
#  Entry information  #

   _Entry.Sf_category                    entry_information
   _Entry.Sf_framecode                   entry_information
   _Entry.ID                             bmse001321
   _Entry.Type                           'metabolite/natural product'
   _Entry.Version_type                   original
   _Entry.Submission_date                2019-09-19
   _Entry.Accession_date                 2019-09-19
   _Entry.Last_release_date              2019-09-19
   _Entry.Original_release_date          2019-09-19
   _Entry.Origination                    author
   _Entry.Format_name                    .
   _Entry.NMR_STAR_dict_location         .
   _Entry.Experimental_method            NMR
   _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype    solution
   _Entry.Source_data_format             .
   _Entry.Source_data_format_version     .
   _Entry.Generated_software_name        .
   _Entry.Generated_software_version     .
   _Entry.Generated_software_ID          .
   _Entry.Generated_software_label       .
   _Entry.Generated_date                 .
   _Entry.DOI                            10.12018/BMSE001321
   _Entry.UUID                           .
   _Entry.Related_coordinate_file_name   .
   _Entry.Details                        .


      1   NMR   solution   bmse001321


      1   Maria   Nesterova   M.   .    .   .   bmse001321
      2   Paulo   Cobra       P.   F.   .   .   bmse001321
      3   John    Markley     J.   L.   .   .   bmse001321


      1   metabolomics   'National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison'   NMRFAM   bmse001321


      assigned_chemical_shifts   1   bmse001321
      spectral_peak_list         5   bmse001321


      '13C chemical shifts'   16   bmse001321
      '1H chemical shifts'    15   bmse001321


      1   .   .   2019-09-19   .   original   BMRB   .   bmse001321


      1   bmse001321_nom.svg   SVG   bmse001321_nom.svg   .   .   'molecule image with all atom labels'   bmse001321
      2   bmse001321.svg       SVG   bmse001321.svg       .   .   'molecule image'                        bmse001321
      3   bmse001321.sdf       SDF   bmse001321.sdf       .   .   'molecule structure file'               bmse001321
      4   bmse001321.png       PNG   bmse001321.png       .   .   'molecule image'                        bmse001321
      5   bmse001321.mol       MOL   bmse001321.mol       .   .   'molecule structure file'               bmse001321

#  Citations  #

   _Citation.Sf_category                  citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode                 entry_citation
   _Citation.Entry_ID                     bmse001321
   _Citation.ID                           1
   _Citation.Name                         .
   _Citation.Class                        'entry citation'
   _Citation.CAS_abstract_code            .
   _Citation.MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _Citation.DOI                          10.12018/BMSE001321
   _Citation.PubMed_ID                    .
   _Citation.Full_citation                .
   _Citation.Status                       published
   _Citation.Type                         'BMRB only'
   _Citation.Journal_abbrev               .
   _Citation.Journal_name_full            .
   _Citation.Journal_volume               .
   _Citation.Journal_issue                .
   _Citation.Journal_ASTM                 .
   _Citation.Journal_ISSN                 .
   _Citation.Journal_CSD                  .
   _Citation.Book_title                   .
   _Citation.Book_chapter_title           .
   _Citation.Book_volume                  .
   _Citation.Book_series                  .
   _Citation.Book_publisher               .
   _Citation.Book_publisher_city          .
   _Citation.Book_ISBN                    .
   _Citation.Conference_title             .
   _Citation.Conference_site              .
   _Citation.Conference_state_province    .
   _Citation.Conference_country           .
   _Citation.Conference_start_date        .
   _Citation.Conference_end_date          .
   _Citation.Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution           .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_city      .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_country   .
   _Citation.WWW_URL                      .
   _Citation.Page_first                   .
   _Citation.Page_last                    .
   _Citation.Year                         2019
   _Citation.Details                      .


      1   Maria   Nesterova   M.   .    .   .   bmse001321   1
      2   Paulo   Cobra       P.   F.   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3   John    Markley     J.   L.   .   .   bmse001321   1

   _Citation.Sf_category                  citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode                 citation_pubmed
   _Citation.Entry_ID                     bmse001321
   _Citation.ID                           2
   _Citation.Name                         .
   _Citation.Class                        'reference citation'
   _Citation.CAS_abstract_code            .
   _Citation.MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _Citation.DOI                          10.1093/nar/gkl1031
   _Citation.PubMed_ID                    17170002
   _Citation.Full_citation                .
Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information
   _Citation.Status                       published
   _Citation.Type                         journal
   _Citation.Journal_abbrev               'Nucleic Acids Res.'
   _Citation.Journal_name_full            'Nucleic Acids Research'
   _Citation.Journal_volume               .
   _Citation.Journal_issue                'Database issue'
   _Citation.Journal_ASTM                 .
   _Citation.Journal_ISSN                 0305-1048
   _Citation.Journal_CSD                  .
   _Citation.Book_title                   .
   _Citation.Book_chapter_title           .
   _Citation.Book_volume                  .
   _Citation.Book_series                  .
   _Citation.Book_publisher               .
   _Citation.Book_publisher_city          .
   _Citation.Book_ISBN                    .
   _Citation.Conference_title             .
   _Citation.Conference_site              .
   _Citation.Conference_state_province    .
   _Citation.Conference_country           .
   _Citation.Conference_start_date        .
   _Citation.Conference_end_date          .
   _Citation.Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution           .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_city      .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_country   .
   _Citation.WWW_URL                      .
   _Citation.Page_first                   D1
   _Citation.Page_last                    D2
   _Citation.Year                         2007
   _Citation.Details                      .


