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Entry ID Original Release date Data summary Entry Title Citation Title Authors
34171 2017-08-25 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
NMR derived model of the 5'-splice site of SMN2 in complex with the 5'-end of U1 snRNA Binding to SMN2 pre-mRNA-protein complex elicits specificity for small molecule splicing modifiers. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian R Krainer, Ahmed Moursy, Angelique Augustin, Antoine Clery, Balazs Banfai, Frederic H-T H Allain, Friedrich Metzger, Gonzalo Duran-Pacheco, Hasane Ratni, Helene Meistermann, Jens Lamerz, Kathleen D McCarthy, Manaswini Sivaramakrishnan, Manuel Tzouros, Martin Ebeling, Melanie N Hug, Nicolas Giroud, Nikos Berntenis, Pascale Birrer, Roland Schmucki, Sabrina Golling, Sarah Khawaja, Sebastien Campagne, Sergey Paushkin, Sonja Meier, Sylwia Huber, Thomas Luebbers, Tobias Heckel, Ying Hsiu Liu
19248 2013-07-08 Chemical Shifts: 1 set
Structure of SRSF1 RRM2 in complex with the RNA 5'-UGAAGGAC-3' Isolated pseudo-RNA-recognition motifs of SR proteins can regulate splicing using a noncanonical mode of RNA recognition. Download bibtex for citation iamge Adrian R Krainer, Ahmed Moursy, Anna Corrionero, Antoine Clery, Frederic H-T Allain, Gerrit M Daubner, Juan Valcarcel, Olga Anczukow, Rahul Sinha