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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
17735 2011-07-18 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of sf3636, a two-domain unknown function protein from Shigella flexneri 2a, determined by joint refinement of NMR, residual dipolar couplings and small-angle X-ray scatting, NESG target SfR339/OCSP target sf3636 Solution structure of sf3636, a two-domain unknown function protein from Shigella flexneri 2a, determined by joint refinement of NMR, residual dipolar couplings and small-angle X-ray scatting Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Hsiau-Wei Lee, James H Prestegard, Maite Garcia, Xianyang Fang, Yun-xing Wang
17132 2010-09-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution Structure of human UBA-like domain of OTUD7A_11_83, NESG target HT6304a/OCSP target OTUD7A_11_83/SGC-Toronto The amino-terminal UBA domain of OTUD7A Download bibtex for citation iamge Abdalin Asinas, Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Ryan Doherty, Scott Houliston, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
16979 2010-06-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of Enzyme IIB subunit of PTS system from Escherichia coli K12. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target ER315/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ec0544 Solution structure of Enzyme IIB subunit of PTS system from Escherichia coli K12. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target ER315/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ec0544 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Anthony Semest, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith
16790 2010-03-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of uncharacterized protein CV0863 from Chromobacterium violaceum. NESG target CvT3. OCSP target CV0863. Solution NMR structure of uncharacterized protein CV0863 from Chromobacterium Violaceum Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
16476 2009-11-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of protein Atu0922 from A. tumefaciens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AtT13. Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ATC0905. Solution NMR structure of protein atc0905 from A. tumefaciens. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
16347 2009-07-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of protein ATC0852 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target AtT2. Solution structure of protein ATC0852 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Gaetano Montelione, Maite Garcia
16214 2009-04-14 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Zn finger protein YBIL from E.Coli; NESG target ET107; OCSP target EC0402 Zn-finger protein YBIL from E. Coli Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
16155 2009-03-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR structure of protein HS00059 from Homo Sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT98A. Solution NMR Structure of human protein HS00059 Download bibtex for citation iamge Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Gaetano Montelione, Hui Quyang, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
16109 2009-05-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of human ubiquitin-like domain of Herpud2_9_85, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT53A Structure of human homocysteine-inducible, endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible, ubiquitin-like domain member 2 (Herpud2 or Herp) Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Bin Wu, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Ryan S Doherty, Sirano Dhe-Paganon
16089 2010-09-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Residual Dipolar Couplings: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 2 sets
Solution NMR structure of ribosomal protein sso0164 from Sulfolobus solfataricus. NortheastStructural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target SsT4 Solution NMR Structure of ribosomal protein sso0164 from Sulfolobus solfataricus Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Gaetano Montelione, Maite Garcia
15943 2009-04-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution NMR Structure of protein of unknown function yegP from E. coli. Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target EC0640_1_123 Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target ET102. Solution structure of protein yegP from Escherichia Coli. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Murthy Karra
15823 2008-08-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of protein Atu0742 from Agrobacterium Tumefaciens. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG0) target AtT8. Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target ATC0727. Solution structure of protein ATC0727 from Agrobacterium Tumefaciens. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Antony Semesi, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
15810 2009-04-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of uncharacterized protein PA1076 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target PaT3, Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target PA1076. Solution structure of uncharacterized protein PA1076 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
15595 2008-01-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
A novel solution NMR structure of protein yst0336 from Saccharomyces/Northest Structural Genomics Consortium Target YT51/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics A Novel solution NMR structure of protein yst0336 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae/North Structural Genomics Consortium Target YT51/Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target yst0336 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Wu, Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semest, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares
15585 2009-04-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of protein ATU1810 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Northeast Structural Genomics Target AtR23; Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target ATC1776 Solution structure of protein ATU1810 form Agrobacterium tumefaciens Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Antony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Christophe Fares, Murphy Karra
15419 2007-08-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution Structure of protein RPA3401, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target RpT7, Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target RP3384 Solution Structure of protein RPA3401, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target RpT7, Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target RP3384 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Alexandr Ignatchenko, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Murthy Karra, Sampath Srisailam
15270 2007-07-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of RPA3114, a SEC-C motif containing protein from Rhodopseudomonas palustris; Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target RpT5 / Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics target RP3097 Solution structure of a Se-C motif containing protein from Rhodopseudomonas palustris Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Jonathan Lukin, Murthy Karra
15190 2009-06-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 4 sets
Solution Structure of Protein HP0495 from H. pylori; Northeast structural genomics consortium target PT2; Ontario Centre for Structural Proteomics target HP0488 Solution Structure of Protein HP0495 from H. pylori Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Anthony Semesi, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Murthy Karra, Sampath Srisailam
7297 2006-10-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Assignment of conserved hypothetical protein RPA1320 from Rhodopseudomonas Palustris; Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target RPT3 / Ontario Center for Structural Proteomics Target RP1313 Solution structure of RPA1320 Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelinda Yee, Aleksandras Gutmanas, Alexander Lemak, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Jonathan Lukin, Murthy Karra, Valeria Guido