
#  Entry information  #

   _Entry.Sf_category                   entry_information
   _Entry.Sf_framecode                  entry_information
   _Entry.ID                            bmst000115
   _Entry.Title                         niacin
   _Entry.Version_type                  update
   _Entry.Submission_date               2007-03-13
   _Entry.Accession_date                2007-03-13
   _Entry.Last_release_date             2011-09-14
   _Entry.Original_release_date         2007-03-13
   _Entry.Origination                   author
   _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version     'NMR STAR v3.1'
   _Entry.Experimental_method           NMR
   _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype   theoretical
   _Entry.Details                       ?
   _Entry.BMRB_internal_directory_name  niacin


     1   William   Westler   M.   ?   bmst000115    
     2   John      Markley   L.   ?   bmst000115    



     1   metabolics   'Madison Metabolomics Consortium'   MMC   bmst000115    



     other_data_list   1   bmst000115    



     'theoretical chemical shifts'   1   bmst000115    



     1   .   .   2007-03-13   2007-03-13   original   BMRB   'Original theoretical calculations from NMRFAM'                                                   bmst000115    
     2   .   .   2008-11-18   2008-11-18   update     BMRB   'updated the file to match latest NMR STAR dictionary'                                            bmst000115    
     3   .   .   2008-11-25   2008-11-25   update     BMRB   'fixed enumerations: N should be no'                                                              bmst000115    
     4   .   .   2010-09-16   2010-09-16   update     BMRB   'Removed Shielding_tensor_list_ID and Shielding_tensor_list_label from theoretical_chem_shifts'   bmst000115    
     5   .   .   2011-09-14   2011-09-14   update     BMRB   'Partially brought up to date with latest Dictionary'                                             bmst000115    
     6   .   .   2017-10-12   2017-10-12   update     BMRB   'Remediated Experiment_file loop if present and standardized mol and png file tags.'              bmst000115    



     1   .   .   niacin_3552_opt.pdb      x-chemical/x-pdb   'Name of the file containing the atomic coordinates'            bmst000115    
     2   .   .   niacin_3552.g03.shifts   text/plain         'Name of the file containing theoretical chemical shift data'   bmst000115    



#  Citations  #

   _Citation.Sf_category   citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode  citations
   _Citation.Entry_ID      bmst000115
   _Citation.ID            1
   _Citation.Class         'reference citation'
   _Citation.PubMed_ID     18940862
   _Citation.Title         'Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.'
   _Citation.Status        published
   _Citation.Type          internet
   _Citation.Year          2006
   _Citation.Details       ?


     1    D.   Wheeler      D.   L.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     2    T.   Barrett      T.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     3    D.   Benson       D.   A.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     4    S.   Bryant       S.   H.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     5    K.   Canese       K.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     6    V.   Chetvenin    V.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     7    D.   Church       D.   M.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     8    M.   DiCuccio     M.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     9    R.   Edgar        R.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     10   S.   Federhen     S.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     11   L.   Geer         L.   Y.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     12   W.   Helmberg     W.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     13   Y.   Kapustin     Y.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     14   D.   Kenton       D.   L.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     15   O.   Khovayko     O.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     16   D.   Lipman       D.   J.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     17   T.   Madden       T.   L.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     18   D.   Maglott      D.   R.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     19   J.   Ostell       J.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     20   K.   Pruitt       K.   D.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     21   G.   Schuler      G.   D.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     22   L.   Schriml      L.   M.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     23   E.   Sequeira     E.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     24   S.   Sherry       S.   T.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     25   K.   Sirotkin     K.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     26   A.   Souvorov     A.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     27   G.   Starchenko   G.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     28   T.   Suzek        T.   O.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     29   R.   Tatusov      R.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     30   T.   Tatusova     T.   A.   ?   bmst000115   1    
     31   L.   Bagner       L.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    
     32   E.   Yaschenko    E.   ?    ?   bmst000115   1    



#  Molecular system (assembly) description  #

   _Assembly.Sf_category           assembly
   _Assembly.Sf_framecode          assembly
   _Assembly.Entry_ID              bmst000115
   _Assembly.ID                    1
   _Assembly.Name                  ASSEMBLY_NAME
   _Assembly.Number_of_components  1
   _Assembly.Organic_ligands       0
   _Assembly.Metal_ions            ?
   _Assembly.Non_standard_bonds    no
   _Assembly.Paramagnetic          no
   _Assembly.Thiol_state           'not reported'


