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PDB ID: 1vd7
Entry in NMR Restraints Grid
Validation report in NRG-CING
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6156
MolProbity Validation Chart
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Citation: Kawaguchi, Kyosuke; Yamaki, Takeshi; Aizawa, Tomoyasu; Takiya, Shigeharu; Demura, Makoto; Nitta, Katsutoshi. "1H Assigned Chemical Shifts for FMBP-1 tandem repeat 1 in 30% (v/v) TFE and water solution" The BMRB entry is the only known published source for the data..
Assembly members:
fibroin-modulator-binding-protein-1, polymer, 23 residues, 2538 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Silkworm Taxonomy ID: 7091 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Bombyx mori
Experimental source: Production method: chemical synthesis
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
fibroin-modulator-binding-protein-1: ETSEERAARLAKMSAYAAQR
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 296 |
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | FMBP-1 | 1 |
Entity 1, FMBP-1 23 residues - 2538 Da.
1 | GLU | THR | SER | GLU | GLU | ARG | ALA | ALA | ARG | LEU | ||||
2 | ALA | LYS | MET | SER | ALA | TYR | ALA | ALA | GLN | ARG | ||||
3 | LEU | ALA | ASN |