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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51110 2022-03-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for RGL1-Ras-association domain Structures of RGL1 RAS-Association domain in complex with KRAS and the oncogenic G12V mutant Download bibtex for citation iamge Ben J Eves, Christopher B Marshall, Douglas A Kuntz, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Gilbert G Prive, Mitsu Ikura, Teklab Gebregiworgis
51071 2021-11-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR-driven structure of KRAS4B-G12D-GTP homodimer on a lipid bilayer nanodisc Oncogenic KRAS G12D mutation promotes dimerization through a second, phosphatidylserine-dependent interface: a model for KRAS oligomerization Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher Marshall, Genevieve Gasmi-Seabrook, Ki-Young Lee, Masahiro Enomoto, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Teklab Gebregiworgis
30640 2020-05-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR data-driven model of KRas-GMPPNP:RBD-CRD complex tethered to a nanodisc (state B) Multivalent assembly of KRAS with the RAS-binding and cysteine-rich domains of CRAF on the membrane Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher B Marshall, Genevieve Gasmi-Seabrook, Ki-Young Y Lee, Ku-Geng G Huo, Le Zheng, Ming-Sound S Tsao, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Nadeem Moghal, Zhenhao Fang
30639 2020-05-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR data-driven model of KRas-GMPPNP:RBD-CRD complex tethered to a nanodisc (state A) Multivalent assembly of KRAS with the RAS-binding and cysteine-rich domains of CRAF on the membrane Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher B Marshall, Genevieve Gasmi-Seabrook, Ki-Young Y Lee, Ku-Geng G Huo, Le Zheng, Ming-Sound S Tsao, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Nadeem Moghal, Zhenhao Fang
26787 2016-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for human RIT1 Biochemical Classification of Disease-associated Mutants of RAS-like Protein Expressed in Many Tissues (RIT1) Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Neel, Christopher B Marshall, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Jiani C Yin, Matthew J Smith, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Mohammad T Mazhab-Jafari, Yang Xu, Zhenhao Fang
25115 2015-05-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR data-driven model of GTPase KRas-GNP tethered to a lipid-bilayer nanodisc Oncogenic and RASopathy-associated K-RAS mutations relieve membrane-dependent occlusion of the effector-binding site Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Neel, Christopher B Marshall, Fuyuhiko Inagaki, Genevieve M C Gasmi-Seabrook, Lewis E Kay, Matthew J Smith, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Mohammad T Mazhab-Jafari, Peter B Stathopoulos
25114 2015-05-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR data-driven model of GTPase KRas-GDP tethered to a lipid-bilayer nanodisc Oncogenic and RASopathy-associated K-RAS mutations relieve membrane-dependent occlusion of the effector-binding site Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Neel, Christopher B Marshall, Fuyuhiko Inagaki, Genevieve M C Gasmi-Seabrook, Lewis E Kay, Matthew J Smith, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Mohammad T Mazhab-Jafari, Peter B Stathopoulos
25116 2015-05-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR data-driven model of GTPase KRas-GNP:ARafRBD complex tethered to a lipid-bilayer nanodisc Oncogenic and RASopathy-associated K-RAS mutations relieve membrane-dependent occlusion of the effector-binding site Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Neel, Christopher B Marshall, Fuyuhiko Inagaki, Genevieve M C Gasmi-Seabrook, Lewis E Kay, Matthew J Smith, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Mohammad T Mazhab-Jafari, Peter B Stathopoulos
18315 2012-05-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of FOXO3a transactivation domains (CR2C-CR3) in complex with CBP KIX domain (2l3b conformation) Structures of KIX domain of CBP in complex with two FOXO3a transactivation domains reveal promiscuity and plasticity in coactivator recruitment. Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher B Marshall, Feng Wang, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Guang-Yao Li, Hitoshi Okada, Kazuo Yamamoto, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Tak W Mak
18314 2012-05-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of FOXO3a transactivation domains (CR2C-CR3) in complex with CBP KIX domain (2b3l conformation) Structures of KIX domain of CBP in complex with two FOXO3a transactivation domains reveal promiscuity and plasticity in coactivator recruitment. Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher B Marshall, Feng Wang, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Guang-Yao Li, Hitoshi Okada, Kazuo Yamamoto, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Tak W Mak
16669 2010-02-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
GTPase RhoA GTPgS Real-time NMR study of guanine nucleotide exchange and activation of RhoA by PDZ-RhoGEF. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bryan Kim, Christopher B Marshall, Feng Wang, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Melissa Cheung, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Tak W Mak, Vuk Stambolic, Ying Ju Jang
16668 2010-02-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
GTPase RhoA-GDP Real-time NMR study of guanine nucleotide exchange and activation of RhoA by PDZ-RhoGEF. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bryan Kim, Christopher B Marshall, Feng Wang, Genevieve MC Gasmi-Seabrook, Melissa Cheung, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Tak W Mak, Vuk Stambolic, Ying Ju Jang
15939 2009-02-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of FOXO3a Forkhead domain Biochemical and structural characterization of an intramolecular interaction in FOXO3a and its binding with p53 Download bibtex for citation iamge Christopher B Marshall, Feng Wang, Guang-Yao Li, Han You, Kazuo Yamamoto, Michael J Plevin, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Tak W Mak