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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
25631 2015-06-15 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
structure of ace-pvhct-nh2 A hemocyanin-derived antimicrobial peptide from the penaeid shrimp adopts an alpha-helical structure that specifically permeabilizes fungal membranes Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Blond, Chakib Djediat, Christophe Goulard, Delphine Destoumieux-garzon, Evelyne Bachere, Jean-luc Rolland, Jean Peduzzi, Joelle Dupont, Sylvie Rebuffat, Vanessa W Petit
25555 2015-05-26 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of PvHCt, an antimicrobial peptide from shrimp litopenaeus vannamei THE HEMOCYANIN-DERIVED PVHCT IS AN ALPHA-HELICAL ANTIFUNGAL PEPTIDE THAT SPECIFICALLY PERMEABILIZES FUNGAL MEMBRANES Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Blond, Chakib Djediat, Christophe Goulard, Delphine Destoumieux-Garzon, Evelyne Bachere, Jean-Luc Rolland, Jean Peduzzi, Joelle Dupont, Sylvie Rebuffat, Vanessa W Petit
18405 2012-08-30 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of Sviceucin, an type I lasso peptide from Streptomyces sviceus Structure and biosynthesis of Sviceucin, an type I lasso peptide from Streptomyces sviceus Download bibtex for citation iamge Alain Blond, Christophe Goulard, Eric Guittet, Ewen Lescop, Jean-Luc Pernodet, Remi Ducasse, Severine Zirah, Sylvie Rebuffat, Yanyan Li