      1    David        Wheeler      D.   L.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      2    Tanya        Barrett      T.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      3    Dennis       Benson       D.   A.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      4    Stephen      Bryant       S.   H.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      5    Kathi        Canese       K.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      6    Vyacheslav   Chetvenin    V.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      7    Deanna       Church       D.   M.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      8    Michael      DiCuccio     M.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      9    Ron          Edgar        R.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      10   Scott        Federhen     S.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      11   Lewis        Geer         L.   Y.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      12   Yuri         Kapustin     Y.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      13   Oleg         Khovayko     O.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      14   David        Landsman     D.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      15   David        Lipman       D.   J.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      16   Thomas       Madden       T.   L.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      17   Donna        Maglott      D.   R.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      18   James        Ostell       J.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      19   Vadim        Miller       V.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      20   Kim          Pruitt       K.   D.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      21   Gregory      Schuler      G.   D.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      22   Edwin        Sequeira     E.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      23   Steven       Sherry       S.   T.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      24   Karl         Sirotkin     K.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      25   Alexandre    Souvorov     A.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      26   Grigory      Starchenko   G.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      27   Roman        Tatusov      R.   L.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      28   Tatiana      Tatusova     T.   A.   .   .   bmse001321   2
      29   Lukas        Wagner       L.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2
      30   Eugene       Yaschenko    E.   .    .   .   bmse001321   2

   _Citation.Sf_category                  citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode                 citation_alatis
   _Citation.Entry_ID                     bmse001321
   _Citation.ID                           3
   _Citation.Name                         .
   _Citation.Class                        'reference citation'
   _Citation.CAS_abstract_code            .
   _Citation.MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _Citation.DOI                          10.1038/sdata.2017.73
   _Citation.PubMed_ID                    28534867
   _Citation.Full_citation                .
Unique identifiers for small molecules enable rigorous labeling of their atoms
   _Citation.Status                       published
   _Citation.Type                         journal
   _Citation.Journal_abbrev               'Sci. Data'
   _Citation.Journal_name_full            'Scientific Data'
   _Citation.Journal_volume               .
   _Citation.Journal_issue                4
   _Citation.Journal_ASTM                 .
   _Citation.Journal_ISSN                 .
   _Citation.Journal_CSD                  .
   _Citation.Book_title                   .
   _Citation.Book_chapter_title           .
   _Citation.Book_volume                  .
   _Citation.Book_series                  .
   _Citation.Book_publisher               .
   _Citation.Book_publisher_city          .
   _Citation.Book_ISBN                    .
   _Citation.Conference_title             .
   _Citation.Conference_site              .
   _Citation.Conference_state_province    .
   _Citation.Conference_country           .
   _Citation.Conference_start_date        .
   _Citation.Conference_end_date          .
   _Citation.Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution           .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_city      .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_country   .
   _Citation.WWW_URL                      .
   _Citation.Page_first                   170073
   _Citation.Page_last                    563
   _Citation.Year                         2017
   _Citation.Details                      .


      1   Hesam     Dashti      H.   .    .   .   bmse001321   3
      2   William   Westler     W.   M.   .   .   bmse001321   3
      3   John      Markley     J.   L.   .   .   bmse001321   3
      4   Hamid     Eghbalnia   H.   R.   .   .   bmse001321   3

   _Citation.Sf_category                  citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode                 citation_nmrbot
   _Citation.Entry_ID                     bmse001321
   _Citation.ID                           4
   _Citation.Name                         .
   _Citation.Class                        'reference citation'
   _Citation.CAS_abstract_code            .
   _Citation.MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _Citation.DOI                          10.1007/s11306-012-0490-9
   _Citation.PubMed_ID                    PMC3651530
   _Citation.Full_citation                .
NMRbot: Python scripts enable high-throughput data collection on current Bruker BioSpin NMR spectrometers
   _Citation.Status                       published
   _Citation.Type                         journal
   _Citation.Journal_abbrev               Metabolomics
   _Citation.Journal_name_full            Metabolomics
   _Citation.Journal_volume               .
   _Citation.Journal_issue                3
   _Citation.Journal_ASTM                 .
   _Citation.Journal_ISSN                 1573-3882
   _Citation.Journal_CSD                  .
   _Citation.Book_title                   .
   _Citation.Book_chapter_title           .
   _Citation.Book_volume                  .
   _Citation.Book_series                  .
   _Citation.Book_publisher               .
   _Citation.Book_publisher_city          .
   _Citation.Book_ISBN                    .
   _Citation.Conference_title             .
   _Citation.Conference_site              .
   _Citation.Conference_state_province    .
   _Citation.Conference_country           .
   _Citation.Conference_start_date        .
   _Citation.Conference_end_date          .
   _Citation.Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution           .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_city      .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_country   .
   _Citation.WWW_URL                      .
   _Citation.Page_first                   558
   _Citation.Page_last                    563
   _Citation.Year                         2013
   _Citation.Details                      .


