============================================================ | | | Crystallography & NMR System (CNS) | | CNSsolve | | | ============================================================ Version: 1.1 Status: Developmental version ============================================================ Written by: A.T.Brunger, P.D.Adams, G.M.Clore, W.L.DeLano, P.Gros, R.W.Grosse-Kunstleve, J.-S.Jiang, J.Kuszewski, M.Nilges, N.S.Pannu, R.J.Read, L.M.Rice, T.Simonson, G.L.Warren. Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Yale University ============================================================ Running on machine: cesg-master.biochem.wisc.edu (Linux,32-bit) Program started by: volkman Program started at: 01:57:59 on 28-Dec-04 ============================================================ FFT3C: Using FFTPACK4.1 CNSsolve>define( DEFINE>{* selection of atoms other than hydrogens for which coordinates DEFINE> will be generated *} DEFINE>{* to generate coordinates for all unknown atoms use: (not(known)) *} DEFINE>{===>} atom_build=(not(known)); DEFINE>{============================= output files ================================} DEFINE> DEFINE>{* input coordinate file *} DEFINE>{===>} coordinate_infile="1xxx_11.pdb"; DEFINE> DEFINE>{* output coordinate file *} DEFINE>{===>} coordinate_outfile="1xxx_11_cns.pdb"; DEFINE>) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> checkversion 1.1 Program version= 1.1 File version= 1.1 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> evaluate ($log_level=verbose) Assuming literal string "VERBOSE" EVALUATE: symbol $LOG_LEVEL set to "VERBOSE" (string) CNSsolve> evaluate ($par_nonbonded="PROLSQ") EVALUATE: symbol $PAR_NONBONDED set to "PROLSQ" (string) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> !@generateProtonsJFD.inp CNSsolve> CNSsolve>{===========================================================================} CNSsolve>{ things below this line do not need to be changed } CNSsolve>{===========================================================================} CNSsolve> CNSsolve>remarks changed Tue Sep 2 09:48:07 CDT 2003 CNSsolve>remarks by jfd to include a fes residue CNSsolve> CNSsolve>!@generate_tmoc.inp CNSsolve> CNSsolve>topology reset end CNSsolve>structure reset end Status of internal molecular topology database: -> NATOM= 0(MAXA= 40000) NBOND= 0(MAXB= 40000) -> NTHETA= 0(MAXT= 80000) NGRP= 0(MAXGRP= 40000) -> NPHI= 0(MAXP= 80000) NIMPHI= 0(MAXIMP= 40000) -> NNB= 0(MAXNB= 40000) CNSsolve> CNSsolve>topology RTFRDR>{===>} @TOPPAR:topallhdg5.3.pro ASSFIL: file /u/volkman/waterrefine/toppar/topallhdg5.3.pro opened. RTFRDR>remark file topallhdg.pro version 5.3 date 23-Sept-02 RTFRDR>remark for file parallhdg.pro version 5.3 date 13-Feb-02 or later RTFRDR>remark Geometric energy function parameters for distance geometry and RTFRDR>remark simulated annealing. RTFRDR>remark Author: Michael Nilges, EMBL Heidelberg; Institut Pasteur, Paris RTFRDR>remark This file contains modifications from M. Williams, UCL London RTFRDR>remark Last modification 16-Sept-02 RTFRDR> RTFRDR>set echo off message off end RTFRDR>end CNSsolve> CNSsolve>! no chain id. CNSsolve>segment name=" " SEGMENT> chain CHAIN> @TOPPAR:topallhdg5.3.pep CHAIN>REMARKS TOPH19.pep -MACRO for protein sequence CHAIN>SET ECHO=FALSE END CHAIN> sequence SEQUENCE> @1xxx.seq SEQUENCE>MET SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ALA SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =THR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =MET SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PRO SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PRO SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PRO SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ALA SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PRO SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PRO SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =THR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ARG SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =SER SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TRP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =THR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ARG SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =MET SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ARG SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =THR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TRP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =LEU SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ARG SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASP SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ARG SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =THR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =PHE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =VAL SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ILE SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =TYR SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =GLY SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =HIS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =ASN SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =MET SEQUence-element (terminate with END) =CYS SEQUence-element (terminate with END) = end SEGMNT: 102 residues were inserted into segment " " CHAIN> end SEGMENT>end Status of internal molecular topology database: -> NATOM= 1677(MAXA= 40000) NBOND= 1701(MAXB= 40000) -> NTHETA= 3064(MAXT= 80000) NGRP= 104(MAXGRP= 40000) -> NPHI= 2502(MAXP= 80000) NIMPHI= 926(MAXIMP= 40000) -> NNB= 648(MAXNB= 40000) CNSsolve> CNSsolve>! turn peptide from trans to cis CNSsolve>!patch CISP reference=nil=( resid 80 ) end CNSsolve> CNSsolve>coor @&coordinate_infile COOR>HEADER Structures from CYANA 28-12-2004 COOR>REMARK model 11 COOR>ATOM 1954 N MET A 1 1.325 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET HN not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 1HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 1 MET 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 2 ALA QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 2 ALA 1HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 2 ALA 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 2 ALA 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 3 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 3 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 3 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 4 THR QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 4 THR 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 4 THR 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 4 THR 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 5 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 5 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 5 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 6 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 7 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 1HE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN 2HE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 8 GLN QE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 9 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 1HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 10 MET 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 11 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 12 PRO QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 13 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 14 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 15 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 15 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 15 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 16 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 17 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 18 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 18 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 18 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 19 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 19 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 19 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 20 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 21 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 21 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 21 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 22 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 23 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 24 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 25 PRO QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 26 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 27 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 27 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 27 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 28 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 29 ASN QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 30 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 31 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 32 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 33 PRO QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 34 ALA QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 34 ALA 1HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 34 ALA 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 34 ALA 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 35 PRO QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 36 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 37 PRO QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 38 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 39 THR QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 39 THR 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 39 THR 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 39 THR 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 40 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 41 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 41 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 41 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 42 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 43 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 44 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 44 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 44 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 45 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 46 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 46 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 46 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 47 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 47 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 47 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 1HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 2HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG QH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 1HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG 2HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 48 ARG QH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 49 SER 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 49 SER 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 49 SER QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 50 TRP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 50 TRP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 50 TRP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 51 THR QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 51 THR 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 51 THR 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 51 THR 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 52 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 1HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 2HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG QH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 1HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG 2HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 53 ARG QH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 1HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 54 MET 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 55 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 56 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 1HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 2HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG QH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 1HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG 2HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 57 ARG QH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 58 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 58 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 58 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 59 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 60 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 61 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 62 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 63 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 64 THR QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 64 THR 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 