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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34385 2020-05-29 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of ribosome-binding factor A (RbfA) under physiological conditions A conserved rRNA switch is central to decoding site maturation on the small ribosomal subunit Download bibtex for citation iamge Andreas Schedlbauer, Borja Ochoa-Lizarralde, David Gil-Carton, Elisa de Astigarraga, Idoia Iturrioz, Jorge Pedro P Lopez-Alonso, Jose Luis L Lavin, Neha Dhimole, Paola Fucini, Retina Capuni, Sean R Connell, Tammo Diercks, Tatsuya Kaminishi
17172 2010-09-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A C-dimer Formation, structure and dissociation of the RNase S 3D domain-swapped dimer. Download bibtex for citation iamge Carlos Gonz lez, Douglas Laurentr, Giovanni Gotte, Jorge Pedro Lopez, Josep Font, Manuel Rico, Marc Rib, Maria Vilanova, Marta Bruix, Massimo Libonati
16503 2010-01-26 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Ribonuclease A in 40% acetic acid and 8M urea pH 2 NMR spectroscopy reveals that RNase A is chiefly denatured in 40% acetic acid: implications for oligomer formation by 3D domain swapping. Download bibtex for citation iamge Carlos Gonzalez, Douglas V Laurents, Jorge Pedro Lopez-Alonso, Jorge Santoro, Josep Font, Marc Ribo, Maria Angeles Jimenez, Maria Vilanova, Marta Bruix
16010 2010-10-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
How do Proteins Form Amyloid? Insight from the NMR Spectroscopic Characterization of 13C, 15N-labeled Ribonuclease A in 40% Acetic Acid NMR spectroscopy reveals that RNase A is chiefly denatured in 40% acetic acid: implications for oligomer formation by 3D domain swapping. Download bibtex for citation iamge Carlos Gonzalez, Douglas V Laurents, Jorge Pedro Lopez-Alonso, Jorge Santoro, Josep Font, Marc Ribo, Maria Angeles Jimenez, Maria Vilanova, Marta Bruix
16011 2010-10-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Spectroscopic Characterization of 13C, 15N-labeled Ribonuclease A in urea 8M NMR spectroscopy reveals that RNase A is chiefly denatured in 40% acetic acid: implications for oligomer formation by 3D domain swapping. Download bibtex for citation iamge Carlos Gonzalez, Douglas V Laurents, Jorge Pedro Lopez-Alonso, Jorge Santoro, Josep Font, Marc Ribo, Maria Angeles Jimenez, Maria Vilanova, Marta Bruix