Description | The organ of a higher organism where the biopolymer is found in nature. |
Details: | |
Parent saveframe | natural_source |
Data type | line |
Common values | aciniform gland antennae aorta blood brain breast cardiac skeletal muscle duodendum egg white electric organ endoskeleton eye fruit heamolymph heart hepatopancreas ileum intestine jejunum kidney leaf liver lung mucous epithelium na oocyte oral mucosa submandibular-sublingual glands pancreas placenta salivary glands seed seminal vesicles skeletal muscle skin small intestine stomach telson testicle thymus ubiquitous venom gland vulva |
DB table | Entity_natural_src |
DB column | Organ |
DB type | VARCHAR(127) |
NULL allowed | yes |
ADIT-NMR deposition system prompt | Organ |