
#  Entry information  #
   _Entry.Sf_category                    entry_information
   _Entry.Sf_framecode                   entry_information_1
   _Entry.ID                             52628
p14ARF forms meso-scale assemblies upon phase separation with NPM1
   _Entry.Type                           macromolecule
   _Entry.Version_type                   original
   _Entry.Submission_date                2024-10-04
   _Entry.Accession_date                 2024-10-04
   _Entry.Last_release_date              2024-10-04
   _Entry.Original_release_date          2024-10-04
   _Entry.Origination                    author
   _Entry.Format_name                    .
   _Entry.NMR_STAR_dict_location         .
   _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version      3.1
   _Entry.Experimental_method            NMR
   _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype    solid-state
   _Entry.Source_data_format             .
   _Entry.Source_data_format_version     .
   _Entry.Generated_software_name        .
   _Entry.Generated_software_version     .
   _Entry.Generated_software_ID          1
   _Entry.Generated_software_label       $software_1
   _Entry.Generated_date                 .
   _Entry.DOI                            .
   _Entry.UUID                           .
   _Entry.Related_coordinate_file_name   .
   _Entry.Details                        .
   _Entry.BMRB_internal_directory_name   .


      1   Eric      Gibbs      .   .   .   0000-0002-7210-7216   52628
      2   Richard   Kriwacki   .   .   .   .                     52628


      assigned_chemical_shifts   2   52628


      '13C chemical shifts'   109   52628
      '15N chemical shifts'   12    52628


      1   .   .   2025-01-09   .   original   BMRB   .   52628


      BMRB   52629   'phase separated p14ARF-NPM1-IDR condensate, ARF solution assignment'   52628
      BMRB   52630   'phase separated p14ARF-NPM1 condensate, NPM1 solution assignment'      52628

#  Citations  #
   _Citation.Sf_category                  citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode                 citations_1
   _Citation.Entry_ID                     52628
   _Citation.ID                           1
   _Citation.Name                         .
   _Citation.Class                        'entry citation'
   _Citation.CAS_abstract_code            .
   _Citation.MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _Citation.PubMed_ID                    39528457
   _Citation.DOI                          .
   _Citation.Full_citation                .
p14ARF forms meso-scale assemblies upon phase separation with NPM1
   _Citation.Status                       published
   _Citation.Type                         journal
   _Citation.Journal_abbrev               'Nat. Commun.'
   _Citation.Journal_name_full            'Nature Communications'
   _Citation.Journal_volume               15
   _Citation.Journal_issue                1
   _Citation.Journal_ASTM                 .
   _Citation.Journal_ISSN                 2041-1723
   _Citation.Journal_CSD                  .
   _Citation.Book_title                   .
   _Citation.Book_chapter_title           .
   _Citation.Book_volume                  .
   _Citation.Book_series                  .
   _Citation.Book_publisher               .
   _Citation.Book_publisher_city          .
   _Citation.Book_ISBN                    .
   _Citation.Conference_title             .
   _Citation.Conference_site              .
   _Citation.Conference_state_province    .
   _Citation.Conference_country           .
   _Citation.Conference_start_date        .
   _Citation.Conference_end_date          .
   _Citation.Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution           .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_city      .
   _Citation.Thesis_institution_country   .
   _Citation.WWW_URL                      .
   _Citation.Page_first                   9531
   _Citation.Page_last                    9531
   _Citation.Year                         2024
   _Citation.Details                      .


      1    Eric         Gibbs       .   .   .   .   52628   1
      2    Qi           Miao        .   .   .   .   52628   1
      3    Mylene       Ferrolino   .   .   .   .   52628   1
      4    Richa        Bajpai      .   .   .   .   52628   1
      5    Aila         Hassan      .   .   .   .   52628   1
      6    Aaron        Phillips    .   .   .   .   52628   1
      7    Aaron        Pitre       .   .   .   .   52628   1
      8    Rainer       Kummerle    .   .   .   .   52628   1
      9    Shondra      Miller      .   .   .   .   52628   1
      10   Gergely      Nagy        .   .   .   .   52628   1
      11   Wellington   Leite       .   .   .   .   52628   1
      12   William      Heller      .   .   .   .   52628   1
      13   Chris        Stanley     .   .   .   .   52628   1
      14   Barbara      Perrone     .   .   .   .   52628   1
      15   Richard      Kriwacki    .   .   .   .   52628   1

#  Molecular system (assembly) description  #
   _Assembly.Sf_category                       assembly
   _Assembly.Sf_framecode                      assembly_1
   _Assembly.Entry_ID                          52628
   _Assembly.ID                                1
   _Assembly.Name                              'phase separated p14ARF-NPM1 meso-scale assembly'
   _Assembly.BMRB_code                         .
   _Assembly.Number_of_components              3
   _Assembly.Organic_ligands                   0
   _Assembly.Metal_ions                        0
   _Assembly.Non_standard_bonds                no
   _Assembly.Ambiguous_conformational_states   yes
   _Assembly.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         .
   _Assembly.Molecules_in_chemical_exchange    no
   _Assembly.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Assembly.Thiol_state                       .
   _Assembly.Molecular_mass                    .
   _Assembly.Enzyme_commission_number          .
   _Assembly.Details                           .
   _Assembly.DB_query_date                     .
   _Assembly.DB_query_revised_last_date        .


      1   'p14ARF (state 1)'   1   $entity_1   .   .   yes   native   yes   yes   .   'p14ARF (state 1)'   'open conformation'     52628   1
      2   'p14ARF (state 2)'   1   $entity_1   .   .   yes   native   yes   yes   .   'p14ARF (state 2)'   'closed conformation'   52628   1
      3   NPM1                 2   $entity_2   .   .   no    native   no    no    .   .                    .                       52628   1

    #  Biological polymers and ligands #
   _Entity.Sf_category                       entity
   _Entity.Sf_framecode                      entity_1
   _Entity.Entry_ID                          52628
   _Entity.ID                                1
   _Entity.BMRB_code                         .
   _Entity.Name                              entity_1
   _Entity.Type                              polymer
   _Entity.Polymer_common_type               .
   _Entity.Polymer_type                      polypeptide(L)
   _Entity.Polymer_type_details              .
   _Entity.Polymer_strand_ID                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_seq_one_letter_code_can   .
   _Entity.Target_identifier                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_author_seq_details        .
   _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states   yes
   _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         yes
   _Entity.Nstd_monomer                      no
   _Entity.Nstd_chirality                    no
   _Entity.Nstd_linkage                      no
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_ID                .
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_label             .
   _Entity.Number_of_monomers                154
   _Entity.Number_of_nonpolymer_components   .
   _Entity.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Entity.Thiol_state                       'all free'
   _Entity.Src_method                        .
   _Entity.Parent_entity_ID                  1
   _Entity.Fragment                          .
   _Entity.Mutation                          .
   _Entity.EC_number                         .
   _Entity.Calc_isoelectric_point            .
   _Entity.Formula_weight                    .
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl              .
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl_meth         .
   _Entity.Details                           .
   _Entity.DB_query_date                     .
   _Entity.DB_query_revised_last_date        .


