1. dyana
2. read the library file by typing "dyanalib" at the DYANA prompt
3. read the sequence and chemical shift files:
("read seq 2280.seq"; "read prot 22580.prot")
4. generate the bmrb-format file ("bmrblist 22580.bmrb")
3. Convert the new shift list to the input format for TALOS using:
bmrb2talos 22580.bmrb 22580.tab
4. A complete set of assignments nmrPipe db style can be obtained by:
bmrb2all 22580.bmrb 22580.all
- this (22580.all) can be used to map assignments onto hsqc data:
1. dyana
2. read the library file by typing "dyanalib" at the DYANA prompt
3. read the sequence and chemical shift files:
("read seq 2280.seq"; "read prot 22580.prot")
4. generate the bmrb-format file ("bmrblist 22580.bmrb")
3. Convert the new shift list to the input format for TALOS using:
bmrb2talos 22580.bmrb 22580.tab
4. A complete set of assignments nmrPipe db style can be obtained by:
bmrb2all 22580.bmrb 22580.all
- this (22580.all) can be used to map assignments onto hsqc data: