Amino Acid Secondary Structure Preferences

A.A. Helix Sheet
Designation P Designation P
A H 1.45 I 0.97
C i 0.77 h 1.30
D i 0.98 i 0.80
E H 1.53 B 0.26
F h 1.12 h 1.28
G B 0.53 i 0.81
H h 1.24 b 0.71
I I 1.00 H 1.60
K I 1.07 b 0.74
L H 1.34 h 1.22
M h 1.20 H 1.67
N b 0.73 b 0.65
P B 0.59 b 0.62
Q h 1.17 h 1.23
R i 0.79 i 0.90
S i 0.79 b 0.72
T i 0.82 h 1.20
V h 1.14 H 1.65
W h 1.14 h 1.19
Y b 0.61 h 1.29

Designations: H = Strong Former, h = Former, I = Weak Former, i = Indifferent, B = Strong Breaker, b = Breaker;
   P = Conformational Parameter

Source References for information in the above tables and figures.