     1   ENT_NAME   1   $niacin   yes   native   no   no   ?   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    



    #  Biological polymers and ligands #

   _Entity.Sf_category                      entity
   _Entity.Sf_framecode                     niacin
   _Entity.Entry_ID                         bmst000115
   _Entity.ID                               1
   _Entity.BMRB_code                        ?
   _Entity.Name                             'nicotinic acid'
   _Entity.Type                             non-polymer
   _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states  no
   _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites        no
   _Entity.Nstd_monomer                     no
   _Entity.Nstd_chirality                   no
   _Entity.Nstd_linkage                     no
   _Entity.Paramagnetic                     no
   _Entity.Thiol_state                      'not reported'


     1   1   $chem_comp_1   bmst000115   1    



    #  Polymer residues and ligands #

   _Chem_comp.Sf_category                      chem_comp
   _Chem_comp.Sf_framecode                     chem_comp_1
   _Chem_comp.Entry_ID                         bmst000115
   _Chem_comp.ID                               1
   _Chem_comp.Provenance                       PubChem
   _Chem_comp.Name                             'nicotinic acid'
   _Chem_comp.Type                             non-polymer
   _Chem_comp.BMRB_code                        ?
   _Chem_comp.PDB_code                         ?
   _Chem_comp.InChI_code                       InChI=1/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9)/f/h8H
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_flag                    ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_one_letter_code        ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_three_letter_code      ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_BMRB_code              ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_PDB_code               ?
   _Chem_comp.Formal_charge                    ?
   _Chem_comp.Paramagnetic                     no
   _Chem_comp.Aromatic                         yes
   _Chem_comp.Formula                          'C6 H5 N O2'
   _Chem_comp.Formula_weight                   123.1094000000
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_nat          123.03202841
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C          129.052157437
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_15N          124.029063303
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C_15N      129.052157437
   _Chem_comp.Image_file_name                  bmst000115.png
   _Chem_comp.Image_file_format                png
   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_name                   ?
   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_format                 ?
   _Chem_comp.Struct_file_name                 bmst000115.mol
   _Chem_comp.Struct_file_format               mol
   _Chem_comp.Stereochem_param_file_name       ?
   _Chem_comp.Details                          ?
   _Chem_comp.DB_query_date                    ?
   _Chem_comp.DB_last_query_revised_last_date  ?


     Nicotamin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Pyridine-carboxylique-3 [French]'     synonym   bmst000115   1    
     SK-Niacin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Pelonin                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'BRN 0109591'                          synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Pyridine-beta-carboxylic acid'        synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicocidin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicolar                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     NAH                                    synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Daskil                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niaspan                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Niacin [USAN]'                        synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Acidum nicotinicum [INN-Latin]'       synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Pellagramin                            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Acide nicotinique [INN-French]'       synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicotinate                             synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nipellen                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Nicosan 3'                            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     NICO                                   synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicotil                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Davitamon PP'                         synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicobid                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     3-Carboxylpyridine                     synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicoside                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicorol                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     AI3-18994                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     S115                                   synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Peviton                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Nicotine acid'                        synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicyl                                  synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Wampocap                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicotinipca                            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Kyselina nikotinova [Czech]'          synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicovasen                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Vitaplex N'                           synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Tega-Span                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Pyridinecarboxylic acid, 3-'          synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicocrisina                            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niconazid                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niacin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Diacin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Slo-niacin                             synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Acidum nicotinicum'                   synonym   bmst000115   1    
     3-Carboxypyridine                      synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 056701'   synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Nicotinsaure [German]'                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicagin                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Direktan                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niconacid                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Enduracin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Efacin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Naotin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Bionic                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Pellagrin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Akotin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicangin                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicodelmine                            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Caswell No. 598'                      synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicocap                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niac                                   synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Nicotinic acid'                       synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nyclin                                 synonym   bmst000115   1    
     '3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid'            synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Acido nicotinico [INN-Spanish]'       synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nico-span                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicotene                               synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicamin                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Apelagrin                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'SR 4390'                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'Pyridine-3-carboxylic acid'           synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicovasan                              synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Linic                                  synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicodon                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Niconat                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     'NICOTINIC ACID'                       synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicacid                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicosyl                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nicodan                                synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Tinic                                  synonym   bmst000115   1    
     Nico-400                               synonym   bmst000115   1    