      1     -21   MET   .   52628   1
      2     -20   GLY   .   52628   1
      3     -19   SER   .   52628   1
      4     -18   SER   .   52628   1
      5     -17   HIS   .   52628   1
      6     -16   HIS   .   52628   1
      7     -15   HIS   .   52628   1
      8     -14   HIS   .   52628   1
      9     -13   HIS   .   52628   1
      10    -12   HIS   .   52628   1
      11    -11   SER   .   52628   1
      12    -10   GLN   .   52628   1
      13    -9    ASP   .   52628   1
      14    -8    LEU   .   52628   1
      15    -7    GLU   .   52628   1
      16    -6    ASN   .   52628   1
      17    -5    LEU   .   52628   1
      18    -4    TYR   .   52628   1
      19    -3    PHE   .   52628   1
      20    -2    GLN   .   52628   1
      21    -1    GLY   .   52628   1
      22    0     SER   .   52628   1
      23    1     MET   .   52628   1
      24    2     VAL   .   52628   1
      25    3     ARG   .   52628   1
      26    4     ARG   .   52628   1
      27    5     PHE   .   52628   1
      28    6     LEU   .   52628   1
      29    7     VAL   .   52628   1
      30    8     THR   .   52628   1
      31    9     LEU   .   52628   1
      32    10    ARG   .   52628   1
      33    11    ILE   .   52628   1
      34    12    ARG   .   52628   1
      35    13    ARG   .   52628   1
      36    14    ALA   .   52628   1
      37    15    CYS   .   52628   1
      38    16    GLY   .   52628   1
      39    17    PRO   .   52628   1
      40    18    PRO   .   52628   1
      41    19    ARG   .   52628   1
      42    20    VAL   .   52628   1
      43    21    ARG   .   52628   1
      44    22    VAL   .   52628   1
      45    23    PHE   .   52628   1
      46    24    VAL   .   52628   1
      47    25    VAL   .   52628   1
      48    26    HIS   .   52628   1
      49    27    ILE   .   52628   1
      50    28    PRO   .   52628   1
      51    29    ARG   .   52628   1
      52    30    LEU   .   52628   1
      53    31    THR   .   52628   1
      54    32    GLY   .   52628   1
      55    33    GLU   .   52628   1
      56    34    TRP   .   52628   1
      57    35    ALA   .   52628   1
      58    36    ALA   .   52628   1
      59    37    PRO   .   52628   1
      60    38    GLY   .   52628   1
      61    39    ALA   .   52628   1
      62    40    PRO   .   52628   1
      63    41    ALA   .   52628   1
      64    42    ALA   .   52628   1
      65    43    VAL   .   52628   1
      66    44    ALA   .   52628   1
      67    45    LEU   .   52628   1
      68    46    VAL   .   52628   1
      69    47    LEU   .   52628   1
      70    48    MET   .   52628   1
      71    49    LEU   .   52628   1
      72    50    LEU   .   52628   1
      73    51    ARG   .   52628   1
      74    52    SER   .   52628   1
      75    53    GLN   .   52628   1
      76    54    ARG   .   52628   1
      77    55    LEU   .   52628   1
      78    56    GLY   .   52628   1
      79    57    GLN   .   52628   1
      80    58    GLN   .   52628   1
      81    59    PRO   .   52628   1
      82    60    LEU   .   52628   1
      83    61    PRO   .   52628   1
      84    62    ARG   .   52628   1
      85    63    ARG   .   52628   1
      86    64    PRO   .   52628   1
      87    65    GLY   .   52628   1
      88    66    HIS   .   52628   1
      89    67    ASP   .   52628   1
      90    68    ASP   .   52628   1
      91    69    GLY   .   52628   1
      92    70    GLN   .   52628   1
      93    71    ARG   .   52628   1
      94    72    PRO   .   52628   1
      95    73    SER   .   52628   1
      96    74    GLY   .   52628   1
      97    75    GLY   .   52628   1
      98    76    ALA   .   52628   1
      99    77    ALA   .   52628   1
      100   78    ALA   .   52628   1
      101   79    ALA   .   52628   1
      102   80    PRO   .   52628   1
      103   81    ARG   .   52628   1
      104   82    ARG   .   52628   1
      105   83    GLY   .   52628   1
      106   84    ALA   .   52628   1
      107   85    GLN   .   52628   1
      108   86    LEU   .   52628   1
      109   87    ARG   .   52628   1
      110   88    ARG   .   52628   1
      111   89    PRO   .   52628   1
      112   90    ARG   .   52628   1
      113   91    HIS   .   52628   1
      114   92    SER   .   52628   1
      115   93    HIS   .   52628   1
      116   94    PRO   .   52628   1
      117   95    THR   .   52628   1
      118   96    ARG   .   52628   1
      119   97    ALA   .   52628   1
      120   98    ARG   .   52628   1
      121   99    ARG   .   52628   1
      122   100   CYS   .   52628   1
      123   101   PRO   .   52628   1
      124   102   GLY   .   52628   1
      125   103   GLY   .   52628   1
      126   104   LEU   .   52628   1
      127   105   PRO   .   52628   1
      128   106   GLY   .   52628   1
      129   107   HIS   .   52628   1
      130   108   ALA   .   52628   1
      131   109   GLY   .   52628   1
      132   110   GLY   .   52628   1
      133   111   ALA   .   52628   1
      134   112   ALA   .   52628   1
      135   113   PRO   .   52628   1
      136   114   GLY   .   52628   1
      137   115   ARG   .   52628   1
      138   116   GLY   .   52628   1
      139   117   ALA   .   52628   1
      140   118   ALA   .   52628   1
      141   119   GLY   .   52628   1
      142   120   ARG   .   52628   1
      143   121   ALA   .   52628   1
      144   122   ARG   .   52628   1
      145   123   CYS   .   52628   1
      146   124   LEU   .   52628   1
      147   125   GLY   .   52628   1
      148   126   PRO   .   52628   1
      149   127   SER   .   52628   1
      150   128   ALA   .   52628   1
      151   129   ARG   .   52628   1
      152   130   GLY   .   52628   1
      153   131   PRO   .   52628   1
      154   132   GLY   .   52628   1