64 THR 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 64 THR 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 65 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 66 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 66 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 66 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 67 TRP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 67 TRP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 67 TRP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 68 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 69 ASN QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 70 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 71 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 72 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 73 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 73 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 73 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 74 ASN QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 75 ASN QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 76 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 77 GLU QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 78 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 78 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 78 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 79 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 79 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 79 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 1HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 2HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS 3HZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 80 LYS QZ not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 81 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU 3HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 82 LEU QQD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 1HE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN 2HE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 83 GLN QE2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 84 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 85 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 86 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 87 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 87 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 87 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 1HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 2HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG QH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 1HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG 2HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 88 ARG QH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 89 ASP 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 89 ASP 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 89 ASP QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 2HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 3HD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 1HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 2HH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG QH1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 1HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG 2HH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 90 ARG QH2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 91 THR QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 91 THR 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 91 THR 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 91 THR 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 92 PHE QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 93 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 1HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 94 VAL QQG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 95 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE QG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 1HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 2HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 3HG2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 2HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 3HG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE QG1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE QD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 1HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 2HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 96 ILE 3HD1 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR QD not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 97 TYR QR not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 98 GLY 1HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 98 GLY 2HA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 98 GLY QA not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 99 HIS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 99 HIS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 99 HIS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN 1HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN 2HD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 100 ASN QD2 not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 2HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 3HG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET QG not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET QE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 1HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 2HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 101 MET 3HE not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 102 CYS 2HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 102 CYS 3HB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 102 CYS QB not found in molecular structure %READC-ERR: atom 102 CYS O not found in molecular structure COOR>END CNSsolve>parameter @TOPPAR:parallhdg5.3.pro end PARRDR>! JFD adds FES complex parameters from Milo Westler's calculations PARRDR>! and standard topology. PARRDR> PARRDR>remark file protein-allhdg-ucl.param version UCL date 07-JUL-01 PARRDR>remark for file protein-allhdg-ucl.top version UCL date 14-MAR-00 PARRDR>remark for file protein-allhdg-dih-ucl.top version UCL date 07-JUL-01 PARRDR>remark Geometric energy function parameters for distance geometry and PARRDR>remark simulated annealing. PARRDR>remark Original author: Michael Nilges, EMBL Heidelberg PARRDR>remark Modifications: Mark A. Williams, UCL London PARRDR> PARRDR>set echo off message off end SHOW: sum over selected elements = 2.000000 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> if ( $log_level = verbose ) then CNSsolve> set message=normal echo=on end CNSsolve> else CNSsolve> set message=off echo=off end CNSsolve> end if CNSsolve> CNSsolve> CNSsolve> identity (store1) (none) SELRPN: 0 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> identity (store1) (&atom_build) SELRPN: 507 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> identity (store1) (store1 or hydrogen) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show sum(1) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: sum over selected elements = 830.000000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($tobuild=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $TOBUILD set to 830.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> !evaluate ($tobuild=0) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> if ( $tobuild > 0 ) then NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true CNSsolve> CNSsolve> fix selection=(not(store1)) end SELRPN: 847 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show sum(1) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: sum over selected elements = 830.000000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($moving=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $MOVING set to 830.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> if ( $moving > 0 ) then NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco SELRPN: 102 atoms have been selected out of 1677 FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1.00000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.760778 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 1.76078 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.905889 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.905889 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.906111 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to -1.90611 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 20.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.183000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 5.18300 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.811714 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -1.81171 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.425143 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to -1.42514 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 30.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 4.623800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 4.62380 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -4.272400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -4.27240 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.767400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 1.76740 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 42.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 8.456545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 8.45655 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.547273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.54727 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.383636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 1.38364 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 56.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 8.513000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 8.51300 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.581200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.58120 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 4.901400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 4.90140 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 63.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.911273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.9113 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -7.947455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -7.94745 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 7.185000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 7.18500 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 78.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.630900 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.6309 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.235100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.23510 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 10.549400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 10.5494 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 94.0000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.513364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 16.5134 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -4.589364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -4.58936 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.678909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 11.6789 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 111.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.322389 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 16.3224 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.609278 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.609278 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.084667 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 16.0847 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 131.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.169600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 20.1696 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.671200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.671200 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.710600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 16.7106 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 148.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 18.794636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 18.7946 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.526455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.526455 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.560909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 21.5609 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 170.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.751625 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 21.7516 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.600625 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.600625 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.261125 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.2611 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 184.