      1   Lawrence   Clos       L.   J.   II   .   bmse001321   4
      2   M.         Jofre      M.   F.   .    .   bmse001321   4
      3   James      Ellinger   J.   J.   .    .   bmse001321   4
      4   William    Westler    W.   M.   .    .   bmse001321   4
      5   John       Markley    J.   L.   .    .   bmse001321   4

#  Molecular system (assembly) description  #

   _Assembly.Sf_category                       assembly
   _Assembly.Sf_framecode                      assembly_1
   _Assembly.Entry_ID                          bmse001321
   _Assembly.ID                                1
   _Assembly.Name                              Pterostilbene
   _Assembly.BMRB_code                         .
   _Assembly.Number_of_components              1
   _Assembly.Organic_ligands                   .
   _Assembly.Metal_ions                        .
   _Assembly.Non_standard_bonds                .
   _Assembly.Ambiguous_conformational_states   .
   _Assembly.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         .
   _Assembly.Molecules_in_chemical_exchange    .
   _Assembly.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Assembly.Thiol_state                       'not present'
   _Assembly.Molecular_mass                    .
   _Assembly.Enzyme_commission_number          .
   _Assembly.Details                           .
   _Assembly.DB_query_date                     .
   _Assembly.DB_query_revised_last_date        .


      1   Pterostilbene   1   $entity_1   .   .   yes   native   no   no   .   .   .   bmse001321   1


      1    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C1    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      2    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C2    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C3    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      4    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C4    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      5    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C5    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      6    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C6    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      7    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C7    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      8    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C8    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      9    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C9    C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      10   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C10   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      11   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C11   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      12   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C12   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      13   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C13   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      14   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C14   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      15   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C15   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      16   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   C16   C   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      17   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   O17   O   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      18   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   O18   O   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      19   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   O19   O   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      20   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H20   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      21   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H21   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      22   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H22   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      23   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H23   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      24   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H24   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      25   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H25   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      26   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H26   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      27   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H27   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      28   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H28   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      29   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H29   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      30   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H30   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      31   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H31   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      32   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H32   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      33   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H33   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      34   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H34   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      35   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   .   H35   H   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

    #  Biological polymers and ligands #

   _Entity.Sf_category                       entity
   _Entity.Sf_framecode                      entity_1
   _Entity.Entry_ID                          bmse001321
   _Entity.ID                                1
   _Entity.BMRB_code                         .
   _Entity.Name                              Pterostilbene
   _Entity.Type                              non-polymer
   _Entity.Polymer_common_type               .
   _Entity.Polymer_type                      .
   _Entity.Polymer_type_details              .
   _Entity.Polymer_strand_ID                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_seq_one_letter_code_can   .
   _Entity.Polymer_seq_one_letter_code       .
   _Entity.Target_identifier                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_author_defined_seq        .
   _Entity.Polymer_author_seq_details        .
   _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states   no
   _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         no
   _Entity.Nstd_monomer                      .
   _Entity.Nstd_chirality                    .
   _Entity.Nstd_linkage                      no
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_ID                BMET001321
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_label             $chem_comp_1
   _Entity.Number_of_monomers                1
   _Entity.Number_of_nonpolymer_components   1
   _Entity.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Entity.Thiol_state                       'not present'
   _Entity.Src_method                        .
   _Entity.Parent_entity_ID                  .
   _Entity.Fragment                          .
   _Entity.Mutation                          .
   _Entity.EC_number                         .
   _Entity.Calc_isoelectric_point            .
   _Entity.Formula_weight                    256.29644
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl              .
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl_meth         .
   _Entity.Details                           .
   _Entity.DB_query_date                     .
   _Entity.DB_query_revised_last_date        .


      1   1   BMET001321   $chem_comp_1   bmse001321   1

    #  Natural source  #

   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_category    natural_source
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_framecode   natural_source
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Entity_natural_src_list.ID             1


      1   1   $entity_1   .   na   'multiple natural sources'   yes   na   na   .   .   na   .   na   na   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

    #  Experimental source  #

   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_category    experimental_source
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_framecode   experimental_source
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.ID             1


      1   1   $entity_1   .   'chemical synthesis'   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

    #  Polymer residues and ligands #

   _Chem_comp.Sf_category                       chem_comp
   _Chem_comp.Sf_framecode                      chem_comp_1
   _Chem_comp.Entry_ID                          bmse001321
   _Chem_comp.ID                                BMET001321
   _Chem_comp.Provenance                        BMRB
   _Chem_comp.Name                              Pterostilbene
   _Chem_comp.Type                              non-polymer
   _Chem_comp.BMRB_code                         BMET001321
   _Chem_comp.PDB_code                          .
   _Chem_comp.Ambiguous_flag                    .
   _Chem_comp.Initial_date                      2019-09-19
   _Chem_comp.Modified_date                     .
   _Chem_comp.Release_status                    .
   _Chem_comp.Replaced_by                       .
   _Chem_comp.Replaces                          .
   _Chem_comp.One_letter_code                   .
   _Chem_comp.Three_letter_code                 .
   _Chem_comp.Number_atoms_all                  35
   _Chem_comp.Number_atoms_nh                   19
   _Chem_comp.Atom_nomenclature_source          .
   _Chem_comp.PubChem_code                      .
   _Chem_comp.Subcomponent_list                 .