     'pyridine-3-carboxylic acid'   IUPAC               bmst000115   1    
     'nicotinic acid'               IUPAC_TRADITIONAL   bmst000115   1    
     'nicotinic acid'               IUPAC_CAS           bmst000115   1    
     'nicotinic acid'               IUPAC_OPENEYE       bmst000115   1    
     'pyridine-3-carboxylic acid'   IUPAC_SYSTEMATIC    bmst000115   1    



     Isomeric    C1=CC(=CN=C1)C(=O)O   bmst000115   1    
     Canonical   C1=CC(=CN=C1)C(=O)O   bmst000115   1    



     C1    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.7321   -1.5600   -1.869   -1.222   -0.131   1    bmst000115   1    
     C2    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.7321   -0.5600   -0.480   -1.244   -0.103   2    bmst000115   1    
     C3    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8660   -2.0600   -2.515   0.015    -0.053   3    bmst000115   1    
     C4    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.0000   -0.5600   -0.537   1.155    0.076    4    bmst000115   1    
     C5    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8660   -0.0600   0.209    -0.030   0.003    5    bmst000115   1    
     C6    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8660   0.9400    1.694    -0.053   0.031    6    bmst000115   1    
     N7    N   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.0000   -1.5600   -1.874   1.187    0.048    7    bmst000115   1    
     O8    O   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.7321   1.4400    2.240    1.187    0.144    8    bmst000115   1    
     O9    O   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.0000   1.4400    2.372    -1.057   -0.036   9    bmst000115   1    
     H10   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.2690   -1.8700   -2.445   -2.138   -0.212   10   bmst000115   1    
     H11   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.2690   -0.2500   0.084    -2.170   -0.160   11   bmst000115   1    
     H12   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8660   -2.6800   -3.601   0.069    -0.073   12   bmst000115   1    
     H13   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   1.4631   -0.2500   -0.032   2.113    0.156    13   bmst000115   1    
     H14   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.7321   2.0600    3.205    1.054    0.147    14   bmst000115   1    



     C1    C1    ?   bmst000115   1    
     C2    C2    ?   bmst000115   1    
     C3    C3    ?   bmst000115   1    
     C4    C4    ?   bmst000115   1    
     C5    C5    ?   bmst000115   1    
     C6    C6    ?   bmst000115   1    
     N7    N7    ?   bmst000115   1    
     O8    O8    ?   bmst000115   1    
     O9    O9    ?   bmst000115   1    
     H10   H10   ?   bmst000115   1    
     H11   H11   ?   bmst000115   1    
     H12   H12   ?   bmst000115   1    
     H13   H13   ?   bmst000115   1    
     H14   H14   ?   bmst000115   1    



     1    covalent   DOUB   C1   C2    ?   bmst000115   1    
     2    covalent   SING   C1   C3    ?   bmst000115   1    
     3    covalent   SING   C1   H10   ?   bmst000115   1    
     4    covalent   SING   C2   C5    ?   bmst000115   1    
     5    covalent   SING   C2   H11   ?   bmst000115   1    
     6    covalent   DOUB   C3   N7    ?   bmst000115   1    
     7    covalent   SING   C3   H12   ?   bmst000115   1    
     8    covalent   DOUB   C4   C5    ?   bmst000115   1    
     9    covalent   SING   C4   N7    ?   bmst000115   1    
     10   covalent   SING   C4   H13   ?   bmst000115   1    
     11   covalent   SING   C5   C6    ?   bmst000115   1    
     12   covalent   SING   C6   O8    ?   bmst000115   1    
     13   covalent   DOUB   C6   O9    ?   bmst000115   1    
     14   covalent   SING   O8   H14   ?   bmst000115   1    



     no   PubChem                          148918          sid                 ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   PubChem                          938             cid                 ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   PubChem                          3552            sid                 ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   KEGG                             C00253          'compound ID'       ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   10361-13-4      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   123574-58-3     'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   16518-17-5      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   1976-28-9       'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   28029-53-0      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   28029-54-1      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   36321-41-2      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   3789-96-6       'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   53890-72-5      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   54-86-4         'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   59-67-6         'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   636-79-3        'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   7069-06-9       'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   823-77-8        'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'CAS Registry'                   99148-57-9      'registry number'   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   CHEBI                            15940           ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   'Beilstein Handbook Reference'   5-22-02-00057   ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   NSC                              169454          ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   EINECS                           200-441-0       ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   CCRIS                            1902            ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    
     no   HSDB                             3134            ?                   ?   'nicotinic acid'   ?   'matching entry'   ?   bmst000115   1    



     1   $citations   bmst000115   1    



#  Computer software used  #

   _Software.Sf_category   software
   _Software.Sf_framecode  software_1
   _Software.Entry_ID      bmst000115
   _Software.ID            1
   _Software.Name          Gaussian
   _Software.Version       ?
   _Software.Details       ?


