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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors Additional Matches
31120 2024-05-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 1 set
Solution structure of toxin, U-RDTX-Pp19, from assassin bug Pristhesancus plagipennis An insect trans-defensin with insecticidal activity from assassin bug venom Download bibtex for citation iamge A A Walker, C Weirauch, E Gordon, E Wilbrink, G F King, H Wirth, J Jin, M H Goudarzi, S Guo, Y KY Chin
30598 2020-02-07 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
Solution structure of scorpion Hottentotta jayakari venom toxin Hj1a Venom Peptides with Dual Modulatory Activity on the Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Na V 1.1 Provide Novel Leads for Development of Antiepileptic Drugs Download bibtex for citation iamge Andrew A Walker, Chun Yuen Y Chow, Darin R Rokyta, Glenn F King, Linda V Blomster, Micaiah J Ward, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin
36243 2023-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Mouse receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3) amyloid structure by solid-state NMR The amyloid structure of mouse RIPK3 (receptor interacting protein kinase 3) in cell necroptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bing Li, Charles D Schwieters, Guo-Xiang X Wu, Hong Hu, Hua-Yi Y Wang, Jian Wang, Jing X Liu, Jing-Yu Y Lin, Jing Zhang, Jun-Xia X Lu, Xia-Lian L Wu, Xing-Qi Q Dong
30352 2018-10-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Spectral_peak_list: 3 sets
NMR structure of U21-hexatoxin-Hi1a toxin from Australian Funnel-web spider Hadronyche infensa Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene Download bibtex for citation iamge Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin
36101 2018-07-11 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Solution structure of the complex between UVSSA acidic region and TFIIH p62 PH domain Common TFIIH recruitment mechanism in global genome and transcription-coupled repair subpathways Download bibtex for citation iamge C Guo, M Okuda, T Ogi, Y Nakazawa, Y Nishimura
25853 2016-08-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical Shift Assignments and Structure Determination for spider toxin, U33-theraphotoxin-Cg1c Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene Download bibtex for citation iamge Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin
25778 2016-08-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical shift assignments and structure calculation of spider toxin U4-hexatoxin-Hi1a Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene Download bibtex for citation iamge Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin
25774 2016-08-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical Shift Assignments and Structure Determination for spider toxin, U4-agatoxin-Ao1a Structural venomics reveals evolution of a complex venom by duplication and diversification of an ancient peptide-encoding gene Download bibtex for citation iamge Claire Dauly, Eivind Undheim, Glenn F King, Graham M Nicholson, John S Mattick, Mehdi Mobli, Pierre Escoubas, Quentin Kaas, Sandy S Pineda, Sebastian Senff, Shaodong Guo, Volker Herzig, Yanni K-Y K Chin
19913 2014-08-04 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR Structure of KDM5B PHD1 finger The PHD1 finger of KDM5B recognizes unmodified H3K4 during the demethylation of histone H3K4me2/3 by KDM5B Download bibtex for citation iamge C Y Cao, H R Yang, N Y Rong, W X Lan, X Guo, Y H Xu, Y J Song, Y W Xu, Y Zhang
18896 2013-11-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR STRUCTURE OF A BI-FUNCTIONAL LYSOZYME-PROTEASE INHIBITOR FROM THE DEFENSE GLAND OF COPTOTERMES FORMOSANUS SHIRAKI SOLDIERS Bi-Functional Lysozyme-Protease Inhibitor Protein from the Defense Gland of Coptotermes Formosanus Shiraki Soldiers (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Download bibtex for citation iamge G P Henderson, H Negulescu, M A Macnaughtan, O Y Goodwin, R A Laine, T P Garner, Y Guo
7399 2009-10-12 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Solution structure of rhodostomin D51E mutant Effect of D to E Mutation of RGD Motif in Rhodostomin on its Activity, Structure, and Dynamics Download bibtex for citation iamge C Y Chen, L J Chou, R T Guo, W J Chuang, W Y Jeng, Y C Chen
7020 2006-09-22 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Chemical Shift Assignments for a Subunit of RNA Polymerase II Structural, biochemical, and dynamic characterizations of the hRPB8 subunit of human RNA polymerases Download bibtex for citation iamge Bin Xia, Changwen Jin, L Lai, X Guo, X Jiang, Xue Kang, Y Hu, Y Li
bmse500001 2010-03-30 : sets
Androstenedione Download bibtex for citation iamge A Guo, A M Weljie, B D Sykes, C Fung, C Knox, D Arndt, D Block, D Cheng, D Clive, D D Hau, D S Wishart, D Tzur, F Bamforth, G Amegbey, G D Macinnis, G E Duggan, H J Vogel, I Forsythe, J Miniaci, J Wagner, K Jeroncic, K Jewell, L Li, L Nikolai, L Querengesser, M A Coutouly, M Clements, M Gebremedhin, M Lewis, N Guo, N Young, P Stothard, P Tang, R Dowlatabadi, R Eisner, R Greiner, S Sawhney, S Shrivastava, T Marrie, Y Zhang
bmse001018 2012-12-21 : sets
Guanosine Download bibtex for citation iamge A Souvorov, D A Benson, D J Lipman, D L Kenton, D L Wheeler, D M Church, D R Maglott, E Sequeira, E Yaschenko, G D Schuler, G Starchenko, J Ostell, K Canese, K D Pruitt, K Sirotkin, L Bagner, L M Schriml, L Y Geer, M DiCuccio, O Khovayko, R Edgar, R Tatusov, S Federhen, S H Bryant, S T Sherry, T A Tatusova, T Barrett, T L Madden, T O Suzek, V Chetvenin, W Helmberg, Y Kapustin Common name: Guo
bmst000087 2006-02-23 Other_data_list: 1 set
guanosine Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Download bibtex for citation iamge A Souvorov, D A Benson, D J Lipman, D L Kenton, D L Wheeler, D M Church, D R Maglott, E Sequeira, E Yaschenko, G D Schuler, G Starchenko, J Ostell, K Canese, K D Pruitt, K Sirotkin, L Bagner, L M Schriml, L Y Geer, M DiCuccio, O Khovayko, R Edgar, R Tatusov, S Federhen, S H Bryant, S T Sherry, T A Tatusova, T Barrett, T L Madden, T O Suzek, V Chetvenin, W Helmberg, Y Kapustin Common name: Guo
bmse000091 2006-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Guanosine Download bibtex for citation iamge A Souvorov, D A Benson, D J Lipman, D L Kenton, D L Wheeler, D M Church, D R Maglott, E Sequeira, E Yaschenko, G D Schuler, G Starchenko, J Ostell, K Canese, K D Pruitt, K Sirotkin, L Bagner, L M Schriml, L Y Geer, M DiCuccio, O Khovayko, R Edgar, R Tatusov, S Federhen, S H Bryant, S T Sherry, T A Tatusova, T Barrett, T L Madden, T O Suzek, V Chetvenin, W Helmberg, Y Kapustin Common name: Guo