   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_flag                     .
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_class                    .
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_details                  .
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_parent                   .
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_parent_comp_ID           .
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_one_letter_code         .
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_three_letter_code       .
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_BMRB_code               .
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_PDB_code                .
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_chem_comp_name          .
   _Chem_comp.Synonyms                          .
   _Chem_comp.Formal_charge                     0
   _Chem_comp.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Chem_comp.Aromatic                          yes
   _Chem_comp.Formula                           C16H16O3
   _Chem_comp.Formula_weight                    256.29644
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_nat           256.109944372
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C           272.16362178
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_15N           256.109944372
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C_15N       272.16362178
   _Chem_comp.Image_file_name                   bmse001321.svg
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   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_name                    .
   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_format                  .
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   _Chem_comp.Struct_file_format                MOL
   _Chem_comp.Stereochem_param_file_name        .
   _Chem_comp.Stereochem_param_file_format      .
   _Chem_comp.Model_details                     .
   _Chem_comp.Model_erf                         .
   _Chem_comp.Model_source                      .
   _Chem_comp.Model_coordinates_details         .
   _Chem_comp.Model_coordinates_missing_flag    .
   _Chem_comp.Ideal_coordinates_details         .
   _Chem_comp.Ideal_coordinates_missing_flag    .
   _Chem_comp.Model_coordinates_db_code         .
   _Chem_comp.Processing_site                   .
   _Chem_comp.Vendor                            Avachem
   _Chem_comp.Vendor_product_code               3543
   _Chem_comp.Details                           .
   _Chem_comp.DB_query_date                     .
   _Chem_comp.DB_last_query_revised_last_date   .


      COc1cc(/C=C/c2ccc(cc2)O)cc(c1)OC   SMILES             OpenBabel   2.3.2       bmse001321   BMET001321
      COc1cc(/C=C/c2ccc(cc2)O)cc(c1)OC   SMILES_CANONICAL   OpenBabel   2.3.2       bmse001321   BMET001321
      COc1cc(C=Cc2ccc(O)cc2)cc(OC)c1     SMILES             RDKit       2017.09.3   bmse001321   BMET001321
      COc1cc(C=Cc2ccc(O)cc2)cc(OC)c1     SMILES_CANONICAL   RDKit       2017.09.3   bmse001321   BMET001321
      COc1cc(C=Cc2ccc(O)cc2)cc(OC)c1     SMILES_ISOMERIC    RDKit       2017.09.3   bmse001321   BMET001321

                                         InChI              ALATIS      na          bmse001321   BMET001321
      VLEUZFDZJKSGMX-ONEGZZNKSA-N        InChI_KEY          OpenBabel   2.3.2       bmse001321   BMET001321


      4-[(E)-2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethenyl]phenol   'IUPAC NAME'   na   bmse001321   BMET001321
      4-[2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethenyl]phenol       'IUPAC NAME'   na   bmse001321   BMET001321


      C1    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C2    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   2    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C3    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C4    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   4    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C5    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C6    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   6    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C7    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   7    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C8    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   8    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C9    .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   9    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C10   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   10   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C11   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   11   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C12   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   12   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C13   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   13   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C14   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   14   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C15   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   15   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      C16   .   .   .   .   C   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   16   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      O17   .   .   .   .   O   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   17   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      O18   .   .   .   .   O   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   18   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      O19   .   .   .   .   O   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   19   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H20   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   20   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H21   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   21   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H22   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   22   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H23   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   23   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H24   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   24   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H25   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   25   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H26   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   26   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H27   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   27   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H28   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   28   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H29   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   29   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H30   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   30   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H31   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   31   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H32   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   32   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H33   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   33   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H34   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   34   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      H35   .   .   .   .   H   .   .   N   0   .   .   .   .   no    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   35   .   bmse001321   BMET001321