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.697444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 23.6974 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -3.922833 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -3.92283 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.418222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.4182 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 204.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.763909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.7639 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.459636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.459636 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.901455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 29.9015 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 223.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 24.610444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 24.6104 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -3.331111 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -3.33111 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 32.829111 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 32.8291 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 234.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.982273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 21.9823 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.144818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.144818 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 35.359000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 35.3590 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 249.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 18.457909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 18.4579 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.069455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -1.06945 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 33.199273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 33.1993 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 271.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.672889 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 20.6729 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -4.826000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -4.82600 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.126889 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.1269 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 282.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.578444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 20.5784 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.977222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.97722 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 35.279667 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 35.2797 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 293.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.720091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 17.7201 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -8.762455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -8.76245 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 36.217364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 36.2174 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 315.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.118778 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 16.1188 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.520889 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.52089 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 32.770222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 32.7702 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 326.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.298909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 15.2989 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.245545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.24555 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.447091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 28.4471 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 345.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.108091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 16.1081 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.575455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.575455 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.900818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.9008 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 360.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.715727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.7157 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.692091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.692091 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.039091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 26.0391 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 379.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 12.189875 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 12.1899 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 2.312750 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 2.31275 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.315250 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.3153 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 393.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 9.207636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 9.20764 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.195545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 5.19555 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 24.893273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 24.8933 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 412.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 9.836200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 9.83620 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 6.019400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 6.01940 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.657000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 20.6570 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 419.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 9.706056 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 9.70606 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.738222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.738222 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 18.678278 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 18.6783 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 439.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 6.850900 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 6.85090 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.928500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 1.92850 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.763100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 21.7631 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 453.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 4.579818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 4.57982 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 6.430636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 6.43064 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.878818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.8788 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 468.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 6.545316 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 6.54532 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 3.271895 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 3.27189 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.188474 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 14.1885 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 489.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.628222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 5.62822 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.798000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -1.79800 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.660944 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 17.6609 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 509.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.729125 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 1.72913 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.207125 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.207125 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.189000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.1890 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 523.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.141000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 1.14100 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -3.085714 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -3.08571 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.391000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 21.3910 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 533.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.705250 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to -0.705250 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.659875 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.65988 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.108875 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.1089 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 547.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.681000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to -1.68100 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.751167 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.75117 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.889944 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.8899 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 567.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 2.637125 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 2.63713 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -9.364375 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -9.36438 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.356500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 26.3565 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 581.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.418727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 1.41873 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -12.846273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -12.8463 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.804636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 28.8046 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 600.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 4.817000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 4.81700 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -14.732364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -14.7324 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.511909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.5119 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 614.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 8.371400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 8.37140 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.104100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.1041 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.520200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 25.5202 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 630.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 10.556300 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 10.5563 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -16.330600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -16.3306 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.043800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.0438 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 642.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.187727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 14.1877 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -14.553818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -14.5538 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.261545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.2615 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 661.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.854182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 14.8542 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.011818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.0118 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.358727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.3587 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 680.