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Tag category Peak_coupling

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Tags in table Peak_coupling:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Coupling_valThe observed scalar coupling value.float 
Coupling_val_errThe error in the observed scalar coupling value.float 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
IDUnique identifier for the reported scalar coupling values.intyes
Intensity_valThe coupled transition intensity value.float 
Intensity_val_errThe error in the coupled transition intensity value.float 
Multiplet_component_IDAn identifier for the set of peaks for nuclei involved in the observed coupling.int 
Partner_coupling_peak_IDPointer to '_Peak.ID'int 
Peak_IDPointer to '_Peak.ID'intyes
Sf_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.Sf_ID'int 
Spectral_dim_IDPointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID'int 
Spectral_peak_list_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID'intyes
Strong_coupling_effect_valA measure of relative intensities for the transitions in the peak coupling pattern that reports on the strength of the coupling between nuclei.float 
Strong_coupling_effect_val_errThe error in the coupling effect strength value.float 
TypeA code that describes the type of coupling pattern observed for the NMR spectral peak.code