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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
50601 2021-04-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Reference peptide containing iso-aspartate at the pH values of 2.3 and 7.4 under denaturing conditions Detecting aspartate isomerization and backbone cleavage after aspartate in intact proteins by NMR spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
50598 2021-04-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
peptide containing C-terminal Asp for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 under denaturing conditions Detecting aspartate isomerization and backbone cleavage after aspartate in intact proteins by NMR spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
50599 2021-04-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
reference peptide including N-terminal Pro at pH values of 2.3 and 7.4 under denaturing conditions Detecting aspartate isomerization and backbone cleavage after aspartate in intact proteins by NMR spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
50600 2021-04-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
reference peptide containing Asp-Pro at the pH values of 2.3 and 7.4 under denaturing conditions Detecting aspartate isomerization and backbone cleavage after aspartate in intact proteins by NMR spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28130 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
Oxindolylalanine-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28126 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
Methionine sulfoxide-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 (with Ala as succeeding residue) Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28129 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
N-formylkynurenine-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28124 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
5-Hydroxytryptophan-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28125 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Kynurenine-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28127 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
Methionine sulfoxide-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 (with Pro as succeeding residue) Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28128 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 2 sets
Methionine sulfone-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic
28123 2020-10-05 Chemical Shifts: 4 sets
Methionine sulfoxide-containing peptide for random coil chemical shifts at pH 2.3 and 7.4 (with Gly as succeeding residue) Identification and Quantification of Oxidation Products in Full-Length Biotherapeutic Antibodies by NMR Spectroscopy Download bibtex for citation iamge Arthur Hinterholzer, Chiara Cabrele, Christian G Huber, Christof Regl, Mario Schubert, Vesna Stanojlovic