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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34538 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human IWS1 A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34541 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human IWS1 A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34540 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human MED26 A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34539 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human PPP1R10 A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34535 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Human TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34536 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human Elongin-A A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
34537 2021-11-28 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
TFIIS N-terminal domain (TND) from human LEDGF/p75 A ubiquitous disordered protein interaction module orchestrates transcription elongation Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric A Smith, H Courtney C Hodges, Jan De Rijck, Jonas Demeulemeester, Karen Adelman, Katerina Cermakova, Magdalena Horejsi, Marcela Madlikova, Milan Fabry, Monika Nedomova, Pavel Srb, Rozalie Hexnerova, Seth R Goldman, Vaclav Veverka, Vanda Lux, Zeger Debyser
36034 2017-05-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR structure of eIF3 36-163 Molecular Landscape of the Ribosome Pre-initiation Complex during mRNA Scanning: Structural Role for eIF3c and Its Control by eIF5 Download bibtex for citation iamge Alan G Hinnebusch, Asokan Ananbandam, Brytteny Thompson, Chelsea Moore, Chingakham Ranjit R Singh, Eddie Dagraca, Eiji Obayashi, Eric Aube, Evangelos Papadopoulos, Fan Zhang, Florian Stengel, Gerhard Wagner, Haribabu Arthanari, Hiroyuki Hiraishi, Hisashi Yoshida, Ian Harmon, Jacob Morris, Jan Peter P Erzberger, Katsura Asano, Mahmoud L Nasr, Philip Gao, Pilar Martin-Marcos, Rafael E Luna, Riccardo Pellarin, Samantha Hustak, Satoru Unzai, Takashi Nagata, Takeshi Urano
34015 2016-07-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Myristoylated T41I/T78I mutant of M-PMV matrix protein Membrane interaction of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus matrix protein and its budding deficient mutants Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric Hunter, Hana Langerova, Jan Prchal, Michaela Rumlova, Michal Dolezal, Richard Hrabal, Tomas Kroupa, Tomas Ruml, Vojtech Spiwok
25867 2015-11-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
An NMR/SAXS structure of the PKI domain of the honeybee dicistrovirus, Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) IRES Global shape mimicry of tRNA within a viral internal ribosome entry site mediates translational reading frame selection Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric Jan, Gabriel Cornilescu, Hilda H Au, Jordan E Burke, Kathryn D Mouzakis, Qian Ren, Samuel E Butcher, Seonghoon Lee
18282 2012-08-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE M-PMV MYRISTOYLATED MATRIX PROTEIN The structure of myristoylated Mason-Pfizer monkey virus matrix protein and the role of phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate in its membrane binding. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric Hunter, Jan Prchal, Pavel Srb, Richard Hrabal, Toma Ruml
16591 2010-02-01 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H and 15N chemical shifts for the immune inhibitory receptor LAIR-1 collagen binding domain Crystal structure and collagen-binding site of immune inhibitory receptor LAIR-1: unexpected implications for collagen binding by platelet receptor GPVI. Download bibtex for citation iamge Eric G Huizinga, Hans Wienk, Hugo van Ingen, Joost Ballering, Linde Meyaard, Richard W Farndale, Robert Jan Lebbink, Rolf Boelens, Talitha de Ruiter, T Harma C Brondijk