     'Gaussian, Inc.'   ?   bmst000115   1    



     'geometry optimization'        bmst000115   1    
     'chemical shift calculation'   bmst000115   1    



#  NMR parameters  #

    #  Assigned chemical shifts  #

	#  Chemical shift referencing  #

   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_category   chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_framecode  chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Entry_ID      bmst000115
   _Chem_shift_reference.ID            1
   _Chem_shift_reference.Details       ?


     H   1    TMS                  'methyl protons'   ppm   0.00   na   direct   ?   bmst000115   1    
     C   13   TMS                  'methyl carbons'   ppm   0.00   na   direct   ?   bmst000115   1    
     N   15   'ammonia pentamer'   nitrogen           ppm   0.00   na   direct   ?   bmst000115   1    
     P   31   'phosphoric acid'    phosphorus         ppm   0.00   na   direct   ?   bmst000115   1    



   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Sf_category                      chem_shifts_calc_type
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Sf_framecode                     chem_shifts_calc_type
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Entry_ID                         bmst000115
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.ID                               1
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Calculation_level                'Density Functional Theory'
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Quantum_mechanical_method        GIAO
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Quantum_mechanical_theory_level  B3LYP
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Quantum_mechanical_basis_set     3-21g**
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Chem_shift_nucleus               ?
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Chem_shift_reference_ID          1
   _Chem_shifts_calc_type.Chem_shift_reference_label       $chem_shift_reference
Theoretical Chemical shift referencing and correction:

1H chemical shifts
	Tetramethylsilane (TMS) was geometry optimized at the B3LYP/6-311+g* 
level of theory.
	The chemical shielding of TMS was calculated at the pbe1pbe/3-21g* 
level of theory using the GIAO method.
	The chemical shielding of TMS was used as the reference (0 ppm) to 
obtain all other chemical shifts.
	A series of small organic molecules were optimized and the chemical 
shieldings were calculated in the same manner as that for TMS.
	To correct for biases arising from the applied level of theory, especially 
the bias from the small basis set size, a linear regression analysis was used. 
The slope and intercept from this regression was used to correct the calculated 
chemical shifts. 

The chemical shift was calculated by subtracting the chemical shielding value 
of the compound of interest from that of TMS and applying the slope and intercept 
corrections obtained from the regression analysis.
corrected_shift=((TMS_shielding - uncorrected_shielding)+1.006)/0.963

13C chemical shifts:
	Tetramethylsilane (TMS) was geometry optimized at the B3LYP/6-311+g* 
level of theory.
	The chemical shielding of TMS was calculated at the pbe1pbe/3-21g* 
level of theory using the GIAO method.
	The chemical shielding of TMS was used as the reference (0 ppm) to 
obtain all other chemical shifts.
	A series of small organic molecules were optimized and the chemical 
shieldings were calculated in the same manner as that for TMS.
	To correct for biases arising from the applied level of theory, especially the 
    bias from the small basis set size, a linear regression analysis of theoretical 
    versus experimental chemical shifts was used. The slope and intercept from this 
    regression was used to correct the calculated chemical shifts. 

The chemical shift was calculated by subtracting the chemical shielding value 
of the compound of interest from that of TMS and applying the slope and intercept 
corrections obtained from the regression analysis.

Corrected_shift=((TMS_shielding - uncorrected shielding) -4.53)/0.85

15N chemical shifts:
	A cyclic pentamer of ammonia (NH3_5) was geometry optimized at the B3LYP/6-311+g* 
level of theory.
	The chemical shielding of NH3_5 was calculated at the pbe1pbe/3-21g* 
level of theory using the GIAO method.
	The chemical shielding of NH3_5 was used as the reference (0 ppm) to 
obtain all other chemical shifts.
	A series of small organic molecules were optimized and the chemical 
shieldings were calculated in the same manner as that for NH3_5.
	To correct for biases arising from the applied level of theory, especially 
the bias from the small basis set size, a linear regression analysis was used. 
The slope and intercept from this regression was used to correct the calculated 
chemical shifts. 

