;c13noe3d.fa ;3D (1H,13C,1H) NOESY-HSQC-SE with optional 15N decoupling ;Bruker Avance/Xwin-nmr version ;Written up by F. Abildgaard, NMRFAM (abild@nmrfam.wisc.edu) ; ; $Id: c13noe3d.gc,v 1.1 2021/02/10 23:51:51 bmrbsvc Exp $ ; ; Disclaimer: This pulse program is provided "as is" for your ; information. Support for the use of this pulse program is only ; provided to users of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility ; at Madison (NMRFAM). Users of this pulse program employ it at ; their own risk. Neither NMRFAM nor University of Wisconsin-Madison ; are liable for any physical or other damage incurred during the ; use of this pulse program. ; ;f1: 1H, f2: 15N, f3: 13C (channel assignments may be changed below) ;o1p: 4.7ppm ;o2p: 118ppm ;o3p: 43ppm ; ;p1 90 H at pl1 ;p3 90 C at pl3 ;d8 mixing time ;pl0 120dB ; ;C13 GARP decoupling (cpdprg3), pcpd 90 dgr pulse at pl13 ; or WURST decoupling (cpdprg3), pcpd 90 dgr pulse at sp2 (define WURST below) ; For side-band suppression, define SBSUPR below (8 step phase cycle) ;N15 Waltz-16 (cpdprg2), pcpd 90 dgr pulse at pl12 ;C evolution: ; in0, SW(C)=1/(2*in0), typically 24ppm ; l4 complex points ; Define C_90180 below for DW/2 initial delay (90,-180 phase) ; Process as Echo/Anti-Echo ;H1 evolution: ; in10, SW(H)=1/(2*in10), typically 8ppm ; set cnst10 to 0 (preferably) or 1 to make d10 the smallest possible ; positive delay. cnst10=0 gives (90,-180) phase distortion in F1. ; cnst10=1 gives (270,-540) phase distortion in F1 (use LP to correct). ; Processing: extend the FID backwards cnst10 points ; and apply (90,-180) phase correction ; In addition a -45dgr phase correction is required (ph0). ; l6 complex points ; Process as States (although data is acquired as States-TPPI) ; ;ns=4*n (or 8*n if SBSUPR defined), ds=4, 8, ... ; ;Recommendations for gradients: ;gpz1: 12% ;gpz2: 7% ;gpz3: 24% ;gpz4: 29% ;gpx5: 54% adjust for magic angle ;gpz5: 30% ;gpz6: 24% ;gpz7: 15% ;gpx8: 54% adjust for magic angle ;gpz8: 30% ;gpnam1: sine.50 ;gpnam2: sine.100 ;gpnam3: sine.32 ;gpnam4: sine.100 ;gpnam5: sine.100 ;gpnam6: sine.32 ;gpnam7: sine.32 ;gpnam8: sine.20 ; ;#define ONE_D ; uncomment for 1D experiment #define H1_EVOL ; comment out for 2D w/o H1 evolution #define C13_EVOL ; comment out for 2D w/o C13 evolution #define C_90180 ; uncomment for an initial delay of dw/2 in t2 (C13) #define N15_DEC ; uncomment for N15 decoupling #define COMPOSITE ; uncomment for composite C13 180 pulses ;#define SBSUPR ;#define WURST ;#define MESSERLE ;#define OPTIM_P19 ; uncomment if you want to optimize p19 (GRAD8) #define EXPTCORR ; uncomment if you want "expt" to report ; ; the correct expt time (works with XWIN-NMR 2.x) ; ;Define channel assignments: #define H f1 #define N f2 #define C f3 ; ;You shouldn't have to worry about anything beyond this point :-) ; ;sanity checks ; #ifdef ONE_D #undef C13_EVOL #undef H1_EVOL #endif #ifndef C13_EVOL #undef C_90180 #endif ; define delay TAUA3 define delay TAUB6 define delay TAUA7 define delay TAUC define delay DELTA define delay CEN_HC1 define delay CEN_HC2 define pulse H1_90 define pulse H1_180 define pulse C13_90 define pulse C13_180 define pulse C13_59 define pulse C13_298 define pulse C13_240 define pulse GRAD1 define pulse GRAD2 define pulse GRAD3 define pulse GRAD4 define pulse GRAD5 define pulse GRAD6 define pulse GRAD7 define pulse GRAD8 ; "d11=100m" ;disk i/o "d12=10u" ;power switching etc. "d13=5u" ;a short delay "d14=60u" ;ip,id etc. "d16=300u" ;gradient recovery "H1_90=p1" "H1_180=H1_90*2" "C13_90=p3" "C13_180=C13_90*2" "C13_59=C13_90*59.4/90.0" "C13_240=C13_90*240.0/90.0" "C13_298=C13_90*298.0/90.0" "GRAD1=500u" "GRAD2=1.0m" "GRAD3=250u" "GRAD4=1.0m" "GRAD5=720u" "GRAD6=250u" "GRAD7=300u" #ifndef OPTIM_P19 "p19=181u" #endif "GRAD8=p19" #ifdef C_90180 "d0=d13+in0/2" #else "d0=d13" #endif ;"d2=1.866m" ;1/4J ;"d3=0.933m" ;1/8J "d2=1.6m" ;1/4J "d3=0.8m" ;1/8J "d6=H1_90" "d7=C13_90" "TAUA3=d2-GRAD3-d13" "TAUB6=d3-GRAD6-d13" "TAUA7=d2-GRAD7-d13" "TAUC=GRAD5+d16+d13-d13*2-H1_180" #ifdef SBSUPR "DELTA=GRAD8+d16+d13*3+d12+C13_90*2" #else "DELTA=GRAD8+d16+d13*2+d12" #endif "d18=d8-C13_90-d13-GRAD2-d16" #ifdef H1_EVOL "d10=((cnst10*2+1)*in10-(H1_90*1.273+C13_90*4+d13*2))/2" #endif #ifdef COMPOSITE "CEN_HC1=(C13_90*2+C13_180+d13*2-H1_180)/2" "CEN_HC2=(C13_59*2+C13_298+d13*2-H1_180)/2" #define INEPT_INV_X (CEN_HC1 H1_180 ph0):H (C13_90 ph0 d13 C13_180 ph1 d13 C13_90 ph0):C #define INEPT_INV_Y (CEN_HC1 H1_180 ph3):H (C13_90 ph0 d13 C13_180 ph1 d13 C13_90 ph0):C #define INEPT_REFOC (CEN_HC2 H1_180 ph0):H (C13_59 ph0 d13 C13_298 ph2 d13 C13_59 ph0):C #else "CEN_HC1=C13_90-H1_90" #define INEPT_INV_X (CEN_HC1 H1_180 ph0):H (C13_180 ph0):C #define INEPT_INV_Y (CEN_HC1 H1_180 ph3):H (C13_180 ph0):C #define INEPT_REFOC (CEN_HC1 H1_180 ph0):H (C13_180 ph0):C #endif #ifdef EXPTCORR "d31=2*(TAUA3+GRAD6+TAUB6+GRAD7+TAUA7)+GRAD1+GRAD2+GRAD3+GRAD4+TAUC+GRAD5+DELTA+GRAD8" #endif #include #include 1 ze 2 d13 d14 do:C d11 LOCKH_OFF 3m d14 3 d14 d14 d14 d14 d14 4 d14 d14 d14 5 d14 d14 d14 6 d13 #ifdef EXPTCORR #include #endif d1 pl1:H pl12:N pl3:C d13 LOCKH_ON d13 UNBLKGRAMP (C13_90 ph0):C d13 GRAD1:gp1 ; 500u, 8G/cm, sine.50 d16 #ifdef N15_DEC d13 cpd2:N #endif #ifdef H1_EVOL (H1_90 ph5):H d10 (C13_90 ph0 d13 C13_180 ph1 d13 C13_90 ph0):C d10 #else (H1_90 ph4):H d13 #endif (H1_90 ph0):H #ifdef N15_DEC d13 do:N #endif d18 (C13_90 ph0):C d13 GRAD2:gp2 ;1m, 5G/cm, sine.100 d16 (H1_90 ph0):H d13 GRAD3:gp3 ;250u, 16G/cm, sine.32 TAUA3 INEPT_INV_X d13 GRAD3:gp3 ;250u, 16G/cm, sine.32 TAUA3 #ifdef MESSERLE (H1_90*55 ph0):H d13 #endif (H1_90 ph1):H d13 GRAD4:gp4 ;1m, 20G/cm, sine.100 ;#ifdef N15_DEC ; d16 cpd2:N ;#else d16 ;#endif (C13_90 ph7):C d0 (H1_180 ph0):H d0 ;#ifdef N15_DEC ; TAUC do:N ;#else TAUC ;#endif (C13_180 ph0):C d13 GRAD5:gp5*EA*-1 ;720u, -/+40G/cm, sine.100 d16 (C13_90 ph8):C d6 (H1_90 ph0):H d13 GRAD6:gp6 ;250u, 16G/cm, sine.32 TAUB6 (C13_180 ph0):C (H1_180 ph0):H d13 GRAD6:gp6 ;250u, 16G/cm, sine.32 TAUB6 d7 (C13_90 ph1):C (H1_90 ph1):H d13 GRAD7:gp7 ;300u, 10G/cm, sine.32 TAUA7 INEPT_INV_X d13 GRAD7:gp7 ;300u, 10G/cm, sine.32 TAUA7 (H1_90 ph0):H DELTA (H1_180 ph0):H d13 GRAD8:gp8 ;181u, 40G/cm, sine.20 d13 d16 BLKGRAMP #ifdef SBSUPR (C13_90 ph0 d13 C13_90 ph13):C #endif #ifdef WURST d12 pl0:C #else d12 pl13:C #endif go=2 ph31 cpds3:C #ifdef ONE_D d11 do:C wr #0 #else d11 do:C wr #0 if #0 zd #endif d13 LOCKH_OFF #ifdef C13_EVOL 3m igrad EA d14 ip8 d14 ip8 lo to 3 times 2 d14 id0 d14 ip7 d14 ip7 d14 ip31 d14 ip31 lo to 4 times l4 d14 rd0 #endif #ifdef H1_EVOL d14 ip5 d14 ip5 lo to 5 times 2 d14 id10 d14 ip31 d14 ip31 lo to 6 times l6 #endif exit ph0=0 ph1=1 ph2=2 ph3=3 ph4=0 2 ph5=(8) 1 5 ph7=0 0 2 2 ph8=0 ph13=0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 ph31=0 2 2 0