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.811600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 19.8116 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.030300 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.0303 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.765400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.7654 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 692.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.308632 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.3086 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.062947 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.0629 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 13.992105 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 13.9921 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 713.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.669000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.6690 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -21.481333 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -21.4813 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 18.354778 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 18.3548 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 724.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.025400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 19.0254 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -22.747400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -22.7474 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 18.963800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 18.9638 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 731.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.867786 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 19.8678 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -23.785000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -23.7850 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.718500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 22.7185 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 755.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.076889 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 15.0769 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -20.806444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -20.8064 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.316556 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.3166 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 766.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.927773 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 17.9278 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -18.621500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -18.6215 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.682727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 25.6827 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 790.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.721909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.7219 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.697364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.6974 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.980182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.9802 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 804.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.498000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.4980 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.175800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.1758 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.949600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.9496 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 820.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 7.415286 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 7.41529 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -12.463929 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -12.4639 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.956500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.9565 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 844.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 7.244600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 7.24460 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -7.883600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -7.88360 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.542000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.5420 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 861.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 3.985727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 3.98573 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.358545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.35855 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 30.270636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 30.2706 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 883.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 2.475000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 2.47500 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -2.036818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -2.03682 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.501727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 26.5017 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 905.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 2.149714 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 2.14971 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.326929 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 0.326929 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.363429 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.3634 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 929.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 1.141400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 1.14140 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 2.955600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 2.95560 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.216200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.2162 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 936.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 3.317000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 3.31700 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.816455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 5.81645 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.824545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 25.8245 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 951.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.463909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 5.46391 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 3.866182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to 3.86618 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.645909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 29.6459 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 973.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 7.690800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 7.69080 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -0.247100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -0.247100 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.560600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.5606 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 989.000 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.058389 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.0584 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.073222 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -1.07322 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.782944 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.7829 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1009.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.340818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.3408 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.351364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.35136 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.412182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 29.4122 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1028.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 10.096273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 10.0963 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -7.586455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -7.58645 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 33.735000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 33.7350 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1042.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.904200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 11.9042 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.785500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.7855 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 34.999000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 34.9990 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1058.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.135000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 14.1350 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -12.542200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -12.5422 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.929000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.9290 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1065.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.880591 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 17.8806 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -9.426227 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -9.42623 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 22 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.271682 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 28.2717 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1089.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.270545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 17.2705 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -12.170818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -12.1708 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 33.531636 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 33.5316 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1104.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.372200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 17.3722 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -15.524700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -15.5247 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.601200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.6012 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1118.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.804667 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 19.8047 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.793556 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.7936 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.773444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 25.7734 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1138.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.651300 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 21.6513 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -11.301200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -11.3012 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.980000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 29.9800 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1154.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.264000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.2640 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -15.085909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -15.0859 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 33.112182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 33.1122 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1176.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.996800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.9968 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.034600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.0346 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.964600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 28.9646 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1188.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.011800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 25.0118 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -14.437800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -14.4378 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.063200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 27.0632 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1202.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.895700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 27.8957 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.622100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.6221 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.069500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 31.0695 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1216.