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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
51171 2024-02-16 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Characterization of amyloidogenic conformations of monomeric transthyretin from ground-state and excited state NMR Chemical shifts Characterization of amyloidogenic intermediates of Transthyretin from ground-state and excited-state NMR Chemical shifts Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin I Leach, David Oyen, Gareth J Morgan, H Jane Dyson, James A Ferguson, Jeffrey W Kelly, Peter E Wright
26554 2017-08-24 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments of K2 dehydrin in the presence of SDS micelles Structural and Functional Insights into the Cryoprotection of Membranes by the Intrinsically Disordered Dehydrins Download bibtex for citation iamge Christine H Barker, Jeffrey Madge, John Atkinson, Josephine M Warnica, Kelly F Boddington, Matthew W Clarke, Sarah McKenna, Steffen P Graether