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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
27738 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of Human FKBP12 protein 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
27733 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of the FKBP12 protein from Aspergillus fumigatus bound to FK506 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
27734 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of FKBP12 from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
27737 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of FKBP12 protein from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides bound to FK506 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
27739 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of Human FKBP12 protein bound to FK506 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
27732 2019-03-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
15N, 13C and 1H backbone resonance assignments of the apo FKBP12 protein from Aspergillus fumigatus 15N, 13C and 1H resonance assignments of FKBP12 proteins from the pathogenic fungi Mucor circinelloides and Aspergillus fumigatus Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin G Bobay, Leonard D Spicer, Ronald A Venters, Sophie MC Gobeil
19215 2013-05-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Independently verified structure of gp41-M-MAT, a membrane associated MPER trimer from HIV-1 gp41 Structure of an HIV-1-neutralizing antibody target, the lipid-bound gp41 envelope membrane proximal region trimer. Download bibtex for citation iamge Barton F Haynes, Bruce R Donald, Harvey Sage, Jeffrey W Martin, Leonard D Spicer, Patrick N Reardon, S Moses Dennison, S Munir Alam
18237 2013-02-05 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of gp41-M-MAT, a membrane associated MPER trimer from HIV-1 gp41. Structure of an HIV-1-neutralizing antibody target, the lipid-bound gp41 envelope membrane proximal region trimer. Download bibtex for citation iamge Barton F Haynes, Bruce R Donald, Harvey Sage, Jeffrey W Martin, Leonard D Spicer, Patrick N Reardon, S Moses Dennison, S Munir Alam