NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage position program type subtype
12451 1szy cing 1-original 8 XPLOR/CNS protocol structure calculation

! dg.inp -- Full metric matrix distance geometry
! Dave Schweisguth , 7 May 1996
! Derived from nmr/dg_full_embed.inp

set seed=@xplor.seed end     ! Use 'xplor -s'

set echo=off message=off end     ! Normal use
!set echo=on message=all end     ! Auxiliary file debugging

structure @rsf.inp end
parameter @XPLORLIB:toppar/dna-rna-allatom.par end
! Uncomment the following to define rigid groups (which seem to do nothing)
!coordinates disposition=main @template.pdb     ! END in PDB file

noe nres=1000 @noes.stem.inp @noes.loop.inp @base-pairs.inp end
restraints dihedral nassign=300 @dihedrals.inp end

set echo=on message=all end

! Include NOE and dihedral restraints in mmdg

flags exclude * include bond angle dihe impr vdw noe cdih end
parameter nbonds repel=0.8 end end  ! Scale van der Waals radii

!    @groups.inp      ! Uncomment to define rigid groups
        ! (which seem to do nothing)

! Loop until embedding is successful. Once usually suffices.

evaluate ($embedded="false")
while ($embedded="false") loop embed
    mmdg recallbounds end
end loop embed

! Scale coordinates by $dgscale (defined by mmdg)

vector do (x = x * $dgscale) (known)
vector do (y = y * $dgscale) (known)
vector do (z = z * $dgscale) (known)

! Regularize

flags exclude * include dg end
minimize powell nstep=100 drop=10 nprint=25 end

write coordinates output=dg.pdb end
! dgsa.inp -- Clean up the output of dg.inp using simulated annealing
! Dave Schweisguth , 22 Jul 1996
! Derived from nmr/dgsa.inp

evaluate ($init_t=3000)  ! Temperature for constant-temperature MD
evaluate ($high_steps=6000) ! Number of steps at high temp
evaluate ($high_timestep=0.002) ! Time of each MD step at high temp
evaluate ($final_t=300)  ! Final temperature
evaluate ($cool_steps=7500) ! Number of steps for cooling
evaluate ($cool_timestep=0.002) ! Time of each MD step when cooling
evaluate ($tempstep=50)  ! Degree increment for cooling

set seed=@xplor.seed end ! Use 'xplor -s'

set echo=off message=off end ! Normal use
!set echo=on message=all end ! Auxiliary file debugging

structure @rsf.inp end
parameter @XPLORLIB:toppar/dna-rna-allatom.par end

noe nres=1000 @noes.stem.inp @noes.loop.inp @base-pairs.inp end
restraints dihedral nassign=300 @dihedrals.inp end
evaluate($planarweight=50) ! AAFS' choice
restraints planar @planars.inp end

set echo=on message=all end

vector do (fbeta=10) (all) ! Friction coeff. for MD heatbath, in 1/ps.
vector do (mass=100) (all)      ! Uniform heavy masses to speed MD.

noe    ! Parameters for NOE effective energy term.
    averaging  * cent
    potential  * square
    sqconstant * 1
    sqexponent * 2
    scale      * 100  ! Constant NOE scale throughout the protocol.

parameter   ! Parameters for the repulsive energy term.
 repel=0.5  ! Initial value for repel--modified later.
 nbxmod=-2  ! Initial value for nbxmod--modified later.

! Test for the correct enantiomer; if you want to bypass this test because
! the substructures were tested previously, simply remove the -1 from the
! next statement.      

for $image in (1 -1) loop imag

    coordinates initialize end
    coordinates @dg.pdb       ! END in PDB file
    vector do (x=x * $image) (known)
    vector identity (store1) (not known)    ! Set store1 to unknowns.
    ! Create local ideal geometry by template fitting;
    ! this also takes care of unknown atoms.          
    coordinates copy end ! Store current coordinates in comparison set.
    coordinates initialize end
    coordinates @template.pdb      ! END in PDB file
    set echo=off message=off end
    for $id in id (tag) loop fit     ! Loop over residue tags.  
 ! LSQ fitting using known coordinates.
 coordinates fit selection=(byresidue (id $id) and not store1) end

 ! Store fitted template coordinates for this residue.
 coordinates copy selection=(byresidue (id $id)) end
    end loop fit
    set echo=on message=all end
    coordinates swap end
    ! Minimization of bonds, VDWs, and NOEs.
    flags exclude * include bond vdw noe cdih plan end
    constraints interaction (all) (all) weights * 1 vdw 20 end end
    parameter nbonds nbxmod=-2 repel=0.5 end end
    restraints dihedral scale=20 end 
    minimize powell drop=10 nstep=300 nprint=10 end
    ! Include angles. 
    flags include angl end
    minimize powell drop=10 nstep=300 nprint=10 end
    ! Dynamics, slowly introducing dihedral and improper angles

