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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
18223 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein TMEM14C Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18221 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein FAM14B (Interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 1) Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18222 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein TMEM141 Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18217 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein HIGD1A Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18218 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein HIGD1B Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18219 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein TMEM14A from NOE data Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
18220 2012-05-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of human membrane protein TMEM14A Facile backbone structure determination of human membrane proteins by NMR spectroscopy. Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrej Sali, Bartosz Balana, Cedric Eichmann, Christian Klammt, Ellis Jeremy Chua Chiu, Innokentiy Maslennikov, June Hyun Jung Kwon, Katherine Y Blain, Luis Esquivies, Monika Bayrhuber, Navratna Vajpai, Paul A Slesinger, Roland Riek, Senyon Choe, Ursula Pieper, Witek Kwiatkowski
16947 2010-06-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of the membrane domain of E. coli histidine kinase receptor ArcB Membrane domain structures of three classes of histidine kinase receptors by cell-free expression and rapid NMR analysis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Christian Klammt, Clemens Glaubitz, Eunha Hwang, Georgia Kefala, Innokentiy Maslennikov, Karsten Mors, Luis Esquivies, Mizuki Okamura, Senyon Choe, Witek Kwiatkowski, Young Ho Jeon
16922 2010-06-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone structure of the membrane domain of E. coli histidine kinase receptor KdpD Membrane domain structures of three classes of histidine kinase receptors by cell-free expression and rapid NMR analysis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Christian Klammt, Clemens Glaubitz, Eunha Hwang, Georgia Kefala, Innokentiy Maslennikov, Karsten Mors, Luis Esquivies, Mizuki Okamura, Senyon Choe, Witek Kwiatkowski, Young Ho Jeon