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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
52337 2024-07-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignment for Abeta 40 amyloid fibrils polymorph 1 (P1) Modulation of Alzheimer's Disease Ab40 Fibril Polymorphism by the Small Heat Shock Protein alpha-B-Crystallin Download bibtex for citation iamge Aphrodite Kapurniotu, Bernd Reif, Carsten Peters, Johannes Buchner, Martin Haslbeck, Natalia Rodina, Philipp Schmid, Riddhiman Sarkar, Saba Suladze, Simon Hornung, Zheng Niu
52338 2024-07-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
13C and 15N Chemical Shift Assignment for Abeta 40 amyloid fibrils polymorph 2 (P2) Modulation of Alzheimer's Disease Ab40 Fibril Polymorphism by the Small Heat Shock Protein alpha-B-Crystallin Download bibtex for citation iamge Aphrodite Kapurniotu, Bernd Reif, Carsten Peters, Johannes Buchner, Martin Haslbeck, Natalia Rodina, Philipp Schmid, Riddhiman Sarkar, Saba Suladze, Simon Hornung, Zheng Niu