      .   MET   1     1     52628   1
      .   GLY   2     2     52628   1
      .   SER   3     3     52628   1
      .   SER   4     4     52628   1
      .   HIS   5     5     52628   1
      .   HIS   6     6     52628   1
      .   HIS   7     7     52628   1
      .   HIS   8     8     52628   1
      .   HIS   9     9     52628   1
      .   HIS   10    10    52628   1
      .   SER   11    11    52628   1
      .   GLN   12    12    52628   1
      .   ASP   13    13    52628   1
      .   LEU   14    14    52628   1
      .   GLU   15    15    52628   1
      .   ASN   16    16    52628   1
      .   LEU   17    17    52628   1
      .   TYR   18    18    52628   1
      .   PHE   19    19    52628   1
      .   GLN   20    20    52628   1
      .   GLY   21    21    52628   1
      .   SER   22    22    52628   1
      .   MET   23    23    52628   1
      .   VAL   24    24    52628   1
      .   ARG   25    25    52628   1
      .   ARG   26    26    52628   1
      .   PHE   27    27    52628   1
      .   LEU   28    28    52628   1
      .   VAL   29    29    52628   1
      .   THR   30    30    52628   1
      .   LEU   31    31    52628   1
      .   ARG   32    32    52628   1
      .   ILE   33    33    52628   1
      .   ARG   34    34    52628   1
      .   ARG   35    35    52628   1
      .   ALA   36    36    52628   1
      .   CYS   37    37    52628   1
      .   GLY   38    38    52628   1
      .   PRO   39    39    52628   1
      .   PRO   40    40    52628   1
      .   ARG   41    41    52628   1
      .   VAL   42    42    52628   1
      .   ARG   43    43    52628   1
      .   VAL   44    44    52628   1
      .   PHE   45    45    52628   1
      .   VAL   46    46    52628   1
      .   VAL   47    47    52628   1
      .   HIS   48    48    52628   1
      .   ILE   49    49    52628   1
      .   PRO   50    50    52628   1
      .   ARG   51    51    52628   1
      .   LEU   52    52    52628   1
      .   THR   53    53    52628   1
      .   GLY   54    54    52628   1
      .   GLU   55    55    52628   1
      .   TRP   56    56    52628   1
      .   ALA   57    57    52628   1
      .   ALA   58    58    52628   1
      .   PRO   59    59    52628   1
      .   GLY   60    60    52628   1
      .   ALA   61    61    52628   1
      .   PRO   62    62    52628   1
      .   ALA   63    63    52628   1
      .   ALA   64    64    52628   1
      .   VAL   65    65    52628   1
      .   ALA   66    66    52628   1
      .   LEU   67    67    52628   1
      .   VAL   68    68    52628   1
      .   LEU   69    69    52628   1
      .   MET   70    70    52628   1
      .   LEU   71    71    52628   1
      .   LEU   72    72    52628   1
      .   ARG   73    73    52628   1
      .   SER   74    74    52628   1
      .   GLN   75    75    52628   1
      .   ARG   76    76    52628   1
      .   LEU   77    77    52628   1
      .   GLY   78    78    52628   1
      .   GLN   79    79    52628   1
      .   GLN   80    80    52628   1
      .   PRO   81    81    52628   1
      .   LEU   82    82    52628   1
      .   PRO   83    83    52628   1
      .   ARG   84    84    52628   1
      .   ARG   85    85    52628   1
      .   PRO   86    86    52628   1
      .   GLY   87    87    52628   1
      .   HIS   88    88    52628   1
      .   ASP   89    89    52628   1
      .   ASP   90    90    52628   1
      .   GLY   91    91    52628   1
      .   GLN   92    92    52628   1
      .   ARG   93    93    52628   1
      .   PRO   94    94    52628   1
      .   SER   95    95    52628   1
      .   GLY   96    96    52628   1
      .   GLY   97    97    52628   1
      .   ALA   98    98    52628   1
      .   ALA   99    99    52628   1
      .   ALA   100   100   52628   1
      .   ALA   101   101   52628   1
      .   PRO   102   102   52628   1
      .   ARG   103   103   52628   1
      .   ARG   104   104   52628   1
      .   GLY   105   105   52628   1
      .   ALA   106   106   52628   1
      .   GLN   107   107   52628   1
      .   LEU   108   108   52628   1
      .   ARG   109   109   52628   1
      .   ARG   110   110   52628   1
      .   PRO   111   111   52628   1
      .   ARG   112   112   52628   1
      .   HIS   113   113   52628   1
      .   SER   114   114   52628   1
      .   HIS   115   115   52628   1
      .   PRO   116   116   52628   1
      .   THR   117   117   52628   1
      .   ARG   118   118   52628   1
      .   ALA   119   119   52628   1
      .   ARG   120   120   52628   1
      .   ARG   121   121   52628   1
      .   CYS   122   122   52628   1
      .   PRO   123   123   52628   1
      .   GLY   124   124   52628   1
      .   GLY   125   125   52628   1
      .   LEU   126   126   52628   1
      .   PRO   127   127   52628   1
      .   GLY   128   128   52628   1
      .   HIS   129   129   52628   1
      .   ALA   130   130   52628   1
      .   GLY   131   131   52628   1
      .   GLY   132   132   52628   1
      .   ALA   133   133   52628   1
      .   ALA   134   134   52628   1
      .   PRO   135   135   52628   1
      .   GLY   136   136   52628   1
      .   ARG   137   137   52628   1
      .   GLY   138   138   52628   1
      .   ALA   139   139   52628   1
      .   ALA   140   140   52628   1
      .   GLY   141   141   52628   1
      .   ARG   142   142   52628   1
      .   ALA   143   143   52628   1
      .   ARG   144   144   52628   1
      .   CYS   145   145   52628   1
      .   LEU   146   146   52628   1
      .   GLY   147   147   52628   1
      .   PRO   148   148   52628   1
      .   SER   149   149   52628   1
      .   ALA   150   150   52628   1
      .   ARG   151   151   52628   1
      .   GLY   152   152   52628   1
      .   PRO   153   153   52628   1
      .   GLY   154   154   52628   1

   _Entity.Sf_category                       entity
   _Entity.Sf_framecode                      entity_2
   _Entity.Entry_ID                          52628
   _Entity.ID                                2
   _Entity.BMRB_code                         .
   _Entity.Name                              entity_2
   _Entity.Type                              polymer
   _Entity.Polymer_common_type               .
   _Entity.Polymer_type                      polypeptide(L)
   _Entity.Polymer_type_details              .
   _Entity.Polymer_strand_ID                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_seq_one_letter_code_can   .
   _Entity.Target_identifier                 .
   _Entity.Polymer_author_seq_details        .
   _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states   yes
   _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         no
   _Entity.Nstd_monomer                      no
   _Entity.Nstd_chirality                    no
   _Entity.Nstd_linkage                      no
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_ID                .
   _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_label             .
   _Entity.Number_of_monomers                294
   _Entity.Number_of_nonpolymer_components   .
   _Entity.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Entity.Thiol_state                       'all free'
   _Entity.Src_method                        .
   _Entity.Parent_entity_ID                  2
   _Entity.Fragment                          .
   _Entity.Mutation                          .
   _Entity.EC_number                         .
   _Entity.Calc_isoelectric_point            .
   _Entity.Formula_weight                    .
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl              .
   _Entity.Formula_weight_exptl_meth         .
   _Entity.Details                           .
   _Entity.DB_query_date                     .
   _Entity.DB_query_revised_last_date        .


