Tag category Conformer_family_coord_set
Key tags (columns):
Tags in table Conformer_family_coord_set:
Tag | Description | data type | Mandatory |
Atom_site_ordered_flag_desc | A brief description of the method used to derive the reported ordered flag for the atomic coordinates. | text | |
Atom_site_uncertainty_desc | A brief description of the method used to derive the reported uncertainties in the atomic coordinates. | text | |
Constraints_PDB_file_ID | Name of the file containing the constraints used to calculate the conformers. Obsolete tag. | code | |
Details | Additional information describing interesting features of the conformer ensemble and its derivation can be entered in this field. | text | |
Entry_ID | Pointer to '_Entry.ID' | code | yes |
File_name | Name of the file containing the atomic coordinates. | line | |
ID | An integer value that uniquely identifies this save frame of conformer family atomic coordinate set from other save frames of this category in an entry. | int | yes |
Name | A name assigned to the save frame. | line | |
PDB_accession_code | Accession code for the PDB entry from which the conformer family atomic coordinate set was extracted. | code | |
Sample_condition_list_ID | Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' | int | yes |
Sample_condition_list_label | Enter the label assigned to a set of sample conditions in the section above. A pull down list of possible sample conditions labels should be available for selection. | framecode | yes |
Sf_category | Category definition for the information content of the save frame | code | yes |
Sf_framecode | A label for the save frame that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the save frame. | framecode | yes |
Sf_ID | An interger value that is the unique identifier for the save frame that applies across the archive. This value is not stable and may be reassigned each time the data are loaded into a database system. | int | yes |