Tag category Dist_constraint_value
Key tags (columns):
Tags in table Dist_constraint_value:
Tag | Description | data type | Mandatory |
Constraint_ID | Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Constraint_ID' | int | yes |
Distance_constraint_list_ID | Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' | int | yes |
Distance_lower_bound_val | The value of the lower bound for the distance constraint. | float | |
Distance_upper_bound_val | The value of the upper bound for the distance constraint. | float | |
Distance_val | A single value assigned to the distance constraint. | float | |
Entry_ID | Pointer to '_Entry.ID' | code | yes |
Intensity_lower_val_err | Intensity lower val err | float | |
Intensity_upper_val_err | Intensity upper val err | float | |
Intensity_val | Intensity val | float | |
Sf_ID | Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.Sf_ID' | int | yes |
Source_experiment_ID | Pointer to '_Experiment.ID'. This value links the reported constraint to the experiment used to derive the data used to define the constraint. | int | |
Spectral_peak_ID | Pointer to '_Peak.ID' | int | |
Spectral_peak_list_ID | Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' | int | |
Tree_node_ID | Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Node_ID' | int | yes |