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.954909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 26.9549 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -9.719455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -9.71945 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.881364 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 28.8814 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1235.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.539273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 29.5393 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.697000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.69700 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 30.768545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 30.7685 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1250.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 28.023000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 28.0230 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -2.194600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -2.19460 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.374000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 29.3740 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1262.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.690200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 29.6902 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -2.805000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -2.80500 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 25.803200 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 25.8032 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1269.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 29.494273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 29.4943 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.077182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.07718 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 23.314091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 23.3141 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1291.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.463474 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 26.4635 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -1.515737 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -1.51574 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.707474 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 20.7075 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1312.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.106818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.1068 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.273091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.27309 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.322273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 21.3223 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1331.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 21.218182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 21.2182 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -5.668091 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -5.66809 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.597000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 16.5970 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1348.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.873722 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 15.8737 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.416778 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.41678 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.786444 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.7864 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1368.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.723455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 15.7235 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -8.773818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -8.77382 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.606273 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 14.6063 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1387.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 10.829947 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 10.8299 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.960526 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.96053 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.488158 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 16.4882 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1408.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 9.473700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 9.47370 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.696400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.6964 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.761800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 11.7618 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1420.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.332143 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 5.33214 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.694143 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.69414 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 11.881071 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 11.8811 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1444.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 5.313700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 5.31370 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -11.880100 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -11.8801 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.364700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 15.3647 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 4 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1456.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 4.753643 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 4.75364 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.288286 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.2883 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 14 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.509071 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 20.5091 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 13 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1480.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 9.327727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 9.32773 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.890545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.8905 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.774182 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 17.7742 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1494.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 10.904667 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 10.9047 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.118167 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.1182 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 18 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.816056 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.8161 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1514.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 14.507789 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 14.5078 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.251947 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.2519 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 15.830579 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 15.8306 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1535.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.176000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 19.1760 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.956600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.9566 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.935900 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.9359 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1551.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 22.553727 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 22.5537 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.422818 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.4228 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.379545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 17.3795 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1570.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 26.061545 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 26.0615 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -9.931455 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -9.93145 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.444909 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 20.4449 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 11 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1589.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 27.949263 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 27.9493 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -6.079579 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -6.07958 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 19 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 17.163158 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 17.1632 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1610.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 32.306600 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 32.3066 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -8.724000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -8.72400 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 5 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.029800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.0298 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 3 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1617.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 15 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 36.693133 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 36.6931 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 15 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -10.433067 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -10.4331 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 15 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.354333 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.3543 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1635.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 31.796400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 31.7964 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -13.131700 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -13.1317 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 20.855000 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 20.8550 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 6 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1649.