The chemical shift was calculated by subtracting the chemical shielding value 
of the compound of interest from that of NH3_5 and applying the slope and intercept 
corrections obtained from the regression analysis.

Corrected_shift=((NH_3_5_shielding - uncorrected_shielding)+10.2)/0.9088

31P chemical shifts:
	Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) was geometry optimized at the B3LYP/6-311+g* 
level of theory.
	The chemical shielding of H3PO4 was calculated at the pbe1pbe/3-21g* 
level of theory using the GIAO method.
	The chemical shielding of H3PO4 was used as the reference (0 ppm) to 
obtain all other chemical shifts.
	No correction for linear bias or offset was applied to calculated 
31P chemical shifts. 

The chemical shift was calculated by subtracting the chemical shielding value 
of the compound of interest from that of H3PO4.

Shift=(H3PO4_shielding - shielding)


     1   $software_1   bmst000115   1    



    #  Theoretical chemical shifts  #

   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Sf_category                       theoretical_chem_shifts
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode                      theoretical_chem_shifts
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID                          bmst000115
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.ID                                1
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shifts_calc_type_ID          1
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shifts_calc_type_label       $chem_shifts_calc_type
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Model_atomic_coordinates_ID       1
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Model_atomic_coordinates_label    $conformer_family_coord_set_1
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Fermi_contact_spin_density_units  ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_1H_err                 ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_2H_err                 ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_13C_err                ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_15N_err                ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_19F_err                ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_31P_err                ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Details                           ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Text_data_format                  ?
   _Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Text_data                         ?


     1    1   1   1   1   C1    C   ?   123.846   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     2    1   1   1   1   C2    C   ?   137.578   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     3    1   1   1   1   C3    C   ?   156.461   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     4    1   1   1   1   C4    C   ?   154.146   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     5    1   1   1   1   C5    C   ?   125.238   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     6    1   1   1   1   C6    C   ?   170.482   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     7    1   1   1   1   N7    N   ?   353.539   ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     8    1   1   1   1   H10   H   ?   8.834     ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     9    1   1   1   1   H11   H   ?   9.875     ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     10   1   1   1   1   H12   H   ?   10.440    ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     11   1   1   1   1   H13   H   ?   11.024    ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    
     12   1   1   1   1   H14   H   ?   6.807     ?   niacin   ?   ?   bmst000115   1    



    #  Conformer family coordinate set  #

   _Conformer_family_coord_set.Sf_category   conformer_family_coord_set
   _Conformer_family_coord_set.Sf_framecode  conformer_family_coord_set_1
   _Conformer_family_coord_set.Entry_ID      bmst000115
   _Conformer_family_coord_set.ID            1
   _Conformer_family_coord_set.Details       ?


     1   $software_1   bmst000115   1    



     1   1    1   1   1   1   C1    1   1   C1    C   -1.869   -1.222   -0.131   bmst000115   1    
     1   2    1   1   1   1   C2    1   1   C2    C   -0.480   -1.244   -0.103   bmst000115   1    
     1   3    1   1   1   1   C3    1   1   C3    C   -2.515   0.015    -0.053   bmst000115   1    
     1   4    1   1   1   1   C4    1   1   C4    C   -0.537   1.155    0.076    bmst000115   1    
     1   5    1   1   1   1   C5    1   1   C5    C   0.209    -0.030   0.003    bmst000115   1    
     1   6    1   1   1   1   C6    1   1   C6    C   1.694    -0.053   0.031    bmst000115   1    
     1   7    1   1   1   1   N7    1   1   N7    N   -1.874   1.187    0.048    bmst000115   1    
     1   8    1   1   1   1   O8    1   1   O8    O   2.240    1.187    0.144    bmst000115   1    
     1   9    1   1   1   1   O9    1   1   O9    O   2.372    -1.057   -0.036   bmst000115   1    
     1   10   1   1   1   1   H10   1   1   H10   H   -2.445   -2.138   -0.212   bmst000115   1    
     1   11   1   1   1   1   H11   1   1   H11   H   0.084    -2.170   -0.160   bmst000115   1    
     1   12   1   1   1   1   H12   1   1   H12   H   -3.601   0.069    -0.073   bmst000115   1    
     1   13   1   1   1   1   H13   1   1   H13   H   -0.032   2.113    0.156    bmst000115   1    
     1   14   1   1   1   1   H14   1   1   H14   H   3.205    1.054    0.147    bmst000115   1    

