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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
4451 2000-12-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of the CAD Domain of Caspase-activated DNase and Interaction with the CAD Domain of its Inhibitor Structure of the CAD Domain of Caspase-activated DNase and Interaction with the CAD Domain of its Inhibitor Download bibtex for citation iamge Hideki Sakahira, Koichi Uegaki, Masato Shimizu, Noboru Yumoto, Shigekazu Nagata, Takanori Otomo, Toshio Yamazaki, Yoshimasa Kyogoku
4388 2000-03-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone NMR Assignments of a High Molecular Weight Protein (47kD), Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein (apo-CRP) Letter to the Editor: Backbone NMR assignments of a high molecular weight protein (47 kDa), cyclic AMP receptor protein (apo-CRP) Download bibtex for citation iamge Bong-Jin Lee, H Aiba, Hyung-Sik Won, Jun-Goo Jee, Mi-Kyung Yoon, Sang-Ho Park, Tae-Woo Lee, T Otomo, T Yamazaki, Y Kyogoku