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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34727 2022-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1-mediated transcription Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Charlotte Meylan, Davide Gabellini, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jessica Arvindbhai A Solanki, Manuel O Diaz, Markus Blatter, Michel Heidecker, Roberto Giambruno, Yaroslav Nikolaev
34724 2022-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1-mediated transcription Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Charlotte Meylan, Davide Gabellini, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jessica Arvindbhai A Solanki, Manuel O Diaz, Markus Blatter, Michel Heidecker, Roberto Giambruno, Yaroslav Nikolaev
34725 2022-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1-mediated transcription Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Charlotte Meylan, Davide Gabellini, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jessica Arvindbhai A Solanki, Manuel O Diaz, Markus Blatter, Michel Heidecker, Roberto Giambruno, Yaroslav Nikolaev
34726 2022-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1-mediated transcription Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Charlotte Meylan, Davide Gabellini, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jessica Arvindbhai A Solanki, Manuel O Diaz, Markus Blatter, Michel Heidecker, Roberto Giambruno, Yaroslav Nikolaev
34728 2022-04-11 Chemical Shifts: 3 sets
RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1-mediated transcription Download bibtex for citation iamge Antoine Clery, Charlotte Meylan, Davide Gabellini, Frederic H-T H Allain, Jessica Arvindbhai A Solanki, Manuel O Diaz, Markus Blatter, Michel Heidecker, Roberto Giambruno, Yaroslav Nikolaev