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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50275 2020-06-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Maturation of the Functional Mouse CRES Amyloid from Globular Form Maturation of the functional mouse CRES amyloid from globular form Download bibtex for citation iamge Aveline Hewetson, Benjamin J Wylie, Collin G Borcik, Daniel J Rigden, Gail A Cornwall, Hoa Q Do, Matthew J Dominguez, Michael P Latham, Nazmul H Khan, Rebecca E Kusko, Roger B Sutton, Ronan M Keegan
50273 2020-06-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Maturation of the Functional Mouse CRES Amyloid from Globular Form Maturation of the functional mouse CRES amyloid from globular form Download bibtex for citation iamge Aveline Hewetson, Benjamin J Wylie, Collin G Borcik, Daniel J Rigden, Gail A Cornwall, Hoa Q Do, Matthew J Dominguez, Michael P Latham, Nazmul H Khan, Rebecca E Kusko, Roger B Sutton, Ronan M Keegan
50135 2019-12-20 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
KirBac1.1_POPC Conformational changes upon gating of KirBac1.1 into an open-activated state revealed by solid-state NMR and functional assays Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Wylie, Collin Borcik, Derek Versteeg, Heather Coats, Hoa Do, Maryam Yekefallah, Nazmul Khan, Reza Amani
50123 2019-12-19 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Backbone 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for KirBac1.1 Conformational changes upon gating of KirBac1.1 into an open-activated state revealed by solid-state NMR and functional assays Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin Wylie, Collin Borcik, Derek Versteeg, Heather Coats, Hoa Do, Maryam Yekefallah, Nazmul Khan, Reza Amani
27564 2018-09-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
1H, 13C, 15N NMR Backbone assignments of B. cereus 5/B/6 metallo-beta-lactamase A DNA aptamer reveals an allosteric site for inhibition in metallo-beta-lactamases Download bibtex for citation iamge Anthony A Bui, Benjamin J Wylie, Michael P Latham, Nazmul H Khan, Robert W Shaw, Roger B Sutton, Yang Xiao
17810 2011-12-02 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Atomic Resolution Protein Structures using NMR Chemical Shift Tensors Ultrahigh resolution protein structures using NMR chemical shift tensors Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew J Nieuwkoop, Benjamin J Wylie, Chad M Rienstra, Eric Oldfield, Lindsay J Sperling, W Trent Franks
15380 2007-12-21 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Crystal Polymorphism of GB1 Examined by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction Crystal Polymorphism of Protein GB1 Examined by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction Download bibtex for citation iamge Benjamin J Wylie, Chad M Rienstra, Heather L Frericks-Schmidt, John M Boettcher, Lindsay J Sperling, Scott R Wilson, YiGui Gao
15156 2007-03-29 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solid-State Protein Structure Determination with Proton-Detected Triple Resonance 3D Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy: Beta-1 Immunoglobulin Binding Domain of Protein G (GB1) Solid-State Protein Structure Determination with Proton-Detected Triple Resonance 3D Magic-Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew J Nieuwkoop, Benjamin J Wylie, Chad M Rienstra, Charles Mullen, Dennis Sandoz, Donghua H Zhou, John J Shea, W Trent Franks