BMRB Entry 17739

Solution NMR structure of HopABPph1448_220_320 from Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola str. 1448A, Midwest Center for Structural Genomics target APC40132.4 and Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target PsT3A
Deposition date:
Original release date:
Wu, Bin; Yee, Adelinda; Houliston, Scott; Semesi, Anthony; Garcia, Maite; Singer, Alexander; Savchenko, Alexei; Arrowsmith, Cheryl

Citation: Singer, Alex; Wu, Bin; Yee, Adelinda; Houliston, Scott; Xu, Xiaohui; Cui, Hong; Skarina, Tatiana; Garcia, Maite; Semesi, Anthony; Arrowsmith, Cheryl; Savchenko, Alexei. "Structural analysis of HopPmaL reveals the presence of a second adaptor domain common to the HopAB family of Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors."  Biochemistry 51, 1-3 (2012).
PubMed: 22191472

Assembly members:

Assembly members:
HopAB1Pph1448_220_320, polymer, 101 residues, 11275.805 Da.

Natural source:

Natural source:   Common Name: g-proteobacteria   Taxonomy ID: 264730   Superkingdom: Bacteria   Kingdom: not available   Genus/species: Pseudomonas Pseudomonas savastanoi

Experimental source:

Experimental source:   Production method: recombinant technology   Host organism: Escherichia coli   Vector: p15Tv lic

Entity Sequences (FASTA):

Data sets:
Data typeCount
13C chemical shifts388
15N chemical shifts90
1H chemical shifts657

Additional metadata:

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Related Database Links:

EMBL CAD29302 CAM12730
GB AAD47203 AAV68746 AAZ37972 EFW77542 EGH05285
REF WP_011282445 WP_032074514 WP_032701278 WP_032706902 WP_044320005
SP Q48B61 Q8RK09 Q9RBW3
AlphaFold Q48B61 Q8RK09 Q9RBW3

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