      1    covalent   SING   C1    H20   no    N   1    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      2    covalent   SING   C1    H21   no    N   2    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      3    covalent   SING   C1    H22   no    N   3    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      4    covalent   SING   C2    H23   no    N   4    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      5    covalent   SING   C2    H24   no    N   5    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      6    covalent   SING   C2    H25   no    N   6    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      7    covalent   SING   C3    H26   no    N   7    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      8    covalent   DOUB   C4    C3    no    E   8    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      9    covalent   SING   C4    H27   no    N   9    .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      10   covalent   AROM   C5    C7    yes   N   10   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      11   covalent   SING   C5    H28   no    N   11   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      12   covalent   AROM   C6    C8    yes   N   12   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      13   covalent   SING   C6    H29   no    N   13   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      14   covalent   AROM   C7    C14   yes   N   14   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      15   covalent   SING   C7    H30   no    N   15   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      16   covalent   AROM   C8    C14   yes   N   16   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      17   covalent   SING   C8    H31   no    N   17   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      18   covalent   AROM   C9    C15   yes   N   18   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      19   covalent   SING   C9    H32   no    N   19   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      20   covalent   AROM   C10   C16   yes   N   20   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      21   covalent   SING   C10   H33   no    N   21   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      22   covalent   SING   C11   H34   no    N   22   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      23   covalent   SING   C12   C3    no    N   23   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      24   covalent   AROM   C12   C5    yes   N   24   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      25   covalent   AROM   C12   C6    yes   N   25   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      26   covalent   SING   C13   C4    no    N   26   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      27   covalent   AROM   C13   C9    yes   N   27   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      28   covalent   AROM   C13   C10   yes   N   28   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      29   covalent   AROM   C15   C11   yes   N   29   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      30   covalent   AROM   C16   C11   yes   N   30   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      31   covalent   SING   O17   C14   no    N   31   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      32   covalent   SING   O17   H35   no    N   32   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      33   covalent   SING   O18   C1    no    N   33   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      34   covalent   SING   O18   C15   no    N   34   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      35   covalent   SING   O19   C2    no    N   35   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      36   covalent   SING   O19   C16   no    N   36   .   bmse001321   BMET001321


      no   'BMRB Ligand Expo'   3RL       'comp id'   .   .   .   'same molecule'   .   bmse001321   BMET001321
      no   PubChem              5281727   cid         .   .   .   'same molecule'   .   bmse001321   BMET001321

#  Sample contents and methodology  #
    #  Sample description  #

   _Sample.Sf_category                      sample
   _Sample.Sf_framecode                     sample_1
   _Sample.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Sample.ID                               1
   _Sample.Name                             .
   _Sample.Type                             solution
   _Sample.Sub_type                         .
   _Sample.Details                          .
   _Sample.Aggregate_sample_number          .
   _Sample.Solvent_system                   .
   _Sample.Preparation_date                 .
   _Sample.Preparation_expiration_date      .
   _Sample.Polycrystallization_protocol     .
   _Sample.Single_crystal_protocol          .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_apparatus           .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_atmosphere          .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_details             .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_method              .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_method_cit_ID       .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pH                  .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pH_range            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pressure            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pressure_esd        .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_seeding             .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_seeding_cit_ID      .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp                .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp_details        .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp_esd            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_time                .
   _Sample.Oriented_sample_prep_protocol    .
   _Sample.Lyophilization_cryo_protectant   .
   _Sample.Storage_protocol                 .


      1   Pterostilbene   'natural abundance'   1   $assembly_1   1   $entity_1   .   solute      5       .   .   mg   .   Avachem   Pterostilbene   3543   bmse001321   1
      2   DMSO            .                     1   $assembly_1   1   $entity_1   .   solvent     100.0   .   .   %    .   .         .               .      bmse001321   1
      3   TMS             .                     1   $assembly_1   1   $entity_1   .   reference   0.05    .   .   %    .   .         .               .      bmse001321   1

#  Sample conditions  #

   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_category    sample_conditions
   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_framecode   sample_conditions_1
   _Sample_condition_list.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Sample_condition_list.ID             1
   _Sample_condition_list.Name           .
   _Sample_condition_list.Details        .


      pressure      1     .     atm   bmse001321   1
      temperature   298   0.1   K     bmse001321   1

#  Computer software used  #

   _Software.Sf_category    software
   _Software.Sf_framecode   software_alatis
   _Software.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Software.ID             1
   _Software.Type           .
   _Software.Name           ALATIS
   _Software.Version        .
   _Software.DOI            .
   _Software.Details        .


      NMRFAM   .   bmse001321   1


      .   'atom nomenclature correction'   bmse001321   1


      3   $citation_alatis   bmse001321   1

   _Software.Sf_category    software
   _Software.Sf_framecode   software_nmrbot
   _Software.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Software.ID             2
   _Software.Type           .
   _Software.Name           NMRBot
   _Software.Version        .
   _Software.DOI            .
   _Software.Details        .


      NMRFAM   .   bmse001321   2


      .   collection   bmse001321   2


      4   $citation_nmrbot   bmse001321   2

   _Software.Sf_category    software
   _Software.Sf_framecode   software_topspin
   _Software.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Software.ID             3
   _Software.Type           .
   _Software.Name           TopSpin
   _Software.Version        3
   _Software.DOI            .
   _Software.Details        .


      'Bruker Biospin'   .   bmse001321   3


      .   collection        bmse001321   3
      .   'data analysis'   bmse001321   3
      .   'peak picking'    bmse001321   3
      .   processing        bmse001321   3

#  Experimental detail  #

    #  NMR Spectrometer definitions  #

   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_category      NMR_spectrometer
   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_framecode     spectrometer_kerry
   _NMR_spectrometer.Entry_ID         bmse001321
   _NMR_spectrometer.ID               1
   _NMR_spectrometer.Name             .
   _NMR_spectrometer.Details          'equipped with SampleJet automated sample changer'
   _NMR_spectrometer.Manufacturer     Bruker
   _NMR_spectrometer.Model            'Avance III'
   _NMR_spectrometer.Serial_number    .
   _NMR_spectrometer.Field_strength   500

    #  NMR applied experiments  #

   _Experiment_list.Sf_category    experiment_list
   _Experiment_list.Sf_framecode   experiment_list
   _Experiment_list.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Experiment_list.ID             1
   _Experiment_list.Details        .


