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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34417 2020-07-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
M-TRTX-Preg1a (Poecilotheria regalis) A Venomics approach coupled to high-throughput toxin production strategies identifies the first venom-derived melanocortin receptor agonists. Download bibtex for citation iamge A F Sequeira, A G Beck-Sickinger, A Violette, C Landon, C MGA Fontes, D Servent, E De Pauw, F Ducancel, G Mourier, G Upert, H Meudal, J Boeri, J Ciolek, J LA Bras, J Tytgat, K Morl, L Quinton, M Cabo Diez, M Degueldre, M Vanden Driessche, M Verdenaud, N Gilles, N J Saez, O Pereira Ramos, R C Rodriguez de la Vega, R Fourmy, R Minambres Herraiz, R Vincentelli, S Peigneur, S Reynaud, V Fernandez Pedrosa, Y Duhoo
34418 2020-07-20 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
M-BUTX-Ptr1a (Parabuthus transvaalicus) A Venomics approach coupled to high-throughput toxin production strategies identifies the first venom-derived melanocortin receptor agonists. Download bibtex for citation iamge A F Sequeira, A G Beck-Sickinger, A Violette, C Landon, C MGA Fontes, D Servent, E De Pauw, F Ducancel, G Mourier, G Upert, H Meudal, J Boeri, J Ciolek, J LA Bras, J Tytgat, K Morl, L Quinton, M Cabo Diez, M Degueldre, M Vanden Driessche, M Verdenaud, N Gilles, N J Saez, O Pereira Ramos, R C Rodriguez de la Vega, R Fourmy, R Minambres Herraiz, R Vincentelli, S Peigneur, S Reynaud, V Fernandez Pedrosa, Y Duhoo
17661 2012-05-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of the long sarafotoxin srtx-i3 Pharmacological and structural characterization of long-sarafotoxins, a new family of endothelin-like peptides: Role of the C-terminus extension. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelajda Zorba, Amaury Herbet, Denis Servent, Elodie Marcon, Fabrice Beau, Florence Cordier, Frederic Ducancel, Gilles Mourier, Mariana Hajj, Muriel Delepierre, Tolga Coskun, XingHuang Gao
17662 2012-05-09 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Coupling Constants: 1 set
Solution structure of the long sarafotoxin srtx-m Pharmacological and structural characterization of long-sarafotoxins, a new family of endothelin-like peptides: Role of the C-terminus extension. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adelajda Zorba, Amaury Herbet, Denis Servent, Elodie Marcon, Fabrice Beau, Florence Cordier, Frederic Ducancel, Gilles Mourier, Mariana Hajj, Muriel Delepierre, Tolga Coskun, XingHuang Gao