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 30.710400 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 30.7104 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -16.989800 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -16.9898 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 10 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 19.613900 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 19.6139 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 9 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco FOR ID LOOP: symbol ID set to 1666.00 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 34.173250 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_X set to 34.1733 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = -17.138500 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Y set to -17.1385 (real) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) SELRPN: 8 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 16.744750 CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) EVALUATE: symbol $AVE_Z set to 16.7448 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) SELRPN: 7 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco CNSsolve> CNSsolve> show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_x=$result) CNSsolve> show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_y=$result) CNSsolve> show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) CNSsolve> evaluate ($ave_z=$result) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) CNSsolve> do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) CNSsolve> do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end loop avco CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (x=x+random(2.0)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (y=y+random(2.0)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (z=z+random(2.0)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- start parameter for the side chain building -} CNSsolve> parameter PARRDR> nbonds NBDSET> rcon=20. nbxmod=-2 repel=0.9 wmin=0.1 tolerance=1. NBDSET> rexp=2 irexp=2 inhibit=0.25 NBDSET> end PARRDR> end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- Friction coefficient, in 1/ps. -} CNSsolve> do (fbeta=100) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> evaluate ($bath=300.0) EVALUATE: symbol $BATH set to 300.000 (real) CNSsolve> evaluate ($nstep=500) EVALUATE: symbol $NSTEP set to 500.000 (real) CNSsolve> evaluate ($timestep=0.0005) EVALUATE: symbol $TIMESTEP set to 0.500000E-03 (real) CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (refy=mass) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (mass=20) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> igroup interaction SELRPN> (store1) (store1 or known) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SELRPN: 1677 atoms have been selected out of 1677 IGROup> end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- turn on initial energy terms -} CNSsolve> flags exclude * include bond angle vdw end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> minimize powell nstep=50 nprint=10 end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 2490 NBONDS: generating intra-molecular exclusion list with mode=-2 MAKINB: mode -2 found 830 exclusions and 0 interactions(1-4) %atoms " -9 -PHE -HD2 " and " -9 -PHE -HZ " only 0.10 A apart %atoms " -11 -LYS -HA " and " -11 -LYS -HZ1 " only 0.05 A apart %atoms " -22 -LEU -HD11" and " -22 -LEU -HD22" only 0.06 A apart %atoms " -28 -PHE -HE1 " and " -28 -PHE -HE2 " only 0.09 A apart %atoms " -48 -ARG -HD2 " and " -48 -ARG -HH11" only 0.09 A apart %atoms " -55 -LYS -HD1 " and " -55 -LYS -HE1 " only 0.08 A apart %atoms " -68 -GLU -HN " and " -68 -GLU -HG2 " only 0.07 A apart %atoms " -85 -ILE -HG11" and " -85 -ILE -HG23" only 0.07 A apart %atoms " -88 -ARG -HH12" and " -88 -ARG -HH22" only 0.07 A apart %atoms " -93 -TYR -HD2 " and " -93 -TYR -HE1 " only 0.07 A apart %atoms " -94 -VAL -HN " and " -94 -VAL -HG21" only 0.07 A apart NBONDS: found 105139 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 11 nonbonded violations %atoms " -68 -GLU -HN " and " -68 -GLU -HA " only 0.09 A apart %atoms " -71 -VAL -HB " and " -71 -VAL -HG23" only 0.06 A apart NBONDS: found 103983 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 2 nonbonded violations NBONDS: found 99440 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97451 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96724 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 10 ------ stepsize= -0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =483974.002 grad(E)=669.891 E(BOND)=109073.307 E(ANGL)=219457.862 | | E(VDW )=155442.833 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97314 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97596 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97190 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97117 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 20 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =162437.851 grad(E)=335.662 E(BOND)=23467.335 E(ANGL)=56740.235 | | E(VDW )=82230.282 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97133 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97077 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97075 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 30 ------ stepsize= 0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =137164.545 grad(E)=310.829 E(BOND)=22053.189 E(ANGL)=43175.719 | | E(VDW )=71935.637 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97016 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 40 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =134188.100 grad(E)=309.021 E(BOND)=21554.741 E(ANGL)=41519.108 | | E(VDW )=71114.251 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97011 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 50 ------ stepsize= 0.0048 ----------------------- | Etotal =136688.622 grad(E)=319.828 E(BOND)=24546.411 E(ANGL)=41562.847 | | E(VDW )=70579.363 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: STEP number limit. Normal termination POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> flags exclude vdw include impr end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> dynamics cartesian Cartesian Dynamics> nstep=50 Cartesian Dynamics> timestep=$timestep Cartesian Dynamics> tcoupling=true temperature=$bath DCART: temperature coupling (TCOUpling) enabled Cartesian Dynamics> nprint=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> cmremove=false Cartesian Dynamics> end -------------------------- Cartesian dynamics start --------------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=572049.698 E(kin)=768.346 temperature=310.562 | | Etotal =571281.352 grad(E)=726.165 E(BOND)=21627.967 E(ANGL)=41319.984 | | E(IMPR)=508333.402 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- final step= 50 at 0.02500 ps --------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=367271.810 E(kin)=59906.802 temperature=24214.035 | | Etotal =307365.009 grad(E)=442.326 E(BOND)=41437.923 E(ANGL)=114220.668 | | E(IMPR)=151706.417 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENMAS: Information about center of free masses position [A] : 14.55855 -7.27606 23.34697 velocity [A/ps] : -0.46343 -0.33679 -0.12643 ang. mom. [amu A/ps] :-111303.61894 58761.62133-144364.54907 kin. ener. [Kcal/mol] : 6.82779 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> flags include vdw end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> minimize powell nstep=50 nprint=10 end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 2490 NBONDS: found 96752 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96826 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96873 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96871 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96890 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96892 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 10 ------ stepsize= 0.0002 ----------------------- | Etotal =273367.209 grad(E)=418.055 E(BOND)=41458.175 E(ANGL)=69483.959 | | E(IMPR)=118840.405 E(VDW )=43584.670 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97028 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96952 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 20 ------ stepsize= 0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =179340.352 grad(E)=264.816 E(BOND)=20282.106 E(ANGL)=27876.404 | | E(IMPR)=86818.248 E(VDW )=44363.594 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 96982 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96875 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96980 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96936 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96926 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 30 ------ stepsize= -0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =169095.775 grad(E)=266.387 E(BOND)=19526.145 E(ANGL)=26725.552 | | E(IMPR)=79655.099 E(VDW )=43188.979 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 96980 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97018 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 40 ------ stepsize= 0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =154178.779 grad(E)=263.186 E(BOND)=19274.087 E(ANGL)=24028.783 | | E(IMPR)=68483.676 E(VDW )=42392.232 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 97038 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97019 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 97058 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 50 ------ stepsize= 0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =135055.849 grad(E)=264.298 E(BOND)=19089.446 E(ANGL)=19998.972 | | E(IMPR)=54321.210 E(VDW )=41646.221 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: STEP number limit. Normal termination POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> dynamics cartesian Cartesian Dynamics> nstep=50 Cartesian Dynamics> timestep=$timestep Cartesian Dynamics> tcoupling=true temperature=$bath DCART: temperature coupling (TCOUpling) enabled Cartesian Dynamics> nprint=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> cmremove=false Cartesian Dynamics> end -------------------------- Cartesian dynamics start --------------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=135815.484 E(kin)=759.635 temperature=307.041 | | Etotal =135055.849 grad(E)=264.298 E(BOND)=19089.446 E(ANGL)=19998.972 | | E(IMPR)=54321.210 E(VDW )=41646.221 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 96993 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 96959 intra-atom interactions -------------------- final step= 50 at 0.02500 ps --------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=130068.481 E(kin)=3379.792 temperature=1366.095 | | Etotal =126688.689 grad(E)=265.831 E(BOND)=19582.773 E(ANGL)=16310.271 | | E(IMPR)=49722.367 E(VDW )=41073.278 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENMAS: Information about center of free masses position [A] : 14.56448 -7.27598 23.33535 velocity [A/ps] : 0.22550 0.12551 -0.07316 ang. mom. [amu A/ps] : 5963.07141 -16340.46321 41130.72598 kin. ener. [Kcal/mol] : 1.42738 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> parameter PARRDR> nbonds NBDSET> rcon=2. nbxmod=-3 repel=0.75 NBDSET> end PARRDR> end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> minimize powell nstep=100 nprint=25 end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 2490 NBONDS: generating intra-molecular exclusion list with mode=-3 MAKINB: mode -3 found 2719 exclusions and 0 interactions(1-4) NBONDS: found 95077 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95741 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95741 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95624 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 25 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =55134.234 grad(E)=82.435 E(BOND)=3124.954 E(ANGL)=16693.688 | | E(IMPR)=35313.931 E(VDW )=1.660 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- cycle= 50 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =54358.577 grad(E)=77.807 E(BOND)=3466.728 E(ANGL)=16027.222 | | E(IMPR)=34863.170 E(VDW )=1.458 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- cycle= 75 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =54358.577 grad(E)=77.807 E(BOND)=3466.728 E(ANGL)=16027.221 | | E(IMPR)=34863.170 E(VDW )=1.458 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: Line search terminated POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> dynamics cartesian Cartesian Dynamics> nstep=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> timestep=$timestep Cartesian Dynamics> tcoupling=true temperature=$bath DCART: temperature coupling (TCOUpling) enabled Cartesian Dynamics> nprint=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> cmremove=false Cartesian Dynamics> end -------------------------- Cartesian dynamics start --------------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=55102.333 E(kin)=743.757 temperature=300.623 | | Etotal =54358.577 grad(E)=77.807 E(BOND)=3466.728 E(ANGL)=16027.221 | | E(IMPR)=34863.170 E(VDW )=1.458 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 95718 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95732 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95654 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95660 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95745 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95757 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95747 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95762 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95804 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95823 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95816 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95817 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95814 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95770 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95710 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95672 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95681 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95689 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95684 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95684 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95712 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95750 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95734 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95733 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95689 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95713 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95733 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95675 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95635 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95605 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95598 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95625 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95653 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95655 