      1    '1D 1H'                       yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      2    '2D 1H-1H TOCSY'              yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3    '1D 13C'                      yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      4    '1D DEPT90'                   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      5    '1D DEPT135'                  yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      6    '2D 1H-13C HSQC'              yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      7    '2D 1H-13C HSQC SW small'     yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      8    '2D 1H-13C HMBC'              yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      9    '2D 1H-1H COSY'               yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      10   '2D 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA'   yes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $spectrometer_kerry   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1


      1    1                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '1D 1H'                       bmse001321   1
      1    1D_1H.png                       image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/1D_1H                       .                             bmse001321   1
      1    1D_1H.xml                       text/xml         'Peak list'                  nmr/set01/transitions/1D_1H                   'TopSpin XML'                 bmse001321   1
      2    2                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-1H TOCSY'              bmse001321   1
      2    2D_1H-1H_TOCSY.png              image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-1H_TOCSY              .                             bmse001321   1
      3    1D_13C.png                      image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/1D_13C                      .                             bmse001321   1
      3    1D_13C.xml                      text/xml         'Peak list'                  nmr/set01/transitions/1D_13C                  'TopSpin XML'                 bmse001321   1
      3    3                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '1D 13C'                      bmse001321   1
      4    1D_DEPT90.png                   image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/1D_DEPT90                   .                             bmse001321   1
      4    1D_DEPT90.xml                   text/xml         'Peak list'                  nmr/set01/transitions/1D_DEPT90               'TopSpin XML'                 bmse001321   1
      4    4                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '1D DEPT90'                   bmse001321   1
      5    1D_DEPT135.png                  image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/1D_DEPT135                  .                             bmse001321   1
      5    1D_DEPT135.xml                  text/xml         'Peak list'                  nmr/set01/transitions/1D_DEPT135              'TopSpin XML'                 bmse001321   1
      5    5                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '1D DEPT135'                  bmse001321   1
      6    2D_1H-13C_HSQC.png              image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HSQC              .                             bmse001321   1
      6    2D_1H-13C_HSQC.xml              text/xml         'Peak list'                  nmr/set01/transitions/2D_1H-13C_HSQC          'TopSpin XML'                 bmse001321   1
      6    6                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-13C HSQC'              bmse001321   1
      7    7                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-13C HSQC SW small'     bmse001321   1
      8    2D_1H-13C_HMBC.png              image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HMBC              .                             bmse001321   1
      8    8                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-13C HMBC'              bmse001321   1
      9    2D_1H-1H_COSY.png               image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-1H_COSY               .                             bmse001321   1
      9    9                               text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-1H COSY'               bmse001321   1
      10   10                              text/directory   'NMR experiment directory'   nmr/set01                                     '2D 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA'   bmse001321   1
      10   2D_1H-13C_HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA.png   image/png        'Spectral image'             nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA   .                             bmse001321   1

#  NMR parameters  #

    #  Assigned chemical shifts  #

	#  Chemical shift referencing  #

   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_category    chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_framecode   chem_shift_ref_set01
   _Chem_shift_reference.Entry_ID       bmse001321
   _Chem_shift_reference.ID             1
   _Chem_shift_reference.Name           .
   _Chem_shift_reference.Details        .


      C   13   TMS   'methyl carbons'   .   .   .   .   ppm   0.0   internal   direct   1.0   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      H   1    TMS   'methyl protons'   .   .   .   .   ppm   0.0   internal   direct   1.0   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

     #  Assigned chemical shift lists  #

#       Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions          #
#                                                                 #
# The values other than 1 are used for those atoms with different #
# chemical shifts that cannot be assigned to stereospecific atoms #
# or to specific residues or chains.                              #
#                                                                 #
#   Index Value            Definition                             #
#                                                                 #
#      1             Unique (including isolated methyl protons,   #
#                         geminal atoms, and geminal methyl       #
#                         groups with identical chemical shifts)  #
#                         (e.g. ILE HD11, HD12, HD13 protons)     #
#      2             Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl #
#                         proton groups (e.g. ASP HB2 and HB3     #
#                         protons, LEU CD1 and CD2 carbons, or    #
#                         LEU HD11, HD12, HD13 and HD21, HD22,    #
#                         HD23 methyl protons)                    #
#      3             Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of          #
#                         symmetrical rings (e.g. TYR HE1 and HE2 #
#                         protons)                                #
#      4             Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. LYS HG and    #
#                         HD protons or TRP HZ2 and HZ3 protons)  #
#      5             Interresidue ambiguities (LYS 12 vs. LYS 27) #
#      6             Intermolecular ambiguities (e.g. ASP 31 CA   #
#                         in monomer 1 and ASP 31 CA in monomer 2 #
#                         of an asymmetrical homodimer, duplex    #
#                         DNA assignments, or other assignments   #
#                         that may apply to atoms in one or more  #
#                         molecule in the molecular assembly)     #
#      9             Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined    #
#                                                                 #

   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_category                   assigned_chemical_shifts
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode                  chem_shift_set01
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID                      bmse001321
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID                            1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Name                          .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_ID      1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_label   $sample_conditions_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_ID       1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_label    $chem_shift_ref_set01
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_1H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_13C_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_15N_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_31P_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_2H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_19F_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Error_derivation_method       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Details                       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data_format              .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data                     .