      1     .   MET   .   52628   2
      2     .   GLU   .   52628   2
      3     .   ASP   .   52628   2
      4     .   SER   .   52628   2
      5     .   MET   .   52628   2
      6     .   ASP   .   52628   2
      7     .   MET   .   52628   2
      8     .   ASP   .   52628   2
      9     .   MET   .   52628   2
      10    .   SER   .   52628   2
      11    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      12    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      13    .   ARG   .   52628   2
      14    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      15    .   GLN   .   52628   2
      16    .   ASN   .   52628   2
      17    .   TYR   .   52628   2
      18    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      19    .   PHE   .   52628   2
      20    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      21    .   CYS   .   52628   2
      22    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      23    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      24    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      25    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      26    .   ASP   .   52628   2
      27    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      28    .   ASP   .   52628   2
      29    .   TYR   .   52628   2
      30    .   HIS   .   52628   2
      31    .   PHE   .   52628   2
      32    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      33    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      34    .   ASP   .   52628   2
      35    .   ASN   .   52628   2
      36    .   ASP   .   52628   2
      37    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      38    .   ASN   .   52628   2
      39    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      40    .   HIS   .   52628   2
      41    .   GLN   .   52628   2
      42    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      43    .   SER   .   52628   2
      44    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      45    .   ARG   .   52628   2
      46    .   THR   .   52628   2
      47    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      48    .   SER   .   52628   2
      49    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      50    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      51    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      52    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      53    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      54    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      55    .   ASP   .   52628   2
      56    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      57    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      58    .   HIS   .   52628   2
      59    .   ILE   .   52628   2
      60    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      61    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      62    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      63    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      64    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      65    .   MET   .   52628   2
      66    .   ASN   .   52628   2
      67    .   TYR   .   52628   2
      68    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      69    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      70    .   SER   .   52628   2
      71    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      72    .   ILE   .   52628   2
      73    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      74    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      75    .   THR   .   52628   2
      76    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      77    .   ALA   .   52628   2
      78    .   THR   .   52628   2
      79    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      80    .   LYS   .   52628   2
      81    .   MET   .   52628   2
      82    .   SER   .   52628   2
      83    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      84    .   GLN   .   52628   2
      85    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      86    .   THR   .   52628   2
      87    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      88    .   SER   .   52628   2
      89    .   LEU   .   52628   2
      90    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      91    .   GLY   .   52628   2
      92    .   PHE   .   52628   2
      93    .   GLU   .   52628   2
      94    .   ILE   .   52628   2
      95    .   THR   .   52628   2
      96    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      97    .   PRO   .   52628   2
      98    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      99    .   VAL   .   52628   2
      100   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      101   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      102   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      103   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      104   .   CYS   .   52628   2
      105   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      106   .   SER   .   52628   2
      107   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      108   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      109   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      110   .   HIS   .   52628   2
      111   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      112   .   SER   .   52628   2
      113   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      114   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      115   .   HIS   .   52628   2
      116   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      117   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      118   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      119   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      120   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      121   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      122   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      123   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      124   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      125   .   SER   .   52628   2
      126   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      127   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      128   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      129   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      130   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      131   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      132   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      133   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      134   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      135   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      136   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      137   .   SER   .   52628   2
      138   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      139   .   SER   .   52628   2
      140   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      141   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      142   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      143   .   SER   .   52628   2
      144   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      145   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      146   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      147   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      148   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      149   .   SER   .   52628   2
      150   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      151   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      152   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      153   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      154   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      155   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      156   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      157   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      158   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      159   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      160   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      161   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      162   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      163   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      164   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      165   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      166   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      167   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      168   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      169   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      170   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      171   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      172   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      173   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      174   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      175   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      176   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      177   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      178   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      179   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      180   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      181   .   PHE   .   52628   2
      182   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      183   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      184   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      185   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      186   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      187   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      188   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      189   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      190   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      191   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      192   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      193   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      194   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      195   .   SER   .   52628   2
      196   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      197   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      198   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      199   .   THR   .   52628   2
      200   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      201   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      202   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      203   .   ASN   .   52628   2
      204   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      205   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      206   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      207   .   SER   .   52628   2
      208   .   ASN   .   52628   2
      209   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      210   .   ASN   .   52628   2
      211   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      212   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      213   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      214   .   SER   .   52628   2
      215   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      216   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      217   .   SER   .   52628   2
      218   .   SER   .   52628   2
      219   .   THR   .   52628   2
      220   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      221   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      222   .   SER   .   52628   2
      223   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      224   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      225   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      226   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      227   .   SER   .   52628   2
      228   .   PHE   .   52628   2
      229   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      230   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      231   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      232   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      233   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      234   .   THR   .   52628   2
      235   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      236   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      237   .   THR   .   52628   2
      238   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      239   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      240   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      241   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      242   .   SER   .   52628   2
      243   .   SER   .   52628   2
      244   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      245   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      246   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      247   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      248   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      249   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      250   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      251   .   MET   .   52628   2
      252   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      253   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      254   .   SER   .   52628   2
      255   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      256   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      257   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      258   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      259   .   GLY   .   52628   2
      260   .   SER   .   52628   2
      261   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      262   .   PRO   .   52628   2
      263   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      264   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      265   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      266   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      267   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      268   .   PHE   .   52628   2
      269   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      270   .   ASN   .   52628   2
      271   .   TYR   .   52628   2
      272   .   VAL   .   52628   2
      273   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      274   .   ASN   .   52628   2
      275   .   CYS   .   52628   2
      276   .   PHE   .   52628   2
      277   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      278   .   MET   .   52628   2
      279   .   THR   .   52628   2
      280   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      281   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      282   .   GLU   .   52628   2
      283   .   ALA   .   52628   2
      284   .   ILE   .   52628   2
      285   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      286   .   ASP   .   52628   2
      287   .   LEU   .   52628   2
      288   .   TRP   .   52628   2
      289   .   GLN   .   52628   2
      290   .   TRP   .   52628   2
      291   .   ARG   .   52628   2
      292   .   LYS   .   52628   2
      293   .   SER   .   52628   2
      294   .   LEU   .   52628   2