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95627 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95606 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95625 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95652 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95673 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95652 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95656 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions -------------------- final step= 500 at 0.25000 ps --------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=8056.202 E(kin)=1799.310 temperature=727.272 | | Etotal =6256.893 grad(E)=101.455 E(BOND)=1171.689 E(ANGL)=1728.258 | | E(IMPR)=3351.601 E(VDW )=5.344 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENMAS: Information about center of free masses position [A] : 14.57109 -7.27521 23.33970 velocity [A/ps] : 0.02677 0.02045 -0.26803 ang. mom. [amu A/ps] : 47149.90862 -95043.72189 7640.33297 kin. ener. [Kcal/mol] : 1.44764 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- turn on all energy terms -} CNSsolve> flags include dihe ? end EFLAGS: the following energy flags are set EFLAGS: BOND ANGL DIHE IMPR VDW CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- set repel to ~vdw radii -} CNSsolve> parameter PARRDR> nbonds NBDSET> repel=0.89 NBDSET> end PARRDR> end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> minimize powell nstep=500 nprint=50 end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 2490 NBONDS: generating intra-molecular exclusion list with mode=-3 MAKINB: mode -3 found 2719 exclusions and 0 interactions(1-4) NBONDS: found 95681 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95675 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 50 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =4302.515 grad(E)=66.962 E(BOND)=46.111 E(ANGL)=1797.331 | | E(DIHE)=63.824 E(IMPR)=2333.259 E(VDW )=61.990 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: Line search terminated POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum CNSsolve> CNSsolve> flags exclude * include bond angl impr dihe vdw end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- return masses to something sensible -} CNSsolve> do (mass=refy) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> dynamics cartesian Cartesian Dynamics> nstep=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> timestep=$timestep Cartesian Dynamics> tcoupling=true temperature=$bath DCART: temperature coupling (TCOUpling) enabled Cartesian Dynamics> nprint=$nstep Cartesian Dynamics> cmremove=false Cartesian Dynamics> end -------------------------- Cartesian dynamics start --------------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=5028.030 E(kin)=725.515 temperature=293.250 | | Etotal =4302.515 grad(E)=66.962 E(BOND)=46.111 E(ANGL)=1797.331 | | E(DIHE)=63.824 E(IMPR)=2333.259 E(VDW )=61.990 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NBONDS: found 95707 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95720 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95704 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95664 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95642 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95657 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95674 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95634 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95604 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95637 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95692 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95715 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95673 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95659 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95649 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95670 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95686 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95703 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95690 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95666 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95630 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95667 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95693 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95676 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95654 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95632 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95612 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95579 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95569 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95573 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95602 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95661 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95713 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95739 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95762 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95750 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95731 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95699 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95661 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95626 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95621 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95614 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95632 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95627 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95640 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95658 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95697 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95734 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95757 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95733 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95703 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95644 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95593 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95578 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95564 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95562 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95603 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95653 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95704 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95684 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95663 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95652 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95634 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95638 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95634 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95635 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95639 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95660 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95679 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95685 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95690 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95712 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95718 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95726 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95703 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95677 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95653 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95634 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95627 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95605 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95623 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95632 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95650 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95667 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95707 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95704 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95700 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95687 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95649 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95634 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95613 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95587 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95555 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95576 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95602 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95645 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95694 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95720 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95751 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95768 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95751 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95721 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95699 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95669 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95642 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95622 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95671 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95727 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95756 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95750 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95717 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95670 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95617 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95549 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95507 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95498 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95552 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95609 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95669 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95729 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95758 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95774 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95764 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95728 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95690 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95632 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95606 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95623 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95659 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95692 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95718 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95716 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95735 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95733 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95730 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95704 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95661 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95642 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95671 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95698 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95722 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95691 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95640 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95596 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95573 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95580 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95597 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95637 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95683 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95708 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95710 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95712 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95712 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95698 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95674 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95630 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95608 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95620 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95662 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95672 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95697 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95714 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95696 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95677 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95651 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95612 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95575 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95559 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95573 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95614 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95658 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95684 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95720 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95749 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95741 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95715 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95688 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95648 