      1    '1D 1H'                       1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      2    '2D 1H-1H TOCSY'              1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      3    '1D 13C'                      1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      4    '1D DEPT90'                   1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      5    '1D DEPT135'                  1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      6    '2D 1H-13C HSQC'              1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      7    '2D 1H-13C HSQC SW small'     1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      8    '2D 1H-13C HMBC'              1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      9    '2D 1H-1H COSY'               1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1
      10   '2D 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA'   1   $sample_1   .   bmse001321   1


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   1


      1    1    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C1    C   13   55.1724    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      2    2    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C2    C   13   55.1724    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3    3    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C3    C   13   128.961    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      4    4    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C4    C   13   125.1438   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      5    5    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C5    C   13   115.5662   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      6    6    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C6    C   13   115.5662   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      7    7    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C7    C   13   127.9539   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      8    8    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C8    C   13   127.9539   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      9    9    1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C9    C   13   104.0372   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      10   10   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C10   C   13   104.0372   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      11   11   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C11   C   13   99.2746    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      12   12   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C12   C   13   127.9539   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      13   13   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C13   C   13   139.6155   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      14   14   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C14   C   13   157.3878   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      15   15   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C15   C   13   160.6344   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      16   16   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   C16   C   13   160.6344   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      17   20   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H20   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      18   21   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H21   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      19   22   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H22   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      20   23   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H23   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      21   24   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H24   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      22   25   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H25   H   1    3.7626     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      23   26   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H26   H   1    7.1582     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      24   27   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H27   H   1    6.9382     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      25   28   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H28   H   1    6.7714     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      26   29   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H29   H   1    6.7714     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      27   30   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H30   H   1    7.4066     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      28   31   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H31   H   1    7.4066     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      29   32   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H32   H   1    6.7182     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      30   33   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H33   H   1    6.7182     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      31   34   1   1   1   1   BMET001321   H34   H   1    6.3775     .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

    #  Spectral peak lists  #

   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                      spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                     spectral_peaks_1D_1H_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                               1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Name                             .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                     $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID         1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label      $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                    1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                  '1D 1H'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_class                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_type                  .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions    1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Chemical_shift_list              .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID      1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_label   $chem_shift_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                          'F1: 1H'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data_format                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data                        .


      1   .   .   H   1   'Full H'   .   .   16.03   ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   1


      1    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      2    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      4    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      5    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      6    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      7    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      8    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      9    .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      10   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      11   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      12   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      13   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      14   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      15   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      16   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      17   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      18   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      19   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      20   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      21   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      22   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      23   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      24   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      25   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      26   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      27   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      28   .   .   .   bmse001321   1


      1    .   1.661515    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      2    .   1.252414    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      3    .   0.4434249   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      4    .   0.4528049   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      5    .   1.327447    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      6    .   0.1777115   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      7    .   0.5797259   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      8    .   0.7869904   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      9    .   0.8582187   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      10   .   0.6447315   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      11   .   0.1836663   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      12   .   1.457179    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      13   .   0.4632252   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      14   .   0.4614099   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      15   .   1.43165     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      16   .   0.1780621   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      17   .   2.012907    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      18   .   2.059544    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      19   .   0.5269376   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      20   .   0.9647705   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      21   .   0.5015833   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      22   .   15.0        .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      23   .   0.2428316   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      24   .   0.225079    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      25   .   0.209583    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      26   .   0.1955134   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      27   .   0.1812887   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1
      28   .   11.13128    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   1


      1    .   1   9.611365   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      2    .   1   7.42544    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      3    .   1   7.421751   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      4    .   1   7.411826   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      5    .   1   7.408193   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      6    .   1   7.402787   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      7    .   1   7.177323   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      8    .   1   7.144541   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      9    .   1   6.959742   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      10   .   1   6.926966   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      11   .   1   6.782661   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      12   .   1   6.777117   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      13   .   1   6.7733     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      14   .   1   6.763759   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      15   .   1   6.759874   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      16   .   1   6.754242   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      17   .   1   6.718863   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      18   .   1   6.714408   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      19   .   1   6.375317   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      20   .   1   6.370865   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      21   .   1   6.366388   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      22   .   1   3.766874   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      23   .   1   3.756884   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      24   .   1   3.755873   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      25   .   1   3.754895   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      26   .   1   3.7539     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      27   .   1   3.752976   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1
      28   .   1   3.363801   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   1

   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                      spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                     spectral_peaks_1D_13C_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                               2
   _Spectral_peak_list.Name                             .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                     $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID         1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label      $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                    3
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                  '1D 13C'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_class                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_type                  .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions    1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Chemical_shift_list              .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID      1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_label   $chem_shift_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                          'F1: 13C'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data_format                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data                        .


