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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51901 2023-05-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Tst2 Structural and functional characterisation of Tst2, a novel TRPV1 inhibitory peptide from the Australian sea anemone Telmatactis stephensoni Download bibtex for citation iamge Dorothy Wai, Gyorgy Panyi, Khaled A Elnahriry, Lauren M Ashwood, Muhammad Umair U Naseem, Peter J Prentis, Raymond S Norton, Shaodong Guo, Tibor G Szanto
30647 2020-01-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Dg12a Weaponisation 'on the fly': Convergent recruitment of knottin and defensin peptide scaffolds into the venom of predatory assassin flies Download bibtex for citation iamge Agota Csoti, Akello J Agwa, Andrew A Walker, Christina I Schroeder, Glenn F King, Gyorgy Panyi, Jiayi Jin, Tibor G Szanto
30648 2020-01-17 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Dg3b Weaponisation 'on the fly': Convergent recruitment of knottin and defensin peptide scaffolds into the venom of predatory assassin flies Download bibtex for citation iamge Agota Csoti, Akello J Agwa, Andrew A Walker, Christina I Schroeder, Glenn F King, Gyorgy Panyi, Jiayi Jin, Tibor G Szanto