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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51515 2022-07-19 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Partial assignment of SARS-COV-2 main protease R298A mutant Antiviral cyclic peptides targeting the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. Download bibtex for citation iamge Anneliese S Ashhurst, Anthony J O'Donoghue, Anupriya Aggarwal, Christoph Nitsche, Colin J Jackson, Daniel J Ford, Gottfried Otting, Jason Johansen-Leete, Kasuni B Ekanayake, Mark Larance, Max J Bedding, Mithun C Mahawaththa, Rebecca Frkic, Richard J Payne, Sarah E Fry, Stephanie Luedtke, Stuart Turville, Sven Ullrich, Toby Passioura, Vishnu M Sasi
51507 2024-07-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Human PPARg2 AF-1 domain Structural basis of interdomain communication in PPARy Download bibtex for citation iamge Ashok Deniz, Brian MacTavish, Christopher Williams, Daniel Scholl, Douglas Kojetin, Jared Bass, Kuang-Ting Kuo, Paola Munoz-Tello, Patrick Griffin, Richard Brust, Sarah Mosure, Timothy Strutzenberg, Xiaoyu Yu
51448 2022-06-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
HigA2 uzzy recognition by the prokaryotic transcription factor HigA2 from Vibrio cholerae Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander N Volkov, Daniel Charlier, Janez Plavec, Jurij Lah, Matic Kovacic, Remy Loris, San Hadzi, Sarah Haesaerts, Uros Zavrtanik, Zala Zivic
25565 2016-04-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the BCOR PUFD Structural basis for the hierarchical assembly of the core of PRC1.1 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alexander B Taylor, Andrew P Hinck, Borries Demeler, Chongwoo A Kim, Connie M Corcoran, Daniel J Ha, John P Hart, Micah D Gearhart, Sarah J Wong, Udayar Ilangovan, Victoria Diaz, Virgil Schirf, Vivian J Bardwell
25265 2014-12-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structural insight into an essential assembly factor network on the pre-ribosome A network of assembly factors is involved in remodeling rRNA elements during preribosome maturation Download bibtex for citation iamge Afua Nyarko, Clara Barrio-Garcia, Daniel Schraivogel, David Tollervey, Ed Hurt, Elisar Barbar, Gunter Stier, Helge Paternoga, Iris Holdermann, Irmi Sinning, Jochen BaBler, Martina Kallas, Matthias Thomas, Roland Beckmann, Sander Granneman, Sarah A Clark, Woonghee Lee
19286 2014-01-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of BeF3 Activated Sma0114 NMR Structure of the HWE Kinase Associated Response Regulator Sma0114 in Its Activated State Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrei T Alexandrescu, Daniel J Gage, Sarah R Sheftic
18840 2013-04-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
The ZZ domain of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1 (CPEB1) The C-Terminal Region of Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding Protein Is a ZZ Domain with Potential for Protein-Protein Interactions. Download bibtex for citation iamge Brian M Lee, Bryce C Hilburn, Daniel J Merkel, Fatima Elazzouzi, Gabriela C Perez-Alvarado, Sarah B Wells
16905 2010-10-27 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Sma0114 NMR assignments for the Sinorhizobium meliloti response regulator Sma0114. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrei T Alexandrescu, Daniel J Gage, Preston P Garcia, Sarah R Sheftic, Victoria L Robinson
4995 2002-04-03 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Solution NMR Structure and Folding Dynamics of the N-terminus of a rat Non-muscle Alpha-tropomyosin in an Engineered Chimeric Protein Solution NMR Structure and Folding Dynamics of the N-terminus of a rat Non-muscle Alpha-tropomyosin in an Engineered Chimeric Protein Download bibtex for citation iamge Daniel Monleon, Gaetano T Montelione, GVTS Swapna, Norma J Greenfield, Sarah E Hitchcock-DeGregori, Thomas Palm, Yuanpeng Janet Huang
4111 1999-01-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Sequential Assignment of the Triple Labelled 30 kDa Cell-adhesion Domain from Enteropathogenic E.coli Sequential Assignment of the Triple Labelled 30.1 kDa Cell-adhesion Domain of Intimin from Enteropathogenic E. coli Download bibtex for citation iamge Gad Frankel, Geoff Kelly, Gordon Dougan, Iain Connerton, Sarah Daniel, Stephen Matthews, Sunil Prasannan