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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
967 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
960 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
961 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
962 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
963 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
964 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
965 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
966 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of Chymotrypsin II. Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and Competitive Inhibitors Download bibtex for citation iamge G Robillard, R G Shulman
2371 1995-07-31 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Three-Dimensional 15N-1H-1H and 15N-13C-1H nuclear-magnetic resonance studies of HPr a central component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system from Escherichia coli Three-Dimensional 15N-1H-1H and 15N-13C-1H nuclear-magnetic resonance studies of HPr a central component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system from Escherichia coli Download bibtex for citation iamge Alard A van Dijk, Frans HJ van Hoesel, G T Robillard, Klaas Dijkstra, Nico AJ van Nuland, Ruud M Scheek