Assigned Chemical Shift File Help

Resources for helping to generate NMR-STAR 3.2 chemical shift tables

Although complete NMR-STAR 3.2 files, which may contain more information than just assigned chemical shifts, are accepted, this page only documents how to create a file that contains just a NMR-STAR 3.2 assigned chemical shift loop.
  • Star Conversion Handler (STARch): A tool for converting some common software packages' data files into NMR-STAR 3.2 loops.
  • Atom Table generator: A tool for creating an initial stub chemical shift table given a biopolymer sequence string, which is then ready to have the chemical shift values populated into it.

Example Assigned Chemical Shifts

The assigned chemical shifts loop is a table of data in an ASCII file that must fit the following format. (See the section below inside the boxes for examples.)
  • Whitespace separates terms. Spaces and tabs are treated as equivalent. To include a space in a value, the value must be in quotes (".. ..").
  • The keyword loop_ begins the table. The keyword stop_ ends the table. The stop_ at the end of the loop is optional.
  • The table begins with a list of the header tags defining the columns. Columns can be in any order, but the header tags must be there to define which column is which. The first header tag in the list defines the first column of data that will appear below in the table. The second header tag in the list defines the second column of data, and so on.
  • Header tag names must start with an underscore character ('_'). If the underscore is left off, it will look like a value and will be misinterpreted to be the start of the data for the table.
  • Use the exact tag names as described in the examples below - spelled as shown, capitalized as shown.
  • The list of columns must match the data in the table. For example, if there are 10 columns in the data, but 11 header tags, this will generate an error.
  • Every row of data must have the same number of values. If a particular value is not populated for some rows of data, then you must use a period character (.) in that column to indicate a null value for that row for that column. If you leave that value blank, then the mismatch between the header and the data will generate an error.
  • The "Ambiguity_code" column is filled with a number describing the type of ambiguity there is for this row of data. The numerical codes are defined below.
            Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions

            The values other than 1 are used for those atoms with different
            chemical shifts that cannot be assigned to stereospecific atoms
            or to specific residues or chains.

            Index Value            Definition

            1             Unique (including isolated methyl protons, geminal atoms, and geminal methyl
            groups with identical chemical shifts) (e.g. ILE HD11, HD12, HD13 protons)

            2             Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl proton groups (e.g. ASP HB2 and HB3
            protons, LEU CD1 and CD2 carbons, or LEU HD11, HD12, HD13 and HD21, HD22,
            HD23 methyl protons)

            3             Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of symmetrical rings (e.g. TYR HE1 and HE2

            4             Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. LYS HG and HD protons or TRP HZ2 and HZ3 protons)

            5             Interresidue ambiguities (LYS 12 vs. LYS 27)

            6             Intermolecular ambiguities (e.g. ASP 31 CA in monomer 1 and ASP 31 CA in monomer 2
            of an asymmetrical homodimer, duplex DNA assignments, or other assignments
            that may apply to atoms in one or more molecule in the molecular assembly)

            9             Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined


    #  Everything from a hash-character ('#') to the end of a line is
    #  a comment that is ignored.  This is an example of a comment.

    _Atom_chem_shift.ID                    # Row number
    _Atom_chem_shift.Entity_assembly_ID    # Defines the polymer chain
    _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_index_ID         # Residue number
    _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_ID               # Residue label
    _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_ID               # Atom name
    _Atom_chem_shift.Ambiguity_code       # For the meaning of this , see above.

    #      Entity  Comp                     Atom                   Assign. Atom
    #     Assembly index Comp   Atom  Atom  isot.             Val  fig. of Ambig.
    #  ID    ID    ID    ID     ID    type  num        Val    err  merit   code

    1     1     1    GLY    HA2     H     1      4.065    0.02    .    2
    2     1     1    GLY    HA3     H     1      4.192    0.02    .    2
    3     1     1    GLY    CA      C    13     44.876    0.30    .    1
    4     1     2    SER    H       H     1      8.933    0.02    .    1
    5     1     2    SER    HA      H     1      4.653    0.02    .    1
    6     1     2    SER    HB2     H     1      4.057    0.02    .    2
    7     1     2    SER    HB3     H     1      4.071    0.02    .    2
    8     1     2    SER    C       C    13    175.530    0.30    .    1
    9     1     2    SER    CA      C    13     57.162    0.30    .    1
    10     1     2    SER    CB      C    13     65.356    0.30    .    1
    11     1     2    SER    N       N    15    118.407    0.30    .    1

    stop_  # This marks the end of the table.

    # ---- (This example only shows the first two residues in the list.) ---

However, not every column is mandatory as BMRB can fill in some of them by inference during annotation. Below is an example of a minimal chemical shifts file with some of the columns left out, which would be accepted by the BMRBdep system:

EXAMPLE 2: Minimal example with some optional tags left off.

    # A Minimal example with some optional columns removed

    1  1  1  GLY  HA2  1    4.065  0.02
    2  1  1  GLY  HA3  1    4.192  0.02
    3  1  1  GLY  CA  13   44.876  0.30
    4  1  2  SER  H    1    8.933  0.02
    5  1  2  SER  HA   1    4.653  0.02
    6  1  2  SER  HB2  1    4.057  0.02
    7  1  2  SER  HB3  1    4.071  0.02
    8  1  2  SER  C   13  175.530  0.30
    9  1  2  SER  CA  13   57.162  0.30
    10  1  2  SER  CB  13   65.356  0.30
    11  1  2  SER  N   15  118.407  0.30
