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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
36243 2023-02-23 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Mouse receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIP3) amyloid structure by solid-state NMR The amyloid structure of mouse RIPK3 (receptor interacting protein kinase 3) in cell necroptosis. Download bibtex for citation iamge Bing Li, Charles D Schwieters, Guo-Xiang X Wu, Hong Hu, Hua-Yi Y Wang, Jian Wang, Jing X Liu, Jing-Yu Y Lin, Jing Zhang, Jun-Xia X Lu, Xia-Lian L Wu, Xing-Qi Q Dong
15124 2007-05-21 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Discovery and optimization of a natural HIV-1 entry inhibitor targeting the gp41 fusion peptide Discovery and optimization of a natural HIV-1 entry inhibitor targeting the gp41 fusion peptide Download bibtex for citation iamge Axel Schulz, Bernd Meyer, Chawaree Chaipan, Dennis Wilhelm, Frank Kirchhoff, Hong Lu, Jan Munch, Knut Adermann, Ludger Standker, M Schindler, R Chinnadurai, Shibo Jiang, Stefan Pohlmann, Thomas Peters, Thorsten Biet, Weiguo Jing, Wolf-Georg Forssmann