## 8DEMOS: MigrateFromDyanaCyana1 - Migrate data from Cyana 1.x or Dyana ## ## Conversion of data files from standard Cyana 1.x or Dyana nomenclature to ## the standard IUPAC nomenclature used by Cyana. The standard three-letter ## code names ASP, ARG, GLU and LYS in Cyana correspond to the charged forms ## of these amino acid residues, which were named ASP-, ARG+, GLU- and LYS+, ## respectively, in the standard Cyana 1.x or Dyana library. ## ## Demo files: ## Input: demo-dyana.seq, demo-dyana.upl, demo-dyana.aco ## Output: demo-cyana.seq, demo-cyana.upl, demo-cyana.aco ## ## IUPAC nomenclature: Markley et al. (1998) Eur. J. Biochem. 256, 1-15. read seq noe.seq translate dyana # use Cyana 1.x/Dyana nomenclature #read seq ./noedya.seq # read sequence from Cyana 1.x/Dyana #read upl found.upl unknown=warn # read upper distance limits from Cyana 1.x/Dyana #read aco found.aco unknown=warn # read angle restraints from Cyana 1.x/Dyana #read aco talos.aco read prot noeall.prot translate off # return to standard (IUPAC) nomenclature #write sr115c.seq # save sequence in standard Cyana format write prot noec.prot atomsw write prot noec_sw.prot #write upl found-cyana.upl # save upper distance limits in standard Cyana format #write aco talos_c.aco #write aco found-cyana.aco # save angle restraints in standard Cyana format