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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34481 2020-04-13 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution NMR structure of the S0_2.126 designed protein De novo protein design enables precise induction of RSV neutralizing antibodies Download bibtex for citation iamge Bruno E Correia, Charles-Adrien A Richard, Che Yang, Chi-I I Chiang, Delphyne Descamps, Elie Dheilly, Elisa Oricchio, Fabian Sesterhenn, Giacomo Castoro, Iga Kucharska, Jaume Bonet, Jean-Francois F Eleouet, Jean-Philippe P Julien, Johannes T Cramer, John T Bates, Luciano A Abriata, Marie-Anne A Rameix-Welti, Marie Galloux, Melanie Villard, Patricia Corthesy, Sabine Riffault, Sabrina S Vollers, Sandrine Georgeon, Sean Ervin, Stephane Rosset, Teresa Delgado, Theodore Jardetzky, Thomas Krey, Vicente Mas, Xiaolin Wen, Yimeng Wang, Yuxing Li
27300 2019-01-10 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Backbone HN, N, CA, and CB assignment of human UBC9_P123L UBC9 mutant reveals the impact of protein dynamics on substrate selectivity and SUMO chain linkages Download bibtex for citation iamge Christine M Wright, Joshua E Onuiri, Mary-Ann Bjornsti, Robert H Whitaker, Sierra McGarity, Tessa Blackburn, William J Placzek
19251 2013-08-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure, function, and tethering of DNA-binding domains in 54 transcriptional activators Structure, function, and tethering of DNA-binding domains in (54) transcriptional activators. Download bibtex for citation iamge Anisa Young, Ann E Maris, David E Wemmer, Eunmi Hong, Jeffrey G Pelton, Joseph D Batchelor, Natasha Vidangos