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95606 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95569 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95586 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95623 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95646 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95695 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95712 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95759 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95723 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95708 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95647 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95617 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95606 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95596 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95598 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95598 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95602 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95609 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95622 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95650 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95651 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95648 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95651 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95689 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95734 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95745 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95751 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95751 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95727 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95680 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95636 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95612 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95588 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95579 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95584 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95571 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95578 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95605 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95637 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95697 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95722 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95727 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95727 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95714 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95685 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95663 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95639 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95630 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95626 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95619 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95610 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95607 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95626 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95646 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95656 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95674 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95679 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95693 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95645 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95613 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95567 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95539 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95518 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95518 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95528 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95568 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95583 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95609 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95628 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95666 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95716 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95716 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95725 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95713 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95691 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95662 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95612 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95591 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95578 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95578 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95576 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95584 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95606 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95631 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95654 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95673 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95678 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95677 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95660 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95620 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95599 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95602 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95627 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95663 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95687 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95651 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95595 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95537 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95525 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95550 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95605 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95644 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95694 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95706 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95681 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95632 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95582 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95596 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95617 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95640 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95652 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95650 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95672 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95678 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95676 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95678 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95665 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95629 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95601 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95579 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95552 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95573 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95601 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95618 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95635 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95660 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95671 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95688 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95694 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95681 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95640 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95613 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95564 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95554 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95567 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95586 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95610 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95616 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95645 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95684 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95693 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95691 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95674 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95664 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95646 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95642 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95654 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95668 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95646 intra-atom interactions -------------------- final step= 500 at 0.25000 ps --------------------- | E(kin)+E(total)=26923.126 E(kin)=12791.259 temperature=5170.164 | | Etotal =14131.866 grad(E)=184.685 E(BOND)=7329.841 E(ANGL)=1071.317 | | E(DIHE)=11.803 E(IMPR)=5675.912 E(VDW )=42.993 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENMAS: Information about center of free masses position [A] : 15.20396 -7.69063 23.06593 velocity [A/ps] : -1.32361 -0.91849 -1.21332 ang. mom. [amu A/ps] : 10240.86503 -30477.53020 6099.17214 kin. ener. [Kcal/mol] : 4.21267 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> {- some final minimisation -} CNSsolve> minimize powell POWELL> nstep=500 POWELL> drop=40.0 POWELL> nprint=50 POWELL> end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 2490 NBONDS: found 95653 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95688 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95711 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95738 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95716 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95621 intra-atom interactions NBONDS: found 95691 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 50 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =2339.032 grad(E)=67.053 E(BOND)=11.515 E(ANGL)=1888.923 | | E(DIHE)=11.803 E(IMPR)=373.874 E(VDW )=52.917 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: Line search terminated POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum CNSsolve> CNSsolve> print thres=0.02 bonds (atom-i |atom-j ) dist. equil. delta energy const. ( 48 NE | 48 HE ) 1.034 0.980 0.054 2.950 1000.000 ( 88 NE | 88 HE ) 0.933 0.980 -0.047 2.205 1000.000 ( 90 NE | 90 HE ) 1.052 0.980 0.072 5.242 1000.000 Number of violations greater 0.020: 3 RMS deviation= 0.004 CNSsolve> print thres=5. angles (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k ) angle equil. delta energy const. ( 48 CD | 48 NE | 48 HE ) 94.463 118.099 -23.636 85.089 500.000 ( 48 HE | 48 NE | 48 CZ ) 140.723 119.249 21.474 70.232 500.000 ( 53 CD | 53 NE | 53 HE ) 83.441 118.099 -34.658 182.951 500.000 ( 53 HE | 53 NE | 53 CZ ) 152.258 119.249 33.009 165.954 500.000 ( 57 CD | 57 NE | 57 HE ) 74.273 118.099 -43.825 292.535 500.000 ( 57 HE | 57 NE | 57 CZ ) 156.123 119.249 36.874 207.091 500.000 ( 88 CD | 88 NE | 88 HE ) 72.308 118.099 -45.790 319.355 500.000 ( 88 HE | 88 NE | 88 CZ ) 163.587 119.249 44.338 299.418 500.000 ( 90 CD | 90 NE | 90 HE ) 93.506 118.099 -24.592 92.114 500.000 ( 90 HE | 90 NE | 90 CZ ) 141.601 119.249 22.352 76.093 500.000 Number of violations greater 5.000: 10 RMS deviation= 2.562 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end if CNSsolve> CNSsolve> fix selection=( none ) end SELRPN: 0 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> end if CNSsolve> CNSsolve> set echo=false end SELRPN: 0 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: zero atoms selected NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true SELRPN: 0 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> CNSsolve> if (&set_bfactor=true) then NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false CNSsolve> do (b=&bfactor) ( all ) CNSsolve> else CNSsolve> show ave(b) (known and not(store1)) SELRPN: 847 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: average of selected elements = 0.000000 CNSsolve> do (b=$result) (store1 and (attr b < 0.01)) SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 CNSsolve> end if CNSsolve> CNSsolve> if (&set_occupancy=true) then NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false CNSsolve> do (q=&occupancy) ( all ) CNSsolve> end if CNSsolve> CNSsolve> set echo=false end SELRPN: 830 atoms have been selected out of 1677 SHOW: sum over selected elements = 830.000000 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false CNSsolve> CNSsolve> set remarks=reset end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> buffer message BUFFER> to=remarks BUFFER> dump BUFFER> end CNSsolve> CNSsolve> write coordinates output=&coordinate_outfile end ASSFIL: file 1xxx_11_cns.pdb opened. CNSsolve> CNSsolve>stop HEAP: maximum use = 1103596 current use = 0 bytes HEAP: maximum overhead = 944 current overhead = 64 bytes ============================================================ Maximum dynamic memory allocation: 1103596 bytes Maximum dynamic memory overhead: 944 bytes Program started at: 01:57:59 on 28-Dec-04 Program stopped at: 01:58:35 on 28-Dec-04 CPU time used: 24.1700 seconds ============================================================