      .   MET   1     1     52628   2
      .   GLU   2     2     52628   2
      .   ASP   3     3     52628   2
      .   SER   4     4     52628   2
      .   MET   5     5     52628   2
      .   ASP   6     6     52628   2
      .   MET   7     7     52628   2
      .   ASP   8     8     52628   2
      .   MET   9     9     52628   2
      .   SER   10    10    52628   2
      .   PRO   11    11    52628   2
      .   LEU   12    12    52628   2
      .   ARG   13    13    52628   2
      .   PRO   14    14    52628   2
      .   GLN   15    15    52628   2
      .   ASN   16    16    52628   2
      .   TYR   17    17    52628   2
      .   LEU   18    18    52628   2
      .   PHE   19    19    52628   2
      .   GLY   20    20    52628   2
      .   CYS   21    21    52628   2
      .   GLU   22    22    52628   2
      .   LEU   23    23    52628   2
      .   LYS   24    24    52628   2
      .   ALA   25    25    52628   2
      .   ASP   26    26    52628   2
      .   LYS   27    27    52628   2
      .   ASP   28    28    52628   2
      .   TYR   29    29    52628   2
      .   HIS   30    30    52628   2
      .   PHE   31    31    52628   2
      .   LYS   32    32    52628   2
      .   VAL   33    33    52628   2
      .   ASP   34    34    52628   2
      .   ASN   35    35    52628   2
      .   ASP   36    36    52628   2
      .   GLU   37    37    52628   2
      .   ASN   38    38    52628   2
      .   GLU   39    39    52628   2
      .   HIS   40    40    52628   2
      .   GLN   41    41    52628   2
      .   LEU   42    42    52628   2
      .   SER   43    43    52628   2
      .   LEU   44    44    52628   2
      .   ARG   45    45    52628   2
      .   THR   46    46    52628   2
      .   VAL   47    47    52628   2
      .   SER   48    48    52628   2
      .   LEU   49    49    52628   2
      .   GLY   50    50    52628   2
      .   ALA   51    51    52628   2
      .   GLY   52    52    52628   2
      .   ALA   53    53    52628   2
      .   LYS   54    54    52628   2
      .   ASP   55    55    52628   2
      .   GLU   56    56    52628   2
      .   LEU   57    57    52628   2
      .   HIS   58    58    52628   2
      .   ILE   59    59    52628   2
      .   VAL   60    60    52628   2
      .   GLU   61    61    52628   2
      .   ALA   62    62    52628   2
      .   GLU   63    63    52628   2
      .   ALA   64    64    52628   2
      .   MET   65    65    52628   2
      .   ASN   66    66    52628   2
      .   TYR   67    67    52628   2
      .   GLU   68    68    52628   2
      .   GLY   69    69    52628   2
      .   SER   70    70    52628   2
      .   PRO   71    71    52628   2
      .   ILE   72    72    52628   2
      .   LYS   73    73    52628   2
      .   VAL   74    74    52628   2
      .   THR   75    75    52628   2
      .   LEU   76    76    52628   2
      .   ALA   77    77    52628   2
      .   THR   78    78    52628   2
      .   LEU   79    79    52628   2
      .   LYS   80    80    52628   2
      .   MET   81    81    52628   2
      .   SER   82    82    52628   2
      .   VAL   83    83    52628   2
      .   GLN   84    84    52628   2
      .   PRO   85    85    52628   2
      .   THR   86    86    52628   2
      .   VAL   87    87    52628   2
      .   SER   88    88    52628   2
      .   LEU   89    89    52628   2
      .   GLY   90    90    52628   2
      .   GLY   91    91    52628   2
      .   PHE   92    92    52628   2
      .   GLU   93    93    52628   2
      .   ILE   94    94    52628   2
      .   THR   95    95    52628   2
      .   PRO   96    96    52628   2
      .   PRO   97    97    52628   2
      .   VAL   98    98    52628   2
      .   VAL   99    99    52628   2
      .   LEU   100   100   52628   2
      .   ARG   101   101   52628   2
      .   LEU   102   102   52628   2
      .   LYS   103   103   52628   2
      .   CYS   104   104   52628   2
      .   GLY   105   105   52628   2
      .   SER   106   106   52628   2
      .   GLY   107   107   52628   2
      .   PRO   108   108   52628   2
      .   VAL   109   109   52628   2
      .   HIS   110   110   52628   2
      .   ILE   111   111   52628   2
      .   SER   112   112   52628   2
      .   GLY   113   113   52628   2
      .   GLN   114   114   52628   2
      .   HIS   115   115   52628   2
      .   LEU   116   116   52628   2
      .   VAL   117   117   52628   2
      .   ALA   118   118   52628   2
      .   VAL   119   119   52628   2
      .   GLU   120   120   52628   2
      .   GLU   121   121   52628   2
      .   ASP   122   122   52628   2
      .   ALA   123   123   52628   2
      .   GLU   124   124   52628   2
      .   SER   125   125   52628   2
      .   GLU   126   126   52628   2
      .   ASP   127   127   52628   2
      .   GLU   128   128   52628   2
      .   GLU   129   129   52628   2
      .   GLU   130   130   52628   2
      .   GLU   131   131   52628   2
      .   ASP   132   132   52628   2
      .   VAL   133   133   52628   2
      .   LYS   134   134   52628   2
      .   LEU   135   135   52628   2
      .   LEU   136   136   52628   2
      .   SER   137   137   52628   2
      .   ILE   138   138   52628   2
      .   SER   139   139   52628   2
      .   GLY   140   140   52628   2
      .   LYS   141   141   52628   2
      .   ARG   142   142   52628   2
      .   SER   143   143   52628   2
      .   ALA   144   144   52628   2
      .   PRO   145   145   52628   2
      .   GLY   146   146   52628   2
      .   GLY   147   147   52628   2
      .   GLY   148   148   52628   2
      .   SER   149   149   52628   2
      .   LYS   150   150   52628   2
      .   VAL   151   151   52628   2
      .   PRO   152   152   52628   2
      .   GLN   153   153   52628   2
      .   LYS   154   154   52628   2
      .   LYS   155   155   52628   2
      .   VAL   156   156   52628   2
      .   LYS   157   157   52628   2
      .   LEU   158   158   52628   2
      .   ALA   159   159   52628   2
      .   ALA   160   160   52628   2
      .   ASP   161   161   52628   2
      .   GLU   162   162   52628   2
      .   ASP   163   163   52628   2
      .   ASP   164   164   52628   2
      .   ASP   165   165   52628   2
      .   ASP   166   166   52628   2
      .   ASP   167   167   52628   2
      .   ASP   168   168   52628   2
      .   GLU   169   169   52628   2
      .   GLU   170   170   52628   2
      .   ASP   171   171   52628   2
      .   ASP   172   172   52628   2
      .   ASP   173   173   52628   2
      .   GLU   174   174   52628   2
      .   ASP   175   175   52628   2
      .   ASP   176   176   52628   2
      .   ASP   177   177   52628   2
      .   ASP   178   178   52628   2
      .   ASP   179   179   52628   2
      .   ASP   180   180   52628   2
      .   PHE   181   181   52628   2
      .   ASP   182   182   52628   2
      .   ASP   183   183   52628   2
      .   GLU   184   184   52628   2
      .   GLU   185   185   52628   2
      .   ALA   186   186   52628   2
      .   GLU   187   187   52628   2
      .   GLU   188   188   52628   2
      .   LYS   189   189   52628   2
      .   ALA   190   190   52628   2
      .   PRO   191   191   52628   2
      .   VAL   192   192   52628   2
      .   LYS   193   193   52628   2
      .   LYS   194   194   52628   2
      .   SER   195   195   52628   2
      .   ILE   196   196   52628   2
      .   ARG   197   197   52628   2
      .   ASP   198   198   52628   2
      .   THR   199   199   52628   2
      .   PRO   200   200   52628   2
      .   ALA   201   201   52628   2
      .   LYS   202   202   52628   2
      .   ASN   203   203   52628   2
      .   ALA   204   204   52628   2
      .   GLN   205   205   52628   2
      .   LYS   206   206   52628   2
      .   SER   207   207   52628   2
      .   ASN   208   208   52628   2
      .   GLN   209   209   52628   2
      .   ASN   210   210   52628   2
      .   GLY   211   211   52628   2
      .   LYS   212   212   52628   2
      .   ASP   213   213   52628   2
      .   SER   214   214   52628   2
      .   LYS   215   215   52628   2
      .   PRO   216   216   52628   2
      .   SER   217   217   52628   2
      .   SER   218   218   52628   2
      .   THR   219   219   52628   2
      .   PRO   220   220   52628   2
      .   ARG   221   221   52628   2
      .   SER   222   222   52628   2
      .   LYS   223   223   52628   2
      .   GLY   224   224   52628   2
      .   GLN   225   225   52628   2
      .   GLU   226   226   52628   2
      .   SER   227   227   52628   2
      .   PHE   228   228   52628   2
      .   LYS   229   229   52628   2
      .   LYS   230   230   52628   2
      .   GLN   231   231   52628   2
      .   GLU   232   232   52628   2
      .   LYS   233   233   52628   2
      .   THR   234   234   52628   2
      .   PRO   235   235   52628   2
      .   LYS   236   236   52628   2
      .   THR   237   237   52628   2
      .   PRO   238   238   52628   2
      .   LYS   239   239   52628   2
      .   GLY   240   240   52628   2
      .   PRO   241   241   52628   2
      .   SER   242   242   52628   2
      .   SER   243   243   52628   2
      .   VAL   244   244   52628   2
      .   GLU   245   245   52628   2
      .   ASP   246   246   52628   2
      .   ILE   247   247   52628   2
      .   LYS   248   248   52628   2
      .   ALA   249   249   52628   2
      .   LYS   250   250   52628   2
      .   MET   251   251   52628   2
      .   GLN   252   252   52628   2
      .   ALA   253   253   52628   2
      .   SER   254   254   52628   2
      .   ILE   255   255   52628   2
      .   GLU   256   256   52628   2
      .   LYS   257   257   52628   2
      .   GLY   258   258   52628   2
      .   GLY   259   259   52628   2
      .   SER   260   260   52628   2
      .   LEU   261   261   52628   2
      .   PRO   262   262   52628   2
      .   LYS   263   263   52628   2
      .   VAL   264   264   52628   2
      .   GLU   265   265   52628   2
      .   ALA   266   266   52628   2
      .   LYS   267   267   52628   2
      .   PHE   268   268   52628   2
      .   ILE   269   269   52628   2
      .   ASN   270   270   52628   2
      .   TYR   271   271   52628   2
      .   VAL   272   272   52628   2
      .   LYS   273   273   52628   2
      .   ASN   274   274   52628   2
      .   CYS   275   275   52628   2
      .   PHE   276   276   52628   2
      .   ARG   277   277   52628   2
      .   MET   278   278   52628   2
      .   THR   279   279   52628   2
      .   ASP   280   280   52628   2
      .   GLN   281   281   52628   2
      .   GLU   282   282   52628   2
      .   ALA   283   283   52628   2
      .   ILE   284   284   52628   2
      .   GLN   285   285   52628   2
      .   ASP   286   286   52628   2
      .   LEU   287   287   52628   2
      .   TRP   288   288   52628   2
      .   GLN   289   289   52628   2
      .   TRP   290   290   52628   2
      .   ARG   291   291   52628   2
      .   LYS   292   292   52628   2
      .   SER   293   293   52628   2
      .   LEU   294   294   52628   2

