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PDB ID: 2kus
Entry in NMR Restraints Grid
Validation report in NRG-CING
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR16745
MolProbity Validation Chart
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Citation: Vassilevski, Alexander; Musolyamov, Alexander; Nikonorova, Alexandra; Finkina, Ekaterina; Slavokhotova, Anna; Shagin, Dmitry; Bozin, Timur; Bocharov, Eduard; Ovchinnikova, Tatyana; Arseniev, Alexander; Babakov, Alexei; Lukyanov, Sergey; Grishin, Eugene; Egorov, Tsezi. "Common chickweed (Stellaria media)
antifungal peptides with chitin-binding domain provide unique plant defense
strategy" J. Biol. Chem. ., .-..
Assembly members:
Sm-AMP-1.1a, polymer, 35 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: Stellaria media Taxonomy ID: 13274 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Viridiplantae Genus/species: Stellaria media
Experimental source: Production method: purified from the natural source Host organism: Stellaria media
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 90 |
1H chemical shifts | 190 |
coupling constants | 60 |
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | Sm-AMP-1.1a monomer | 1 |
Entity 1, Sm-AMP-1.1a monomer 35 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | SER | GLY | PRO | ASN | GLY | GLN | CYS | GLY | PRO | GLY | ||||
2 | TRP | GLY | GLY | CYS | ARG | GLY | GLY | LEU | CYS | CYS | ||||
3 | SER | GLN | TYR | GLY | TYR | CYS | GLY | SER | GLY | PRO | ||||
4 | LYS | TYR | CYS | ALA | HIS |