, Julian Garcia, Monica Stoppini, Palma Mangione, Paolo Viglino, Pascal Dumy, Sofia Giorgetti, Vittorio Bellotti
5784 2004-02-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H assignment of a human variant of beta2-microglobulin where His 31 was replaced by a Tyr Properties of some variants of human beta2-microglobulin and amyloidogenesis Download bibtex for citation iamge Alessandra Corazza, Alessia Andreola, Fabio Pettirossi, Gennaro Esposito, Giuliana Verdone, Julian Garcia, Monica Stoppini, Palma Mangione, Paolo Viglino, Pascal Dumy, Sofia Giorgetti, Vittorio Bellotti