    #  Natural source  #
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_category    natural_source
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_framecode   natural_source_1
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Entry_ID       52628
   _Entity_natural_src_list.ID             1


      1   1   $entity_1   .   9606   organism   .   'Homo sapiens'   Human   .   .   Eukaryota   Metazoa   Homo   sapiens   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   52628   1
      2   2   $entity_2   .   9606   organism   .   'Homo sapiens'   Human   .   .   Eukaryota   Metazoa   Homo   sapiens   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   52628   1

    #  Experimental source  #
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_category    experimental_source
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_framecode   experimental_source_1
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Entry_ID       52628
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.ID             1


      1   1   $entity_1   .   'recombinant technology'   'Escherichia coli'   .   .   .   Escherichia   coli   .   .   .   plasmid   .   .   pET28a   .   .   .   52628   1
      2   2   $entity_2   .   'recombinant technology'   'Escherichia coli'   .   .   .   Escherichia   coli   .   .   .   plasmid   .   .   pET28a   .   .   .   52628   1

#  Sample contents and methodology  #
    #  Sample description  #
   _Sample.Sf_category                      sample
   _Sample.Sf_framecode                     sample_1
   _Sample.Entry_ID                         52628
   _Sample.ID                               1
   _Sample.Name                             'p14ARF-NPM1 condensate'
   _Sample.Type                             'gel solid'
   _Sample.Sub_type                         .
   _Sample.Details                          .
   _Sample.Aggregate_sample_number          1
   _Sample.Solvent_system                   na
   _Sample.Preparation_date                 .
   _Sample.Preparation_expiration_date      .
   _Sample.Polycrystallization_protocol     .
   _Sample.Single_crystal_protocol          .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_apparatus           .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_atmosphere          .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_details             .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_method              .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_method_cit_ID       .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pH                  .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pH_range            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pressure            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_pressure_esd        .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_seeding             .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_seeding_cit_ID      .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp                .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp_details        .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_temp_esd            .
   _Sample.Crystal_grow_time                .
   _Sample.Oriented_sample_prep_protocol    .
   _Sample.Lyophilization_cryo_protectant   .
   _Sample.Storage_protocol                 .


      1   p14ARF   '[U-100% 13C; U-100% 15N]'   .   .   1   $entity_1   .   .   200   .   .   uM   .   .   .   .   52628   1
      2   NPM1     'natural abundance'          .   .   2   $entity_2   .   .   1     .   .   mM   .   .   .   .   52628   1

#  Sample conditions  #
   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_category    sample_conditions
   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_framecode   sample_conditions_1
   _Sample_condition_list.Entry_ID       52628
   _Sample_condition_list.ID             1
   _Sample_condition_list.Name           na
   _Sample_condition_list.Details        .


      pressure   1   .   atm   52628   1

#  Computer software used  #
   _Software.Sf_category    software
   _Software.Sf_framecode   software_1
   _Software.Entry_ID       52628
   _Software.ID             1
   _Software.Type           .
   _Software.Name           TOPSPIN
   _Software.Version        .
   _Software.DOI            .
   _Software.Details        .


      collection   .   52628   1

#  Experimental detail  #

    #  NMR Spectrometer definitions  #
   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_category      NMR_spectrometer
   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_framecode     NMR_spectrometer_1
   _NMR_spectrometer.Entry_ID         52628
   _NMR_spectrometer.ID               1
   _NMR_spectrometer.Name             'AVANCE NEO'
   _NMR_spectrometer.Details          .
   _NMR_spectrometer.Manufacturer     Bruker
   _NMR_spectrometer.Model            'AVANCE NEO'
   _NMR_spectrometer.Serial_number    .
   _NMR_spectrometer.Field_strength   600

    #  NMR applied experiments  #
   _Experiment_list.Sf_category    experiment_list
   _Experiment_list.Sf_framecode   experiment_list_1
   _Experiment_list.Entry_ID       52628
   _Experiment_list.ID             1
   _Experiment_list.Details        .


      1   '2D 13C-13C DARR'   no   no   no   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1   $sample_1   isotropic   .   .   1   $sample_conditions_1   .   .   .   1   $NMR_spectrometer_1   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   52628   1

#  NMR parameters  #

    #  Assigned chemical shifts  #

	#  Chemical shift referencing  #
   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_category    chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_framecode   chem_shift_reference_1
   _Chem_shift_reference.Entry_ID       52628
   _Chem_shift_reference.ID             1
   _Chem_shift_reference.Name           adamantane
   _Chem_shift_reference.Details        .


