Average secondary chemical shift values for helix and beta strand classes and subclasses

Average secondary chemical shift values were calculated for each amino acid using the random coil chemical shift averages of Wishart & Nip (1998).  Secondary shifts were compared for the secondary structure subclasses below:
HG 3,10 helix
HH alpha helix
S(A/P/M)(Y/N) beta sstrand, antiparallel/parallel/mixed, edge/not edge
(e.g. SAN = antiparallel strand not on edge)

Difference between averages among the subclasses were qualified using the Student's t-test.

Ramachandran Plots

helix strand non-helix, non-strand

These plots show that some data points fall outside of expected regions for regular secondary structure.  Such points were discarded from the data set used for calculations.  Note that our database consists of a higher proportion of helix shift data compared to strand; this may be due to the bias toward NMR studies of all-helical or highly helical structures, with smaller, globular proteins often being of this nature.

Average chemical shift values and statistics for individual amino acids

alpha helix

Overall strand

Secondary Shift Statistics for all amino acids

Statistics for overall helix, alpha helix and 3,10 helix
Comparison of Ca and Cb secondary shifts for alpha helix and 3,10 helix
Statistical significance between alpha helix and 3,10 helix

Statistics for overall strand and subclasses
Statistical significance between subclasses

Secondary Shift Distributions for all amino acids

Overall helix
alpha helix
3,10 helix

Overall strand

Secondary Shift Statistics for individual amino acids

alpha helix

Overall strand

Secondary shift distributions for individual amino acids

alpha helix
3,10 helix

Note: amino acid type "B" refers to reduced cysteine, while "C" refers to oxidized cysteine.

Chemical shift data plotted for the helix and strand subclasses show that there is considerable difference particularly in Ca and CO shifts between the alpha and 3,10 helix subclases; no significant differences were found between
average secondary shifts of the different strand subclasses.

While differences are illustrated in the Ca and CO shifts for the two helix subclasses, the absence of such trends in the strand subclasses may not necessarily indicate that type of beta strand does not influence backbone chemical shift, and may instead be due to the limited amount of data available for parallel and mixed strand types.  Such analysis should be repeated with a database consisting of a higher proportion of strand shifts.

I. Average chemical shift values for helix and beta strand classes and subclasses
II. Analysis of random coil backbone chemical shifts
III. Modification of the conventional chemical shift index to distinguish between alpha and 3,10 helices
IV. References