      1   .   .   C   13   'Full C'   .   .   248.61   ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   2


      1    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      2    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      3    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      4    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      5    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      6    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      7    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      8    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      9    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      10   .   .   .   bmse001321   2


      1    .   1.249639    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      2    .   0.5150156   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      3    .   0.4951811   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      4    .   0.6823791   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      5    .   1.93597     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      6    .   0.6755233   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      7    .   1.41097     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      8    .   1.529046    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      9    .   0.487107    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2
      10   .   2.04237     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   2


      1    .   1   160.634445   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      2    .   1   157.387756   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      3    .   1   139.61554    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      4    .   1   128.960983   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      5    .   1   127.953934   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      6    .   1   125.143791   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      7    .   1   115.566216   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      8    .   1   104.037163   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      9    .   1   99.274605    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      10   .   1   55.172428    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   2


      1    1   .   .   .   .   15   160.634445   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C15   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      2    1   .   .   .   .   14   157.387756   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C14   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      3    1   .   .   .   .   13   139.61554    1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C13   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      4    1   .   .   .   .   3    128.960983   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C3    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      5    1   .   .   .   .   7    127.953934   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C7    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      6    1   .   .   .   .   4    125.143791   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C4    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      7    1   .   .   .   .   5    115.566216   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C5    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      8    1   .   .   .   .   9    104.037163   1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C9    .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      9    1   .   .   .   .   11   99.274605    1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C11   .   .   .   bmse001321   2
      10   1   .   .   .   .   1    55.172428    1   .   1   1   1   BMET001321   C1    .   .   .   bmse001321   2

   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                      spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                     spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT90_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                               3
   _Spectral_peak_list.Name                             .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                     $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID         1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label      $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                    4
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                  '1D DEPT90'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_class                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_type                  .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions    1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Chemical_shift_list              .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID      1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_label   $chem_shift_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                          'F1: 13C'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data_format                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data                        .


      1   .   .   C   13   'Full C'   .   .   236.77   ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   3


      1   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      2   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      3   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      4   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      5   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      6   .   .   .   bmse001321   3


      1   .   6.9921     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3
      2   .   14.16123   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3
      3   .   6.729619   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3
      4   .   13.952     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3
      5   .   15.0       .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3
      6   .   6.244844   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   3


      1   .   1   128.699677   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      2   .   1   127.6931     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      3   .   1   124.883018   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      4   .   1   115.306168   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      5   .   1   103.776611   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3
      6   .   1   99.014488    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   3

   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                      spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                     spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT135_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                               4
   _Spectral_peak_list.Name                             .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                     $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID         1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label      $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                    5
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                  '1D DEPT135'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_class                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_type                  .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions    1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Chemical_shift_list              .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID      1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_label   $chem_shift_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                          'F1: 13C'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data_format                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data                        .


      1   .   .   C   13   'Full C'   .   .   236.77   ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   4


      1   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      2   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      3   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      4   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      5   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      6   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      7   .   .   .   bmse001321   4


      1   .   3.787957   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      2   .   6.230087   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      3   .   3.337817   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      4   .   5.88065    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      5   .   8.256742   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      6   .   3.039283   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4
      7   .   15.0       .   'relative height'   bmse001321   4


      1   .   1   128.69516    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      2   .   1   127.688766   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      3   .   1   124.878853   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      4   .   1   115.300652   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      5   .   1   103.771362   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      6   .   1   99.009232    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4
      7   .   1   54.90675     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   4

   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                      spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                     spectral_peaks_2D_1H-13C_HSQC_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                         bmse001321
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                               5
   _Spectral_peak_list.Name                             .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                     $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID         1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label      $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                    6
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                  '2D 1H-13C HSQC'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_class                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_type                  .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions    2
   _Spectral_peak_list.Chemical_shift_list              .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID      1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Assigned_chem_shift_list_label   $chem_shift_set01
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                          'F1: 13C, F2: 1H'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data_format                 .
   _Spectral_peak_list.Text_data                        .


      1   .   .   C   13   'Full C'   .   .   165.00   ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      2   .   .   H   1    'Full H'   .   .   12.99    ppm   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5


      3   $software_topspin   .   .   bmse001321   5


      1   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      2   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      3   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      4   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      5   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      6   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      7   .   .   .   bmse001321   5


      1   .   121082.20703125   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      2   .   468421.15625      .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      3   .   125724.72265625   .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      4   .   554742.890625     .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      5   .   492879.0078125    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      6   .   200132.4609375    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5
      7   .   1950965.359375    .   'relative height'   bmse001321   5


      1   .   1   128.65242802022252   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      1   .   2   7.158222729303463    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      2   .   1   127.55751373919934   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      2   .   2   7.40664890235812     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      3   .   1   124.82022803664141   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      3   .   2   6.938188118883625    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      4   .   1   115.30816022025262   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      4   .   2   6.77138768840407     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      5   .   1   103.87999241207328   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      5   .   2   6.718153508463786    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      6   .   1   99.15817457516086    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      6   .   2   6.377454756845971    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      7   .   1   54.94961842003218    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5
      7   .   2   3.7626120278881965   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   bmse001321   5