      C   13   aadamantane   'C delta'   .   .   .   .   ppm   38.5   na   direct   1   .   .   .   .   .   52628   1
      N   15   adamantane    na          .   .   .   .   ppm   0      na   direct   1   .   .   .   .   .   52628   1

     #  Assigned chemical shift lists  #

#       Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions          #
#                                                                 #
# The values other than 1 are used for those atoms with different #
# chemical shifts that cannot be assigned to stereospecific atoms #
# or to specific residues or chains.                              #
#                                                                 #
#   Index Value            Definition                             #
#                                                                 #
#      1             Unique (including isolated methyl protons,   #
#                         geminal atoms, and geminal methyl       #
#                         groups with identical chemical shifts)  #
#                         (e.g. ILE HD11, HD12, HD13 protons)     #
#      2             Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl #
#                         proton groups (e.g. ASP HB2 and HB3     #
#                         protons, LEU CD1 and CD2 carbons, or    #
#                         LEU HD11, HD12, HD13 and HD21, HD22,    #
#                         HD23 methyl protons)                    #
#      3             Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of          #
#                         symmetrical rings (e.g. TYR HE1 and HE2 #
#                         protons)                                #
#      4             Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. LYS HG and    #
#                         HD protons or TRP HZ2 and HZ3 protons)  #
#      5             Interresidue ambiguities (LYS 12 vs. LYS 27) #
#      6             Intermolecular ambiguities (e.g. ASP 31 CA   #
#                         in monomer 1 and ASP 31 CA in monomer 2 #
#                         of an asymmetrical homodimer, duplex    #
#                         DNA assignments, or other assignments   #
#                         that may apply to atoms in one or more  #
#                         molecule in the molecular assembly)     #
#      9             Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined    #
#                                                                 #
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_category                   assigned_chemical_shifts
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode                  assigned_chemical_shifts_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID                      52628
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID                            1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Name                          'p14ARF solid state assignment'
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_ID      1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_label   $sample_conditions_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_ID       1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_label    $chem_shift_reference_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_1H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_13C_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_15N_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_31P_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_2H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_19F_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Error_derivation_method       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Details                       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data_format              .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data                     .