    flags include dihe impr end
    evaluate ($nstep1=int($high_steps/8))   ! Dynamics runs 1, 2, 3 and 5
    evaluate ($nstep2=int($high_steps/2))   ! Dynamics run 4
    constraints inter (all) (all) weights * 0.1 dihe 0.05 impr 0.05 vdw 20 end end
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep1 time=$high_timestep iasvel=maxwell firstt=$init_t 
 tcoup=true tbath=$init_t nprint=100 iprfrq=0                     
    constraints inter (all) (all) weights * 0.2 dihe 0.1 impr 0.1 vdw 20 end end
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep1 time=$high_timestep iasvel=current firstt=$init_t 
 tcoup=true tbath=$init_t nprint=100 iprfrq=0                     
    constraints inter (all) (all) weights * 0.2 dihe 0.2 impr 0.2 vdw 0.01 end end
    parameter nbonds repel=0.9 end end 
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep1 time=$high_timestep iasvel=current firstt=$init_t       
 tcoup=true tbath=$init_t nprint=100 iprfrq=0                 
    constraints inter (all) (all) weights * 0.4 dihe 0.4 impr 0.4 vdw 0.003 end end
    parameter nbonds nbxmod=-3 end end 
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep2 time=$high_timestep iasvel=current firstt=$init_t       
 tcoup=true tbath=$init_t nprint=100 iprfrq=0                 
    constraints inter (all) (all) weights * 1 dihe 1 impr 1 vdw 0.003 end end
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep1 time=$high_timestep iasvel=current firstt=$init_t       
 tcoup=true tbath=$init_t nprint=100 iprfrq=0                 
    if ($image=1) then
 vector do (store7=x) (all)     ! Store first image in stores.
 vector do (store8=y) (all)
 vector do (store9=z) (all)
 vector do (store4=vx) (all)
 vector do (store5=vy) (all)
 vector do (store6=vz) (all)
    end if

end loop imag

! Establish the correct handedness of the structure.
energy end
evaluate ($e_minus=$ener) 
coordinates copy end
vector do (x=store7) (all)
vector do (y=store8) (all)
vector do (z=store9) (all)
energy end
evaluate ($e_plus=$ener) 
if ($e_plus > $e_minus) then
    evaluate ($hand=-1)
    coordinates swap end
    evaluate ($hand=1)
    vector do (vx=store4) (all)
    vector do (vy=store5) (all)
    vector do (vz=store6) (all)
end if

! Increase VDW interaction and cool.

restraints dihedral scale=800 end

evaluate ($bath=$init_t)
evaluate ($ncycle=($init_t-$final_t)/$tempstep)
evaluate ($nstep=int($cool_steps/$ncycle))

evaluate ($ini_rad=0.9)
evaluate ($fin_rad=0.75)
evaluate ($radius=$ini_rad)
evaluate ($radfact=($fin_rad/$ini_rad)^(1/$ncycle))
evaluate ($ini_con=0.003)
evaluate ($fin_con=4.0)
evaluate ($k_vdw=$ini_con)
evaluate ($k_vdwfact=($fin_con/$ini_con)^(1/$ncycle))
evaluate ($i_cool=0)
while ($i_cool < $ncycle) loop cool

    evaluate ($i_cool=$i_cool+1)
    evaluate ($bath=$bath - $tempstep)       
    evaluate ($radius=max($fin_rad,$radius*$radfact))
    evaluate ($k_vdw=min($fin_con,$k_vdw*$k_vdwfact))
    parameter nbonds repel=$radius end end
    constraints interaction (all) (all) weights * 1 vdw $k_vdw end end
    dynamics verlet
 nstep=$nstep time=$cool_timestep iasvel=current firstt=$bath
 tcoup=true tbath=$bath nprint=$nstep iprfrq=0  

    ! Abort condition.

    evaluate ($critical=$temp/$bath)
    if ($critical > 10) then
 display Rerun job with smaller timestep (i.e., 0.003) 
    end if

end loop cool
! Final minimization.

minimize powell drop=10 nstep=600 nprint=25 end

! Analyze and write out the final structure.

print threshold=0.05 bonds          
evaluate ($rms_bond=$result)
evaluate ($v_bond=$violations)
print threshold=5 angles
evaluate ($rms_angl=$result)
evaluate ($v_angl=$violations)
print threshold=15 dihedrals
evaluate ($rms_dihe=$result)
evaluate ($v_dihe=$violations)
print threshold=5 impropers
evaluate ($rms_impr=$result)
evaluate ($v_impr=$violations)
print threshold=0.2 noe 
evaluate ($rms_noe=$result)
evaluate ($v_noe=$violations)
print threshold=5 cdih
evaluate ($rms_cdih=$result)
evaluate ($v_cdih=$violations)

set echo=off message=off end

display Energy:      bond $bond, angle $angl, dihedral $dihe,
display              improper $impr, NOE $noe, c-dihedral $cdih,
display              planar $plan, VdW $vdw, total $ener
display RMSD:        bond $rms_bond, angle $rms_angl, dihedral $rms_dihe,
display              improper $rms_impr, NOE $rms_noe, c-dihedral $rms_cdih
display Violations:  bond $v_bond, angle $v_angl, dihedral $v_dihe,
display              improper $v_impr, NOE $v_noe, c-dihedral $v_cdih
display Handedness $hand, enantiomer discrimination $e_plus:$e_minus

set echo=on message=all end

write coordinates output=dgsa.pdb end

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