      1   '2D 13C-13C DARR'   .   .   .   52628   1


      1   $software_1   .   .   52628   1


      1     .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   C     C   13   173.10   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   C     .   52628   1
      2     .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CA    C   13   59.04    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CA    .   52628   1
      3     .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CB    C   13   32.69    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CB    .   52628   1
      4     .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CG1   C   13   19.62    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CG1   .   52628   1
      5     .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CG2   C   13   19.62    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CG2   .   52628   1
      6     .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   C     C   13   171.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   8    THR   C     .   52628   1
      7     .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CA    C   13   60.16    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CA    .   52628   1
      8     .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CB    C   13   67.92    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CB    .   52628   1
      9     .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CG2   C   13   19.88    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CG2   .   52628   1
      10    .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   N     N   15   125.10   .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   8    THR   N     .   52628   1
      11    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   C     C   13   172.90   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   C     .   52628   1
      12    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CA    C   13   51.65    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CA    .   52628   1
      13    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CB    C   13   41.34    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CB    .   52628   1
      14    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CG    C   13   25.49    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CG    .   52628   1
      15    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   N     N   15   126.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   N     .   52628   1
      16    .   1   .   1   32   32   ARG   C     C   13   173.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   10   ARG   C     .   52628   1
      17    .   1   .   1   32   32   ARG   CA    C   13   52.82    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   10   ARG   CA    .   52628   1
      18    .   1   .   1   32   32   ARG   CB    C   13   30.21    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   10   ARG   CB    .   52628   1
      19    .   1   .   1   32   32   ARG   CD    C   13   41.91    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   10   ARG   CD    .   52628   1
      20    .   1   .   1   32   32   ARG   N     N   15   127.90   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   10   ARG   N     .   52628   1
      21    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   C     C   13   173.10   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   C     .   52628   1
      22    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   CA    C   13   58.35    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   CA    .   52628   1
      23    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   CB    C   13   37.91    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   CB    .   52628   1
      24    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   CG1   C   13   25.20    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   CG1   .   52628   1
      25    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   CG2   C   13   16.05    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   CG2   .   52628   1
      26    .   1   .   1   33   33   ILE   CD1   C   13   12.18    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   11   ILE   CD1   .   52628   1
      27    .   1   .   1   35   35   ARG   CA    C   13   52.64    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   13   ARG   CA    .   52628   1
      28    .   1   .   1   35   35   ARG   CB    C   13   29.72    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   13   ARG   CB    .   52628   1
      29    .   1   .   1   35   35   ARG   CG    C   13   25.44    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   13   ARG   CG    .   52628   1
      30    .   1   .   1   35   35   ARG   CD    C   13   41.48    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   13   ARG   CD    .   52628   1
      31    .   1   .   1   35   35   ARG   CZ    C   13   157.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   13   ARG   CZ    .   52628   1
      32    .   1   .   1   36   36   ALA   C     C   13   173.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   14   ALA   C     .   52628   1
      33    .   1   .   1   36   36   ALA   CA    C   13   48.69    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   14   ALA   CA    .   52628   1
      34    .   1   .   1   36   36   ALA   CB    C   13   16.63    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   14   ALA   CB    .   52628   1
      35    .   1   .   1   36   36   ALA   N     N   15   125.20   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   14   ALA   N     .   52628   1
      36    .   1   .   1   40   40   PRO   CA    C   13   58.97    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   18   PRO   CA    .   52628   1
      37    .   1   .   1   40   40   PRO   CB    C   13   30.12    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   18   PRO   CB    .   52628   1
      38    .   1   .   1   40   40   PRO   CG    C   13   25.25    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   18   PRO   CG    .   52628   1
      39    .   1   .   1   40   40   PRO   CD    C   13   47.74    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   18   PRO   CD    .   52628   1
      40    .   1   .   1   40   40   PRO   N     N   15   129.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   18   PRO   N     .   52628   1
      41    .   1   .   1   41   41   ARG   CA    C   13   52.24    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   19   ARG   CA    .   52628   1
      42    .   1   .   1   41   41   ARG   CD    C   13   42.33    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   19   ARG   CD    .   52628   1
      43    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   C     C   13   172.50   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   C     .   52628   1
      44    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   CA    C   13   58.98    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   CA    .   52628   1
      45    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   CB    C   13   31.97    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   CB    .   52628   1
      46    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   CG1   C   13   19.79    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   CG1   .   52628   1
      47    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   CG2   C   13   19.79    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   CG2   .   52628   1
      48    .   1   .   1   47   47   VAL   N     N   15   128.10   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   25   VAL   N     .   52628   1
      49    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CA    C   13   53.87    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CA    .   52628   1
      50    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CB    C   13   28.20    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CB    .   52628   1
      51    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CG    C   13   131.2    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CG    .   52628   1
      52    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CD2   C   13   118.00   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CD2   .   52628   1
      53    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CE1   C   13   137.4    .   .   6   1   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CE1   .   52628   1
      54    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   C     C   13   172.9    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   C     .   52628   1
      55    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   CA    C   13   55.44    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   CA    .   52628   1
      56    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   CB    C   13   36.96    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   CB    .   52628   1
      57    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   CG1   C   13   25.09    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   CG1   .   52628   1
      58    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   CG2   C   13   16.05    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   CG2   .   52628   1
      59    .   1   .   1   49   49   ILE   CD1   C   13   12.04    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   27   ILE   CD1   .   52628   1
      60    .   1   .   1   50   50   PRO   CA    C   13   61.18    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   28   PRO   CA    .   52628   1
      61    .   1   .   1   50   50   PRO   CB    C   13   30.45    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   28   PRO   CB    .   52628   1
      62    .   1   .   1   50   50   PRO   CG    C   13   25.79    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   28   PRO   CG    .   52628   1
      63    .   1   .   1   50   50   PRO   CD    C   13   49.07    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   28   PRO   CD    .   52628   1
      64    .   1   .   1   50   50   PRO   N     N   15   134.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   28   PRO   N     .   52628   1
      65    .   1   .   1   54   54   GLY   CA    C   13   40.95    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   32   GLY   CA    .   52628   1
      66    .   1   .   1   55   55   GLU   C     C   13   173.90   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   33   GLU   C     .   52628   1
      67    .   1   .   1   55   55   GLU   CA    C   13   55.94    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   33   GLU   CA    .   52628   1
      68    .   1   .   1   55   55   GLU   CB    C   13   27.76    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   33   GLU   CB    .   52628   1
      69    .   1   .   1   55   55   GLU   CG    C   13   34.42    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   33   GLU   CG    .   52628   1
      70    .   1   .   1   55   55   GLU   CD    C   13   181.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   33   GLU   CD    .   52628   1
      71    .   1   .   1   57   57   ALA   C     C   13   176.00   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   35   ALA   C     .   52628   1
      72    .   1   .   1   57   57   ALA   CA    C   13   50.97    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   35   ALA   CA    .   52628   1
      73    .   1   .   1   57   57   ALA   CB    C   13   17.54    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   35   ALA   CB    .   52628   1
      74    .   1   .   1   59   59   PRO   C     C   13   174.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   37   PRO   C     .   52628   1
      75    .   1   .   1   59   59   PRO   CA    C   13   60.99    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   37   PRO   CA    .   52628   1
      76    .   1   .   1   59   59   PRO   CB    C   13   30.03    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   37   PRO   CB    .   52628   1
      77    .   1   .   1   59   59   PRO   CG    C   13   25.45    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   37   PRO   CG    .   52628   1
      78    .   1   .   1   59   59   PRO   CD    C   13   48.64    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   37   PRO   CD    .   52628   1
      79    .   1   .   1   60   60   GLY   C     C   13   171.90   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   38   GLY   C     .   52628   1
      80    .   1   .   1   60   60   GLY   CA    C   13   43.17    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   38   GLY   CA    .   52628   1
      81    .   1   .   1   60   60   GLY   N     N   15   110.00   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   38   GLY   N     .   52628   1
      82    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   C     C   13   175.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   C     .   52628   1
      83    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   CA    C   13   64.76    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   CA    .   52628   1
      84    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   CB    C   13   29.33    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   CB    .   52628   1
      85    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   CG1   C   13   19.84    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   CG1   .   52628   1
      86    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   CG2   C   13   19.84    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   CG2   .   52628   1
      87    .   1   .   1   65   65   VAL   N     N   15   118.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   43   VAL   N     .   52628   1
      88    .   1   .   1   66   66   ALA   C     C   13   176.50   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   44   ALA   C     .   52628   1
      89    .   1   .   1   66   66   ALA   CA    C   13   53.27    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   44   ALA   CA    .   52628   1
      90    .   1   .   1   66   66   ALA   CB    C   13   16.43    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   44   ALA   CB    .   52628   1
      91    .   1   .   1   66   66   ALA   N     N   15   122.00   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   44   ALA   N     .   52628   1
      92    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   C     C   13   176.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   C     .   52628   1
      93    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   CA    C   13   55.77    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   CA    .   52628   1
      94    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   CB    C   13   39.91    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   CB    .   52628   1
      95    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   CG    C   13   24.76    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   CG    .   52628   1
      96    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   CD1   C   13   21.62    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   CD1   .   52628   1
      97    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   CD2   C   13   21.62    .   .   2   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   CD2   .   52628   1
      98    .   1   .   1   67   67   LEU   N     N   15   122.60   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   45   LEU   N     .   52628   1
      99    .   1   .   1   71   71   LEU   C     C   13   177.70   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   49   LEU   C     .   52628   1
      100   .   1   .   1   71   71   LEU   CA    C   13   55.88    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   49   LEU   CA    .   52628   1
      101   .   1   .   1   71   71   LEU   CB    C   13   39.79    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   49   LEU   CB    .   52628   1
      102   .   1   .   1   72   72   LEU   CA    C   13   55.90    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   50   LEU   CA    .   52628   1
      103   .   1   .   1   72   72   LEU   CB    C   13   39.75    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   50   LEU   CB    .   52628   1
      104   .   1   .   1   72   72   LEU   CG    C   13   24.94    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   50   LEU   CG    .   52628   1
      105   .   1   .   1   72   72   LEU   N     N   15   120.00   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   50   LEU   N     .   52628   1
      106   .   1   .   1   74   74   SER   CA    C   13   56.63    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   52   SER   CA    .   52628   1
      107   .   1   .   1   74   74   SER   CB    C   13   61.91    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   52   SER   CB    .   52628   1
      108   .   1   .   1   75   75   GLN   CA    C   13   53.17    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   53   GLN   CA    .   52628   1
      109   .   1   .   1   75   75   GLN   CB    C   13   27.45    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   53   GLN   CB    .   52628   1
      110   .   1   .   1   75   75   GLN   CG    C   13   31.87    .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   53   GLN   CG    .   52628   1
      111   .   1   .   1   75   75   GLN   CD    C   13   178.10   .   .   1   .   .   .   .   .   53   GLN   CD    .   52628   1

   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_category                   assigned_chemical_shifts
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode                  assigned_chemical_shifts_2
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID                      52628
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID                            2
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Name                          'p14ARF solid state assignment'
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_ID      1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_label   $sample_conditions_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_ID       1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_label    $chem_shift_reference_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_1H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_13C_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_15N_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_31P_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_2H_err             .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_19F_err            .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Error_derivation_method       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Details                       .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data_format              .
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Text_data                     .


      1   '2D 13C-13C DARR'   .   .   .   52628   2


      1   $software_1   .   .   52628   2


      1    .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CA    C   13   58.71   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CA    .   52628   2
      2    .   1   .   1   29   29   VAL   CB    C   13   31.68   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   7    VAL   CB    .   52628   2
      3    .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CA    C   13   58.80   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CA    .   52628   2
      4    .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CB    C   13   80.35   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CB    .   52628   2
      5    .   1   .   1   30   30   THR   CG2   C   13   19.58   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   8    THR   CG2   .   52628   2
      6    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CA    C   13   52.70   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CA    .   52628   2
      7    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CB    C   13   41.70   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CB    .   52628   2
      8    .   1   .   1   31   31   LEU   CG    C   13   25.45   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   9    LEU   CG    .   52628   2
      9    .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CG    C   13   129.3   .   .   6   2   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CG    .   52628   2
      10   .   1   .   1   48   48   HIS   CE1   C   13   135.5   .   .   6   3   .   .   .   .   26   HIS   CE1   .   52628   2